Fly! II
Fly! II is a virtual flight simulator
Flight simulator
A flight simulator is a device that artificially re-creates aircraft flight and various aspects of the flight environment. This includes the equations that govern how aircraft fly, how they react to applications of their controls and other aircraft systems, and how they react to the external...

 developed by Terminal Reality
Terminal Reality
Terminal Reality is a video game development and production company based in Lewisville, Texas. Founded in 1994 by ex-Microsoft employee Mark Randel and former Mallard Software general manager Brett Combs, Terminal Reality develops a variety of games including racing games , 3D action games , and...

 and released on April 26, 2001, by Gathering
Gathering of Developers
Gathering of Developers was a Texas-based PC and video games publishing company, founded in January 1998 with the mission to bridge the gap between publishers and independent game developers, allowing independent developers creative control over their projects, ownership of their IP, and...

. It is a sequel to Fly!
Fly! is a flight simulator for PC and Apple Macintosh computers developed by Terminal Reality and published by Gathering of Developers. It included simulation of air traffic control features as well as aircraft's on-board systems, and was acclaimed for its highly detailed fully working interactive...

 and Fly! 2k.

While it had a promising flight model and a unique approach to the cockpit panel system, the lack of default scenery and program bugs kept the simulator from reaching the popularity of Microsoft's flight sim.
Microsoft Flight Simulator
Microsoft Flight Simulator is a series of flight simulator programs for the Microsoft Windows operating system, although it was marketed as a video game. It is one of the longest-running, best-known and most comprehensive home flight simulator series...

  Nevertheless Fly! II gained a steady fan base which can be attested to by the fact that fan add-ons to the simulator are still made on an almost daily basis, even though the sim was released in 2001.


The scenery in Fly! II is limited to a few detailed areas with the remainder of the world generically rendered. The result is missing rivers, roads and other visual references used in Visual Flights
Visual flight rules
Visual flight rules are a set of regulations which allow a pilot to operate an aircraft in weather conditions generally clear enough to allow the pilot to see where the aircraft is going. Specifically, the weather must be better than basic VFR weather minimums, as specified in the rules of the...

in most areas. To compensate for this a scenery tool called TerraScene was released by a separate company so that the end user can make the scenery for any desired location. This tool is not overly user friendly and requires some knowledge of files.


Thought to be the strongest feature of Fly! II, the aircraft panels are quite a bit larger than similar flight sims and require scrolling to view in their entirety. This leads to very detailed and easy to read panels, but also a strange visual effect when the panel scrolls but the outside view does not.

External links

The source of this article is wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.  The text of this article is licensed under the GFDL.