First Lady of Paraguay
First Lady of the Nation (officially in Spanish Primera Dama de la Nación) is the official post of the spouse (or designated person) of the President of Paraguay
President of Paraguay
The President of Paraguay is according to the Paraguayan Constitution the Chief of the Executive branch of the Government of Paraguay...

. The official workplace of the Paraguayan First Lady is Mburuvichá Róga
Mburuvichá Roga
thumb|300px|right|.Residencia Presidencial Mburuvichá Róga is a building in Asuncion, Paraguay, that serves as the official residence for the President and First Lady of Paraguay, and is also the official headquarters of the Office of the First Lady of the Nation.The complex was built in 1930, and...



According to Paraguayan law, the Office of the First Lady of the Nation depends structurally and financially on the Presidency of the Republic. The First Lady exercises her duties through the REPADEH (Red Paraguaya para el Desarrollo Humano) Foundation, focused mainly in social and health affairs.

The current First Lady is Mercedes Lugo de Maidana, sister of President Fernando Lugo
Fernando Lugo
Fernando Armindo Lugo Méndez is the current President of Paraguay and a former Roman Catholic bishop of the Diocese of San Pedro.-Early life:...

, designated First Lady, since Lugo, a laicized Roman Catholic priest, has no spouse.

External links

Office of the First Lady of the Nation - Republic of Paraguay Review of the Office of the First Lady of the Nation - Republic of Paraguay
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