Fifty Golden Nursery Rhymes
Fifty Golden Nursery Rhymes was released in 1985 under Fable Records on 33 rpm vinyl record. This album has had a "checkered career"
having been passed through various companies it is now owned by Franciscus Henri Productions Pty Ltd on behalf of the artist - the album is currently not released.
having been passed through various companies it is now owned by Franciscus Henri Productions Pty Ltd on behalf of the artist - the album is currently not released.
Track listing
- Humpty Dumpty / The Grand Old Duke Of York / London Bridge Is Falling Down
- Little Bo Peep / Mary Had A Little Lamb / Baa Baa Black Sheep
- Twinkle Twinkle Little Star / Wee Willy Winky
- Aiken Drum
- Oranges And Lemons
- Little Miss Muffet / Ipsy Wipsy Spider / It's Raining It's Pouring
- Jack And Jill / Old Mother Hubbard / Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone?
- Rub A Dub Dub / Row, Row, Row, Your Boat / Barnacle Bill The Sailor / I Saw A Ship
- Cock A Doodle Doo!
- Six Little Ducks / Hickety Pickety My Black Hen / Goosey Goosey Gander
- See Saw Marjorie Daw / Rock A Bye Baby
- Yankee Doodle
- Hickory Dickory Dock / Three Blind Mice / Ring A Ring A Roses
- Sing A Song Of Sixpence / Old King Cole / I'm The King Of The Castle
- Muffin Man / Pat-A-Cake / Simple Simon / Pop Goes The Weasel
- I Love Little Pussy / Three Little Kittens
- Hey Diddle Diddle / Pussy Cat Pussy Cat
- I Have A Dolly / Polly Put The Kettle On / Miss Polly Had A Dolly / Hush Little Baby / Ladybird, Ladybird
- To Market, To Market / This Little Piggy / Tom, Tom, The Piper's Son
- There Was A Crooked Man
- There Was An Old Woman Who Lived In A Shoe / Boys And Girls Come Out To Play / Georgie Porgie / Little Jack Horner
- I Had A Little Nut Tree / Here We Go 'Round The Mulberry Bush / Mary, Mary Quite Contrary