Fejervarya orissaensis
Fejervarya orissaensis is a species of frog
Frogs are amphibians in the order Anura , formerly referred to as Salientia . Most frogs are characterized by a short body, webbed digits , protruding eyes and the absence of a tail...

 widely distributed in Orissa
Orissa , officially Odisha since Nov 2011, is a state of India, located on the east coast of India, by the Bay of Bengal. It is the modern name of the ancient nation of Kalinga, which was invaded by the Maurya Emperor Ashoka in 261 BC. The modern state of Orissa was established on 1 April...

in eastern India. It has been recorded at elevations between 100 and 500m and is generally associated with grasslands and agricultural areas. There is little information available on breeding biology or larval ecology.


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