Federació Catalana d'Escoltisme i Guiatge
The Federació Catalana d'Escoltisme i Guiatge (FCEG, Catalan Federation of the Scout and Guide Movement) is a federation of three Scout
Scouting, also known as the Scout Movement, is a worldwide youth movement with the stated aim of supporting young people in their physical, mental and spiritual development, that they may play constructive roles in society....

 and Guide
Girl Guides
A Guide, Girl Guide or Girl Scout is a member of a section of some Guiding organisations who is between the ages of 10 and 14. Age limits are different in each organisation. It is the female-centred equivalent of the Scouts. The term Girl Scout is used in the United States and several East Asian...

 associations in Catalonia
Catalonia is an autonomous community in northeastern Spain, with the official status of a "nationality" of Spain. Catalonia comprises four provinces: Barcelona, Girona, Lleida, and Tarragona. Its capital and largest city is Barcelona. Catalonia covers an area of 32,114 km² and has an...

. It is an associated member of the Federación de Escultismo en España
Federación de Escultismo en España
Spain has 53,184 Scouts served by Federación de Escultismo en España , a federation of several organizations...

 (FEE) and a full member of the Comité de Enlace del Guidismo en España
Comité de Enlace del Guidismo en España
The Comité de Enlace del Guidismo en España is the Spanish national Guiding association. Guiding was introduced to Spain in 1929. The Comité de Enlace del Guidismo en España became a full member of World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts in 1969...

 (CEGE). Through FEE and CEGE it ensures the memberships of the Catalan Scout and Guide associations in the World Organization of the Scout Movement
World Organization of the Scout Movement
The World Organization of the Scout Movement is the Non-governmental international organization which governs most national Scout Organizations, with 31 million members. WOSM was established in 1920, and has its headquarters at Geneva, Switzerland...

 and the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts
World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts
The World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts is a global association supporting the female-oriented and female-only Scouting organizations in 145 countries. It was established in 1928 and has its headquarters in London, England. It is the counterpart of the World Organization of the Scout...


Members of the FCEG are:
  • the Acció Escolta de Catalunya (AE, interreligious, coeducational; WOSM-affiliation only), also affiliated to the Federación de Asociaciones de Scouts de España
    Federación de Asociaciones de Scouts de España
    The Federación de Asociaciones de Scouts de España is a Spanish Scout association. It is one of the members of the Federación de Escultismo en España and thus of the World Organization of the Scout Movement...

  • the Escoltes Catalans (EC, laic
    French secularism, in French, laïcité is a concept denoting the absence of religious involvement in government affairs as well as absence of government involvement in religious affairs. French secularism has a long history but the current regime is based on the 1905 French law on the Separation of...

    , coeducational),
  • the Minyons Escoltes i Guies de Catalunya (MEG, Catholic
    Roman Catholic Church
    The Catholic Church, also known as the Roman Catholic Church, is the world's largest Christian church, with over a billion members. Led by the Pope, it defines its mission as spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ, administering the sacraments and exercising charity...

    , coeducational), which is also part of the Movimiento Scout Católico
    Movimiento Scout Católico
    The Movimiento Scout Católico is a Roman Catholic Scouting organization in Spain, under the shelter of the Catholic church, generally at the parish-level. The Movimiento Scout Católico is generally parochially organized and managed, and is a member of the Federación de Escultismo en España....


The total membership of the FCEG is unpublished. Its largest member, the MEG, has about 13,000 adherents in 140 local units. The AE has 16 local units, the EC 38 local units.


Each of the component associations has a distinctive program and different interpretations of the Scout Promise
Scout Promise
Since the publication of Scouting for Boys in 1908, all Scouts and Guides around the world have taken a Scout promise or oath to live up to ideals of the movement, and subscribed to a Scout Law. The wording of the Scout Promise and Scout Law have varied slightly over time and from country to...

 and the Scout Law
Scout Law
Since the publication of Scouting for Boys in 1908, all Scouts and Guides around the world have taken a Scout Promise or oath to live up to ideals of the movement, and subscribed to a Scout Law...



The association is divided in five sections according to age:
  • ages 7 to 9: Castors
  • ages 9 to 12: Llops
  • ages 12 to 15: Raiers
  • ages 15 to 18: Pioners
  • ages 18 to 20: Róvers

Scout Law

  • L’escolta s’esforça per merèixer la confiança i fa confiança a tothom.
  • L’escolta és coherent amb els seus principis i compromisos i respecta els dels altres.
  • L’escolta és útil i altruista.
  • L’escolta és amic de tothom i treballa per la pau.
  • L’escolta estima el seu país o entorn i se sent ciutadà del món.
  • L’escolta protegeix i estima la natura.
  • L’escolta viu i treballa en equip.
  • L’escolta és decidit i afronta els seus reptes.
  • L’escolta és auster i gaudeix del treball.
  • L’escolta és sincer i juga net.


  • ages 6 to 9: Follets
  • ages 9 to 12: Llops
  • ages 12 to 15: Raiers
  • ages 15 to 17: Pioners
  • ages 17 and older: El Clan

Scout Law

  • L’escolta valora l’esforç.
  • L’escolta respecta i té cura de la seva persona, tant físicament com mental.
  • L’escolta fa del respecte mutu una norma de vida personal i col·lectiva.
  • L’escolta és sincer i és conseqüent en el seu pensament.
  • L’escolta és honest.
  • L’escolta és responsable.
  • L’escolta és solidari amb totes les persones que lluiten per la llibertat i la justícia.
  • L’escolta està compromès a millorar la societat i participa activament en la vida col·lectiva.
  • L’escolta adopta un estil de vida no consumista i auster, i és alegre i optimista.
  • L’escolta se sent part integrant de la natura i la defensa de qualsevol agressió. L’estima, la coneix i la respecta.
  • L’escolta estima el seu país, el coneix i defensa la seva identitat nacional, tot respectant la dels altres.
  • L’escolta és fidel al seu compromís.

Minyons Escoltes i Guies de Catalunya


The association is divided in five sections according to age:
  • ages 6 to 8: Castors and Llúdrigues
  • ages 8 to 11: Llops and Daines
  • ages 11 to 14: Ràngers and Noies Guies
  • ages 14 to 17: Pioners and Caravel·les
  • ages 17 to 19: Truc

Scout Law

  • Ens esforcem a merèixer confiança, i fem confiança a tothom.
  • Vivim la nostra fe, i respectem les conviccions dels altres.
  • Aprenem a ser útils, i a fer servei.
  • Som germans de tothom, i treballem per la pau.
  • Som fidels al nostre país, i ens sentim ciutadans del món.
  • Defensem la natura, i protegim la vida.
  • Aprenem a viure en equip, i tot ho fem entre tots.
  • Som decidits, i afrontem les dificultats sense por.
  • Estimem el treball, i volem fer bé les coses.
  • Aprenem a estimar, i a jugar net.

Scout Promise

Jo prometo, pel meu honor, fer quant de mi depengua per a

complir els meus deures envers Déu i la Pàtria,

ajudar al proïsme en tota circumstància

i complir fidelment la Llei Escolta.

External links

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