Fixed sign
The four fixed signs of the Zodiac
In astronomy, the zodiac is a circle of twelve 30° divisions of celestial longitude which are centred upon the ecliptic: the apparent path of the Sun across the celestial sphere over the course of the year...

  • Taurus
    Taurus (astrology)
    Taurus is the second astrological sign in the Zodiac, which spans the zodiac between the 30th and 59th degree of celestial longitude. Generally, the Sun transits this area of the zodiac between April 21 to May 21 each year...

     () : - spring in northern hemisphere and autumn in southern hemisphere.

  • Leo
    Leo (astrology)
    Leo is the fifth astrological sign of the Zodiac, originating from the constellation of Leo. In astrology, Leo is considered to be a "masculine", positive sign. It is also considered a fire sign and is one of four fixed signs ruled by the Sun.Individuals born when the Sun is in this sign are...

     () : - summer in northern hemisphere and winter in southern hemisphere.

  • Scorpio
    Scorpio (astrology)
    |Infobox align="right" style="border:3px solid white;"||style="text-align: center;"|Scorpio is the eighth astrological sign in the Zodiac, which spans the zodiac between the 210th and 239th degree of celestial longitude. Generally, the Sun transits this area of the zodiac between 24 October and...

     () : - autumn in northern hemisphere and spring in southern hemisphere.

  • Aquarius () : - winter in northern hemisphere and summer in southern hemisphere.
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