Felix Lopez
Felix "the cat" Lopez is currently a Senior Vice President with the New York Yankees
New York Yankees
The New York Yankees are a professional baseball team based in the The Bronx, New York. They compete in Major League Baseball in the American League's East Division...

. His wife, Jessica, is owner George Steinbrenner's
George Steinbrenner
George Michael Steinbrenner III was an American businessman who was the principal owner and managing partner of Major League Baseball's New York Yankees. During Steinbrenner's 37-year ownership from 1973 to his death in July 2010, the longest in club history, the Yankees earned seven World Series...

 daughter. He met Jessica while doing landscaping work on her lawn. Known as "Felix the Cat" by the staff at Legends Field
Legends Field
George M. Steinbrenner Field , is a baseball stadium located in Tampa, Florida across Dale Mabry Highway from Raymond James Stadium, home of the National Football League's Tampa Bay Buccaneers. The ballpark was built in 1996 and holds almost 11,000 people with an addition in right field built in...

, the team's Spring Training complex, his primary responsibility entails overseeing construction of the Legends Field elevator. Felix has three children (Felix "the cat" Lopez III, Jessica Lopez, and Vanessa Lopez) in his prior marriage. Felix is also a part of the Board of Directors with the New York Yankees.
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