Figure-of-eight loop
A figure-eight loop is a type of knot
A knot is a method of fastening or securing linear material such as rope by tying or interweaving. It may consist of a length of one or several segments of rope, string, webbing, twine, strap, or even chain interwoven such that the line can bind to itself or to some other object—the "load"...

 created by a loop
Loop (knot)
In reference to knots, loop may refer to:* One of the fundamental structures used to tie knots. Specifically, it is a full circle formed by passing the working end over itself.* A type of knot used to create a closed circle in a line....

 on the bight. It is used in climbing
Climbing is the activity of using one's hands and feet to ascend a steep object. It is done both for recreation and professionally, as part of activities such as maintenance of a structure, or military operations.Climbing activities include:* Bouldering: Ascending boulders or small...

 and caving
Caving—also occasionally known as spelunking in the United States and potholing in the United Kingdom—is the recreational pastime of exploring wild cave systems...

 where rope strains are light to moderate and for decorative purposes.

The double figure eight is used to put a loop in the end of a rope, or around an object. It is relatively easy to tie and is secure, but can become difficult to untie after heavy loading, and can jam badly in any rope type.

Tying methods

One can easily make a loop using a double figure eight knot by doubling the rope, then tying the standard figure-of-eight knot. If the loop has to be made around a post or through a ring, and only one end of the rope is available, the follow-through (also known as the re-threaded) method is used by tying a loose figure eight knot in the rope, then putting the working end around the object. The working end is retraced through the original figure eight knot to form a double figure eight.

The follow-through method is used when the knot must be tied around an object that cannot easily have a loop slipped over it. In particular, it is used to attach a rope
A rope is a length of fibres, twisted or braided together to improve strength for pulling and connecting. It has tensile strength but is too flexible to provide compressive strength...

 to a climbing harness
Climbing harness
A climbing harness is a piece of equipment used in certain types of rock-climbing, abseiling or other activities requiring the use of ropes to provide access or safety...

. The double bowline
Double bowline
A double bowline is a type of loop knot. Instead of the single turn of the regular bowline, the double bowline uses a round turn. This forms a more secure loop than a standard bowline...

 accomplishes the same task, can be tied faster, and does not jam however the figure eight is easier to teach to beginners and quickly verify that it has been tied correctly.

See also

  • Figure-of-eight knot
  • Figure-of-nine loop
    Figure-of-nine loop
    The figure-of-nine loop is a type of knot to form a fixed loop in a rope. Tied in the bight, it is made similarly to a figure-of-eight loop but with an extra half-turn before finishing the knot....

  • List of knots

External links

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