Filippo Massaroni
Filippo Massaroni was an Italian bodybuilder. In his career he has won the championship title amateur NABBA
National Amateur Bodybuilders Association
The National Amateur Bodybuilders Association is an organisation founded in 1950 to promote bodybuilding, originally just for the United Kingdom. The first contest it organised was the NABBA Mr. Universe which was held on 24 June 1950 and won by Steve Reeves...

, Mr Universe
AAU Mr. Universe
The AAU Mr. Universe was a bodybuilding contest organised by the American Amateur Athletic Union . Of all the "Mr. Universe" contests, it was the only one officially sanctioned by the International Weightlifting Federation . Anyone who competed in the NABBA Mr. Universe or IFBB Mr. Universe was not...

 in 1981 .


After finishing his career as an athlete has become the national president of the National Amateur Bodybuilders Association
National Amateur Bodybuilders Association
The National Amateur Bodybuilders Association is an organisation founded in 1950 to promote bodybuilding, originally just for the United Kingdom. The first contest it organised was the NABBA Mr. Universe which was held on 24 June 1950 and won by Steve Reeves...



  • Mr Italy, 3°

  • European Championships - NABBA (Medium), 4°
  • European Championships - WABBA (Medium), 4°

  • World Championships - WABBA (Medium), 2°

  • Mr. Universe
    AAU Mr. Universe
    The AAU Mr. Universe was a bodybuilding contest organised by the American Amateur Athletic Union . Of all the "Mr. Universe" contests, it was the only one officially sanctioned by the International Weightlifting Federation . Anyone who competed in the NABBA Mr. Universe or IFBB Mr. Universe was not...

     - NABBA (Medium), 2°

  • Mr. Universe
    AAU Mr. Universe
    The AAU Mr. Universe was a bodybuilding contest organised by the American Amateur Athletic Union . Of all the "Mr. Universe" contests, it was the only one officially sanctioned by the International Weightlifting Federation . Anyone who competed in the NABBA Mr. Universe or IFBB Mr. Universe was not...

     - NABBA (Medium), 1°

  • Mr. Universe
    Universe Championships
    The Universe Championships are an annual bodybuilding event organised by the National Amateur Bodybuilders Association . It has a number of competitions: NABBA Amateur Mr. Universe, Miss Figure, and Miss Toned Figure....

     - Pro - NABBA, 2°
  • Championships - NABBA (Professional), 2°
  • World Championships - WABBA (Professional), 5°

  • Mr. Universe
    Universe Championships
    The Universe Championships are an annual bodybuilding event organised by the National Amateur Bodybuilders Association . It has a number of competitions: NABBA Amateur Mr. Universe, Miss Figure, and Miss Toned Figure....

     - Pro - NABBA, 4°

External links

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