Finesti is a Luxembourg-based company that carries out collection, management and dissemination of data and documents related to investment funds. It also provides general consultation products and services in order to facilitate public access to investment fund information.

The majority of the information on investment funds that is collected and disseminated by Finesti is derived from Luxembourg-domiciled funds, although it is also active in collecting data and documents from funds in other European countries. As at December 2008, its database contained data and documents on around 31,000 share classes of investment funds.

Data and documents are collected from fund administrators and promoters. They are then repackaged into dissemination products for data vendors and other users of bulk data. Information collected is also made available on its website.

Company History and Organisation

The company was created in April 1995, as CCLux (Centrale de Communications Luxembourg S.A.), by the Association of the Luxembourg Fund Industry (ALFI)
Association of the Luxembourg Fund Industry (ALFI)
The Association of the Luxembourg Fund Industry is non-profit-making association that is the representative body of the Luxembourg investment fund community. Created in 1988, ALFI is a member of EFAMA, the European Fund and Asset Management Association and IIFA, the International Investment Funds...

, the Luxembourg Stock Exchange
Luxembourg Stock Exchange
The Luxembourg Stock Exchange is a stock exchange based in Luxembourg City, in southern Luxembourg.The Exchange is located on avenue de la Porte-Neuve,...

 and around thirty Luxembourg financial institutions. It become a wholly owned subsidiary of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange
Luxembourg Stock Exchange
The Luxembourg Stock Exchange is a stock exchange based in Luxembourg City, in southern Luxembourg.The Exchange is located on avenue de la Porte-Neuve,...

 in May 2002.

On 28 January 2009, it changed its name to Finesti. It shares infrastructure and resources with the Luxembourg Stock Exchange
Luxembourg Stock Exchange
The Luxembourg Stock Exchange is a stock exchange based in Luxembourg City, in southern Luxembourg.The Exchange is located on avenue de la Porte-Neuve,...

 and, in particular, it shares a secure transmission platform, known as

Collection Platforms

The platform is used for transmission of fund regulatory reports and other fund documents, such as prospectuses and annual and semi-annual reports, to the Luxembourg financial regulator, the CSSF, and the Central Bank of Luxembourg. Finesti has been mandated by these authorities to provide these services.

In addition to this platform, it also runs an in-house collection platform, known as the Finesti Station, for the collection of other types of data from investment fund administrators.


Finesti and a Danish company called FundConnect have been mandated by the European Fund and Asset Management Association (EFAMA) to be joint Classification Administrators of its European Fund Classification (EFC) with the mission to implement the EFC on a pan-European basis.

The company is also active in the provision of Fund Processing Passport
Fund Processing Passport
The Fund Processing Passport , developed by , is a fully harmonized document with all the key "operational" information that fund promoters should provide on their investment funds in order to facilitate their trading.-Definition:...

s, short full harmonized documents containing all key operational information to facilitate investment fund processing within Europe.

Finesti also provides data services for the Luxembourg Fund Labelling Agency (LuxFLAG)
Luxembourg Fund Labelling Agency (LuxFLAG)
- About LuxFLAG :The LUXEMBOURG FUND LABELLING AGENCY is an independent, non profit making, association created in Luxembourg in July 2006 by seven founding partners who are the Charter Members....

, an organisation providing information on microfinance investment vehicles.

External links

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