Ferruginol is a natural phenol and a meroterpene (a chemical compound containing a terpenoid substructure) that has been isolated from the needles of the redwood Sequoia sempervirens. The terpenoid part is a diterpene
Diterpenes are a type of terpenes composed of four isoprene units. They derive from geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate. Diterpenes form the basis for biologically important compounds such as retinol, retinal, and phytol...

 of the abietane
Abietane is a diterpene that forms the structural basis for a variety of natural chemical compounds such as abietic acid, carnosic acid, and ferruginol which are collectively known as abietanes or abietane diterpenes....

 chemical class.

Research published in 2005 found that this and other compound of the class from Sequoia have anti-tumor properties, and showed in vitro
In vitro
In vitro refers to studies in experimental biology that are conducted using components of an organism that have been isolated from their usual biological context in order to permit a more detailed or more convenient analysis than can be done with whole organisms. Colloquially, these experiments...

human colon, breast, and lung tumor reduction and reduction in oncogene
An oncogene is a gene that has the potential to cause cancer. In tumor cells, they are often mutated or expressed at high levels.An oncogene is a gene found in the chromosomes of tumor cells whose activation is associated with the initial and continuing conversion of normal cells into cancer...

 transformed cells as well. Specific activity of tumor growth inhibition
Growth inhibition
Growth inhibition is a medical term pertaining to cancer therapy and the specific reduction in growth of tumors and oncogene cells by a chemical compound, mechanical therapy , radiation, gene therapy, protein therapy, ultrasound waves, light, or other treatment...

(GI) is 2-5 micrograms/milliliter.

Ferruginol has also been found to have antibacterial activity. Gastroprotective effects of ferruginol have also been noted.
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