Fearless (book series)
Fearless is a series of teen novels written by Francine Pascal
, creator of the Sweet Valley High
franchise. The series deals with many different themes, such as violence, romance, philosophy and solitude. The protagonist of the series is Gaia Moore, a seventeen year old girl with a tragic past who is incapable of feeling fear.
After being rejected by the woman he loved, Oliver became deeply embittered and started developing an obsessive psychosis. On the night of Tom Moore and Katia's wedding, Oliver deceived Katia by pretending to be Tom and became intimate with her; from this event, he would later believe Gaia to be his child. In reality, Oliver was always sterile from a life saving medical operation he had as a child (The operation is also the cause of his psychosis and corrupted mental state).
After betraying his brother, Oliver Moore fled from the hotel where the wedding took place, successfully evading the CIA, but was caught by Katia's father who turned out to be a feared Russian terrorist, Yuri. Oliver went missing for many years, he was assumed to be held in a Russian terrorist compound for the crime he committed against Katia.
Later in the series, it is found out that Oliver's psychosis developed fully, soon after being captured by Yuri, and he brutally took over Yuri's Russian organization. Oliver Moore became the new leader of the terrorist organization and adopted the moniker "Loki", the Norse God of the underworld.
During the next few years, Oliver became a menace to the world, becoming an infamous underground crime lord and terrorist. After Gaia was born in the Berkshires to Tom Moore and Katia Moore, Oliver covertly attempted to gain Gaia's affection as a child by secretly visiting her and teaching her deadly martial arts. Oliver tricked her by pretending to be her father. Oliver attempted to emotionally connect with her, but was unsuccessful due to his ruthless and strict personality.
This greatly confused Gaia as a little girl and she eventually rejected him. Oliver was eventually caught by Tom Moore and went into hiding for several years. During this time Tom Moore realized that something was not right with Gaia, due to her brave and reckless behaviors, such as attacking an angry dog, trying to swim in shark infested waters and fending off a violent burglar (which resulted in the burglar's death).
After having her tested and analyzed at the CIA headquarters Tom Moore was informed that Gaia was genetically "fearless", she cannot experience fear.
During the early years of Gaia's life she has a happy and carefree childhood with her parents and a gray field mouse named Jonathan that she keeps as a pet. Gaia turned out to be incredibly intelligent and gifted, with a genius level IQ and photographic memory.
Gaia was taught martial arts at a young age for many years, and various high level advanced subjects (such as advanced English literature, calculus, chemistry, foreign languages and philosophy) by her father and mother.
When Gaia was twelve years old, Oliver Moore arrived at the Berkshires and attempted to assassinate Tom, but instead accidentally killed Katia. After this tragic event, Tom realized that Oliver would never stop trying to get revenge on him. To keep the young Gaia from harm's way, he abandoned her without notice, hoping to protect her from Oliver's indiscriminate violence. He never explained his reasoning to Gaia (although Gaia eventually found out years later and forgave him), and as a result Gaia, as a child and throughout most of the series as a young adult, was given the impression that her father didn't care about her or her dead mother. This (and seeing her mother being murdered) left Gaia bitter and enraged at her father and made her emotionally withdrawn and antisocial.
In the next few years (up to the start of the book series) Gaia lived in several foster homes and frequently moved around the country from family to family. The foster families would treat Gaia terribly and were unsupportive of her.
These terrible childhood experiences haunted Gaia throughout the first half of the book series and left her bitter and anguished. The majority of Gaia's family history is learned in Special Edition 1, "Before Gaia" and is seen through flashbacks, and journals or postcards. Some of this information is also back story that is revealed as the book series progresses.
The series deals with much violence, as the characters are all constantly put in dangerous situations. In every volume, an antagonist is always trying to manipulate or capture Gaia because of her fearless condition.
There are three main story arcs in the book series which all have primary antagonists for each arc. The first story arc is Gaia's struggle to live a normal life and her fight against Loki (Oliver Moore) and his criminal organization. The second story arc deals with Gaia learning about her past history and have Natasha, Tatiana and the Russian crime lord Yuri (who's pseudonym is Dmitri) as the primary antagonists.
The third story arc deals with a permanent solution to Gaia's fearless condition and has the Rodke Corporation as the primary antagonists. Throughout all the story arcs there are minor antagonists and themes that each book deals with. The series ends after Gaia graduates high school.
Loki kills her friends and people whom he believes are close to her, because he tries to socially isolate Gaia, trying to make her vulnerable for his introduction into her life.
After he realizes that Gaia will never trust him, and Tom (Gaia's father) arrives back in Gaia's life, Oliver decides to replicate Gaia in a cloning experiment and try to replicate her fearlessness as well. This finishes the first story arc and leads into the second.
Tom Moore: Tom Moore is Gaia and D's father and the twin of Oliver Moore (who goes by the alias "Loki"). Tom Moore was a CIA field agent who was so good at his job that he was one of the top agents of the country. His codename was Enigma and he was very methodical and proficient as an agent, usually leaving no traces of his presence. As a child, Tom Moore was gifted intellectually and this later showed in his work; his razor sharp wits and intuition saved him from death many times. Tom was usually able to outwit his enemies or think of the one and only solution that could save him in a life or death situation. He lived his life in constant fear due to the amount of enemies he had and was sent on many missions around the world. Despite his skills and intelligence, Tom was always one step behind Loki, and barely managed to survive Loki's death traps. He cared about Gaia so much he would write her a letter every single day, telling her how his day went and how much he loved her, but would never mail them for confidentiality purposes. Tom was also deeply in love with his deceased wife Katia and would remember her for one day out of the year, those days were the only times he would let himself cry. His hand to hand skills were not as good as Gaia's but they were good enough that hardly anybody could stand up to him except Loki. Before becoming a CIA officer, Tom was a green beret. Tom was introduced to the CIA by Agent Rodriguez and was recommended by his old friend George Niven. Tom was always considered a womanizer and the life of the party, was social, friendly, funny and smart. After his wife Katia's death, Tom became withdrawn and felt emotionally numb. The only time he acted otherwise was when he was introduced to Natasha, who had an uncanny resemblance to Katia. Tom has always felt sad that his brother betrayed him and became a monster. Tom always respected his older brother and remembered their childhood friendship. Because of this, there are times when Tom was reluctant to attack or hurt Loki. He had blue eyes and blond hair, was around 6 feet tall.
Katia Moore:
Katia Moore is Gaia's mother, she is the primary reason for Loki (Oliver Moore) to become a terrorist and the start of the series. She was killed when Gaia was twelve by Loki in an accidental assassination. She was exceptionally beautiful and was a kind person. She emigrated from Russia to America, trying to leave her past behind and start a new life; her father was a Russian terrorist. She was a singer and knew many languages. Gaia would later admire her mother for being a brave woman and a person. She was accidentally killed by Oliver Moore (alias Loki)when he attempted to assassinate Tom Moore when Gaia was eleven.
D Moore:
D (David) is Gaia's younger brother. He was introduced in the second super edition. He has the ability to see auras. His parents were told he had died in childbirth when he had actually been kidnapped, probably to see if he also had the fearless gene. Unlike Gaia, D was born with little physical abilities as he was born slightly autistic and handicapped, he had trouble communicating with others. However D specialized in emotional intelligence and was able to tell what type of person anyone was and how they felt, just by looking at them. Gaia is fiercely loyal and protective of D, as he is one of the only remaining relatives she has. D ended up living on a farm with caring parents after Gaia left New York for the last time.
Mary Moss: Mary was introduced in the fourth book of the series and was saved by Gaia after being assaulted from her drug dealer Skizz. Mary had a carefree personality, was open minded and caring, had red hair and green eyes and was very thin. She was somewhat of a prankster, sarcastic and felt that Gaia was her sister in someways. Mary came from a rich background and had a very supportive family. She made Gaia feel less isolated and alone in New York. She was Gaia's best friend for a short while. Mary was eventually killed by Loki(Oliver Moore) after he decided that Mary was becoming too close to Gaia and making Gaia become too carefree and happy. Loki tried to make Gaia feel isolated and alone from everyone else, in order to make her susceptible to his eventual introduction to her life. Loki set up Mary's crime scene as if it was a drug assassination from her drug dealer Skizz. Loki shot Mary in front of Gaia, and Mary died in Gaia's arm, right before Loki and Gaia fought each other.
Ed Fargo: Gaia's first friend in New York. In the beginning of the book series he is paraplegic, although this later changes. He was romantically attracted to Gaia when he met her on the first day at school, because she was the only person who treated him like a normal person. After countless times of helping each other out, Gaia and Ed became very close friends. They have late Friday night phone conversations that become practically a ritual. Ed never realizes that Gaia is fearless, he just believes her to be very brave. From the very start of the books Ed realizes that he likes Gaia as something more than a friend. Later on in the book series, Gaia and Ed become romantically involved. However, this relationship comes to an end. After this, an odd tension is left between them. Ed's personality is usually very amiable and friendly. He is funny and has many jokes and one liners that he uses to the great amusement of Gaia often lifting Gaia out of her negative moods, yet unbeknownst to her, he primarily uses his comedy to hide his discomfort, fears, and insecurities. He often follows Gaia around on his wheel chair, and they usually banter with each other and talk about everything. One reason why Gaia doesn't initially leave Ed is because Ed found out that Gaia is an accomplished martial artist. At first she forces herself to talk and stay around him in order to make sure he doesn't talk to others about this, and later she becomes his friend and enjoys his cheerful company. Ed eventually undergoes a surgery and becomes able to walk again. He also dates Heather, who he used to date before his skateboarding accident, and eventually dates Gaia as well. By the end of the Series, Ed is disillusioned with Gaia and her unstable and dangerous lifestyle, and has found another girl who he considers his best friend and potential girlfriend, Kai.
Sam Moon: Sam Moon is Gaia's first romantic love interest in the book. From the instant Gaia saw Sam, she felt strongly attracted to him. Sam is older than Gaia, around 20 years old, at the beginning of the series. He goes to the New York University and is infatuated with Gaia; Gaia is also infatuated with him, although neither realize it. At first, they believe that the other hates them, so they have cold attitudes towards each other. Eventually, Sam breaks up with his girlfriend Heather and starts to seek ways to romance Gaia. Through a misunderstanding, he believes that Gaia hates him and in an act of drunken pity has an affair with Ella Niven, Gaia's foster mother. Eventually Sam ends up dating Gaia for a happy period of time. This period of time is cut short by Loki threatening Sam. After a strained relationship due to Loki's interference Gaia breaks up with Sam, and Sam is eventually caught in an ambush where he is shot at by Josh (his dormitory RA, who works for Loki), and presumably dies. A few books later, Gaia realizes that Sam is not dead, but was taken hostage and put in a prison camp. She saves him, but by that time, she and Ed are dating. Sam thinks he still can get back with Gaia, and is crushed by the reality of the truth. Gaia keeps Sam hidden in her house in order to protect him from Loki. He is discovered by Tatiana and she tells Ed about this. When Ed finds out about Sam and thinks Gaia has been lying to him about Sam's death, he is overwhelmed by jealously and insecurity. They have a big fight, and break up. Sam helps Gaia after her father is abducted from the hospital, but after this he stays out of Gaia's life for most of the book series. Sam ends up being Heather's date to prom. Sam is very intellectual and smart, he is also very well mannered and is very handsome. Sam used to be a big "dork" when he was younger but he decided to change, and began to buy expensive clothes and look after his appearance. Sam, tends to be somewhat of a coward and gets stressed out easily, this is probably due to his ability to over think things. He is usually depicted as very beautiful and has green or brown eyes and black or brown hair depending on the book. At the end of the book series Sam starts to date Heather again.
Heather Gannis: Heather is considered to be the most popular girl at the high school. In the beginning of the book series Heather takes pride that her friends envy her college boyfriend, Sam Moon. The first time Gaia meets Heather, she accidentally spills coffee all over her. This is the beginning of their rivalry and relationship. Throughout the series Heather tries to ruin Gaia's reputation and tries to make Gaia feel bad whenever she can. Heather has a group of friends that Gaia terms the "FOH" which is an acronym for "friends of Heather". The "FOH"'s follow Heather's lead and make Gaia feel miserable by taunting and making fun of Gaia. Heather is depicted as very shallow and stupid in the beginning of the book series. Heather and Ed used to date, but they broke up after Ed's accident caused him to be a paraplegic. One of the reasons that Heather always tries to humiliate Gaia is because of the fact that Gaia is not intimidated by her, and also, Gaia is considered by everyone (especially males) to be beautiful. Heather is actually very humble and amiable on the inside, which is why she dated and was drawn to someone as friendly and nice as Ed, but her fears of rejection and failure make her put on an act of toughness at school and act self-centered to boost her morale. Eventually Loki manipulates Heather's rivalry with Gaia and goads her into trying the fearless drug he created. This drug makes Heather fearless for a little while, but the side effects eventually kick in and she becomes blind in the long run. After this, she and Gaia become close friends, when Gaia saves her from an assassination attempt by Loki. After she becomes blind, Heather leaves for a large part to go to a special school for blind people. She is left out of the book series until the very end, when she returns fully recovered from blindness. Even though Heather starts out as a minor antagonist to Gaia, she eventually turns into a strong protagonist and good friend. Heather is a brunette is shorter than Gaia. She has similar facial features to Gaia. Strangely enough, throughout the series Heather secretly wishes she was as brave and independent as Gaia and Gaia secretly wishes she was popular and "normal" like Heather.
Jake Montone: Jake is Gaia's third romantic interest, after Sam and Ed. Jake, like Gaia, was well trained in martial arts. Jake is introduced in the second half of the major story arc as a new student at the high school who quickly becomes popular for his arrogant attitude and his impressive strength. Jake is very muscular and brave but he is not very intellectual. At first Gaia believes him to be an assassin, because he follows Gaia around and is extremely trained in martial arts. He eventually becomes Gaia's boyfriend despite being the complete opposite of Gaia's personality. Jake is very arrogant, egotistical and loud. He loves attention and drama. Jake is also very strong as he is a body builder. He is always optimistic and likes challenges, is very confident in his abilities and is extremely competitive. He has tan skin, jet black hair and green eyes. He is always trying to prove that he is manly and the best at everything. He gets Gaia to join the school karate team that he creates, after promising to buy her donuts. Gaia is irritated by Jake's arrogant attitude at first, even though she has romantic feeling for him. Jake eventually wins Gaia's heart over after helping her rescue her father in a rescue attempt from Siberia. He also saves Gaia's life by jumping in front of a bullet that was meant for Gaia (Tatiana's assassination attempt on Gaia). Gaia begins to see that Jake is brave and loyal, she sees he is very affectionate towards her. They begin to date in the last part of the series; unfortunately the strong bond that develops between Gaia and Jake is broken when Jake is accidentally shot and killed by Chris Rodke in the final book. Jake's death leaves Gaia traumatized for years to come and makes her feel nauseated at the sight or sound of a gun. He is also the main reason that Gaia decides to leave New York forever.
Loki is the main antagonist throughout most of the series. Loki is a pseudonym created by Oliver Moore, Gaia's uncle (and her fathers twin brother). As a child Oliver Moore was usually sick and weakly, he was susceptible to illnesses and contracted a rare disease. He undertook a risky treatment at a young age to help fight this rare disease (which would have killed him if left untreated). The treatment may have altered his psychological state of mind and led to his eventual aggressiveness and madness later on in his adult life. The treatment also left him sterile, and incapable of having children. From a young age the two twins (Oliver and Tom) were gifted with extraordinary intelligence and reasoning. As the two identical twins matured, Oliver and Tom both gained physical endurance, strength and a mastery over the Martial arts (Oliver was always the best out of the two in hand to hand combat). As a young adult Oliver worked for the CIA, (after catching the eye of a CIA official with a brilliant thesis paper). He later defected from his CIA position to an underground organization led by Yuri (A terrorist leader who is Katia's father, and Gaia's grandfather)after feeling that the CIA organization was exploitative (Oliver was reassigned to a lower division and Tom took his place for solving a code) and losing his chance at romancing Katia (due to the fact that Tom proposed to marry her). This leads to Oliver working with Yuri, trying to gain Katias trust. This does not work and in frustration and selfishness Oliver eventually incapacitates Tom with sedatives and takes sexual advantage of Katia by posing as Tom, on the night of Tom and Katia's wedding. After Katia is raped, Oliver manages to escape the building but is caught by Yuri, up to this point it was not revealed that Yuri is Katia's father. Oliver is not heard from again for a couple of years and it is strongly implied that he is taken as a hostage and is tortured at a terrorist camp. During this time his mental state may have become unraveled and he may have learned methods to become a terrorist leader. Eventually Oliver (going by the name Loki, by assuming that his "perfect" brother is Apollo) gains control of Yuri's terrorist organization. Through this organization he terrorizes the lives of civilians and becomes a ruthless tyrant, killing and committing illegal and inhuman atrocities to expand his underground organization. It is implied several times throughout the series that while Oliver Moore and Loki refer to the same person, the two are separate identities, with Oliver being meek, weakly, petite, and polite; while Loki is aggressive, ruthless, conceited, abusive towards others and extremely dangerous and emotionally unstable. Loki is an identical twin to his brother so they look exactly the same (except for a slight change of the chin); 6 feet tall, blond and blue eyed. In hand to hand combat Loki is not as good as Gaia, and has fled from her in order to survive. But his skills against other people are unsurpassed. Loki is more capable than Tom at martial arts and is able to incapacitate and kill four grown FBI men within seconds. His fighting style is ruthless and causes extensive irreversible damage to the victim. Loki shows extreme paranoia and has the ability to be very charming when he wants to. He is also a master at lying and can make any story sound believable, he is also extremely intelligent. Throughout the book series, Loki is depicted as having many agents and far reaching connections that he uses at his disposal, his organization is global and he is in command of all. He is immoral and will kill anybody who stands in his way, he also views people as disposable waste and tends to do as he wills. The books strongly imply that this is a result of low self esteem, and a feeling of helplessness as a child and young adult (also a risky medical treatment as a child) that led him to create an all powerful and fearful persona as an adult. At the end of the series, Loki realizes that he needs to turn himself in to a mental hospital in order to not harm any other people. This realization comes after Loki sees part of himself in Chris Rodke and realizes that only tragedy comes from insecurity and selfishness.
David Twain:
David Twain is the metaphoric brother of Gaia who is introduced in the fourth book of the series. Physiologically, he is the same as Gaia Moore; fearless. He grew up on a farm as a young child and was described as a peaceful and nice kid. Because of his fearless nature, he was eventually found and trained by Loki. Due to the intense and brutal training he received from Loki, David became mentally insane and psychotic. David was trained by Loki's organization to believe that Gaia was his superior. Because of this, he developed an intense rivalry with Gaia, unbeknownst to her. Although David was not trained in martial arts like Gaia, his fearless nature gave him similar advantages that Gaia had: super strength, agility, stamina, suppression of pain and complete fearlessness. He became obsessed with proving he is better than Gaia, to the point that he escaped from Loki's organization and began to search for her, killing people who looked similar to her along the way. He eventually reaches New York and begins to kill people, which is where the fourth book starts off. Throughout the fourth book Gaia is actively trying to track him down, as he was a mysterious but famous serial killer who's had many victims in different states. Eventually he tracked Gaia down and enrolled into her school posing as a new student. He killed a girl who looks similar to Gaia: Cassie Green, and almost attacks Mary and Gaia at the park. He set up a lunch date with Gaia the next day, pretending to have a crush on her. During the lunch date Gaia figured out who he was, and brought him over to the park. She was attacked by him in the park. Gaia barely managed to win the fight against him with the help of Ed Fargo and with the secret help of Tom Moore, who managed to shoot David with his silenced pistol. When David was incapacitated by Gaia, Gaia and Ed decide to leave him there, thinking the police will find him. David is then killed by Loki, who was secretly observing the fight. Davids part in the series was to serve as a test for Gaia, Loki wanted to find out if Gaia was capable of winning against another genetically fearless person. Because she passed, Loki decided to go ahead with his plans of kidnapping and cloning Gaia. David is physically stronger and more faster than Gaia as he was taller than her at six feet. He liked to wear a duster and loafers. David was very skinny and had blue eyes and black hair. His favorite weapon against his victims was a long thin knife, whose blade was tinted dark blue.
Ella Niven:
Ella Niven is the wife of George Niven (Tom Moore's old CIA friend). Through the beginning of the Fearless series Ella and George Niven act as Guardians to Gaia Moore. Ella is somewhat short, has red hair, green eyes, is really vain and self centered, she is considered by most men to be extremely attractive. She tries to wear revealing and seductive clothes and frequently cheats on George Niven with strangers. Gaia does not like Ella Niven at all, Ella is always sarcastic, demoralizing and rude to Gaia. Ella acts in a very sweet, nice and dumb way to most people, but in reality she is very intelligent and a cruel person. Ella acts in a very caustic way to Gaia because she secretly works for Loki as a sleeper agent, and is in love with Loki. Because Loki is always preoccupied with Gaia, Ella feels replaced (in an emotional way) by Gaia. Ella always acts spiteful and mean towards Gaia because of this and will blatantly lie, steal, and harm Gaia in any way possible. Ella was trained by Loki and knows martial arts, although Ella is not as good as Loki or Gaia, she manages to attack Gaia in a surprise attack and hurt her. When Ella learns that Loki plans to move to Europe with Gaia without letting her know, she becomes enraged and orders an assassination on Gaia. Before the assassination is carried out, she eventually realizes that she and Gaia are both being manipulated by Loki and makes a truce with Gaia, right before she gets killed by the very assassin she hired. Ella is characterized as very promiscuous and vain. She also doesn't like her husband, George Niven, and lies to him constantly; Ella thinks George is a pathetic weak person, she feels disgusted by George. She has killed many people and is highly neurotic. She is infatuated with Loki and has had affairs with him, even though Loki just uses her for his pleasure and has no romantic feelings for her. She is also deeply scared of Loki. Ella does not believe Loki when Loki tells her that Gaia is fearless.
George Niven:
George Niven is Tom Moore's old CIA friend. He takes care of Gaia at the beginning of the novel up to the twelfth book.
Although initially a good person George Niven eventually defects to Loki's side in an attempt to keep better track of Gaia. He is not trusted by Loki, because he is Tom Moore's friend and has spent many years trying to track Loki down. George Niven goes into a deep depression after Ella Niven is murdered. George Niven cannot believe that Ella would have betrayed him and works for Loki, it is hinted that George knows Ella had no feelings for him. George Niven joins Loki's side and betrays Tom Moore eventually. George Niven is eventually killed by Loki, after Loki decides George has nothing else to offer. George Niven is depicted as a kind and gentle person who is very naive to the point of being pathetic. He is blind to his wife's affairs and the contempt his wife has for him. After his wife's death he becomes more and more disillusioned with himself. George is usually described by Gaia as someone who is nice but completely out of it. George Niven is described as having blue watery eyes, having gray and white hair and being chubby.
Josh Kendall:
Josh Kendall is another of Loki's henchmen, he is a prototype of the experiment Loki wanted to create with Gaia. Loki eventually wanted to create an army of Gaia's by genetically cloning them, and selling the Gaia clones as elite soldiers to the military or as body guards. Josh is his first attempt at cloning. All of the Josh's are tall, muscular, and blue eyed with black hair. There are four Josh clones. Josh 1 poses as Sam's dormitory RA and eventually shoots Sam with a gun in the back, after Sam tells Gaia that Loki is looking for her. Josh 1 also falls in love with Heather, who he was originally meant to test Loki's fearless serum on. After Heather becomes fearless, Josh 1 is killed. Josh 2 is instructed by the first one to protect Heather. During the brief time when Gaia takes Loki's fearless serum the four Josh's try to kill her. Eventually all four Josh's are killed by Loki.
Timmy, nicknamed Sideburns Tim by Gaia, was a classmate in Gaia's class. He is introduced in the fifth book. He wore shades, had sideburns and was one of the "cool kids" in Gaia's school. Sideburns Tim turns out to be a rapist. Tim invited Gaia to a party where he tried to rape Gaia. He is physically outmatched and hurt by Gaia and sent to jail. Tim has a journal in which he names himself "Romeo", he clearly states that he is a rapist and has a list of all the girls he has raped. He also starts a game with other classmates in which they get points for having forced sex with certain girls. He is not heard from after his arrest. Gaia states that she was starting to like him for his laid back attitude, until she found out he was a sexual predator.
CJ, Marco, and Malcolm:
CJ is the first antagonist in the book series, he was in books 1 and 2. He is referenced in the last book of the series as well. CJ is a skinhead, or a Neo Nazi. He is part of a white supremacy gang and tries to attack Gaia several times. In the first book he tries to kill Gaia several times, but is shot by Tom Moore, who was secretly tailing both of them.
Marco is another skin head gang member who is tasked with killing Gaia. He ends up with many failed assassination attempts on Gaia, and eventually has sex with Ella Niven. He is killed by Ella Niven eventually.
Malcolm is the cousin of CJ. He accidentally sees Gaia at a club and tries to get vengeance by attacking her with a knife. Gaia disarms him and incapacitates him, knocking him unconscious. Malcolm is described as six feet tall and has many earrings and piercings covering his body.
Droogs is the term used to describe the drug users of the Invince drug, in the final part of the series. The Droogs were drug users, gangsters or thugs that had taken the Invince drug that the Rodke family had developed. They temporarily became fearless like Gaia and developed the traits that Gaia had, such as super strength, reflexes, suppressed pain sensors and increased stamina. The aftereffects of the Invince drug were devastating, leaving them unconscious, in a coma or very ill. The Droogs were composed of the neo nazi group from the beginning of the series; their mission was to kill Gaia for revenge. Although they failed in their assassination attempt they almost killed Jake and proved to be harder than usual to beat when Gaia fought them. Their suppressed pain sensors played a huge part in this, as Gaia would deliver devastating blows that broke their limbs, to no avail. Only when the droogs passed out from the affects of the drug or bled to unconsciousness would they stop attacking. The Invince Drug made the Droogs hysterical, manic, and completely violent.
Doctor Ulrich
Doctor Ulrich worked for the Rodke Family and did gene resequencing on Gaia to make her feel fear, at her request. However, her original genetic code reasserted itself after a few weeks. In those few weeks, Gaia was fearful and scared all the time. She also ran from battles rather than fight as she usually did, and she started to cry when she saw a cockroach on her floor. Gaia eventually went back to her fearless nature. Doctor Ulrich eventually tried to kill Gaia in order to understand how to create a complete fearless serum. Gaia was saved before she was euthanized by him and Dr. Ulrich was shot to death by Chris Rodke.
Skizz was Mary's drug dealer and had tried to rob Mary several times. He was obese and out of shape, he had a beard and was framed for Mary's death by Loki. He is introduced in the fourth book. Gaia eventually tries to gain revenge on Mary's death and tries to kill him but he is killed by Tom Moore before she can get to him. When Gaia first met him she sends him to the hospital after she nearly beats him to death.
The plastic surgeon:
The plastic surgeon used to work for Loki as an agent and was described as someone who has no soul. His eyes are emotionless and he never smiles. The plastic surgeon was contacted by Ella Niven early in the series, he was introduced in the sixth book. He is tall and has white hair, his eyes are a green and yellow color and are said to look like a cats eye. He is an assassin that also specializes in plastic surgery. Ella hires him to capture Gaia, sedate her and mutilate her face, she does this during the beginnings of her assassination attempt on Gaia. The surgeon mistakes Gaia for another person and ends up capturing someone else. After he is done Ella Niven gladly kills him with a micro bomb she had hidden in a phone booth.
Chris Rodke:
Chris Rodke is the minor antagonist of the third story arc in the Fearless series. He is the youngest son of the Rodke family who (along with his sister, Lizbeth Rodke) transfers to Gaia's school, village High. He is a chess champion and is very manipulative. Chris is very outspoken and opinionated, he loves to start speeches and debates. Chris Rodke is very handsome, he is blue eyed and blond, he is interested in dating men only as he is a homosexual. Chris Rodke becomes Gaia's friend during the beginning of the third arc, he first introduced as having started a chess game in the middle of a cafe and challenges Gaia to a match. Although Gaia is ranked as an international chess grandmaster, Gaia loses this chess match due to being distracted by all the things going on in her life. Chris and Gaia become friends quickly, due to Chris being very optimistic and friendly. Unbeknown to Gaia, Chris is actually given a job (by the Rodke corporation) of passing out the invince drug to random people, in order to test the side effects of the drug. To do this, Chris wears gray wraparound glasses, paints his hair blue and styles it into Mohawk spikes, and wears a trenchcoat. Chris calls himself "God" when he is drug dealing and that becomes his new moniker. Chris is, in reality, very insecure and jealous of his older brother. The Rodke family is ashamed of Chris for being homosexual, although they never publicly state it. Because Chris is gay the entire company is being handed over to Skylar Rodke, the older Rodke brother. This is due to the Rodke father being anti homosexuals.
Skylar Rodke
Skylar Rodke was the oldest sibling of the Rodke family. At the time of the Rodke introduction to the series, Skylar is in college. Skylar is said to be very arrogant and vain. He is very wealthy and handsome. He is a body builder and is also very skilled in reading people. Skylar was able to capture Gaia by forcing her to fight several of his body guards, and then waited for her to black out after she defeated them all. When she was unconscious Skylar got her ready to be operated on and dissected. Skylar is the favored son to take over the company as he is older and more business oriented than his other two siblings. Skylar considers his brother to be a failure, since his brother is a homosexual. Skylar is arrested in the end of the series for attempted murder of Gaia Moore.
Mr. Rodke is the man who created the worldwide pharmaceutical company; Rodke pharmaceuticals, he is a very wealthy CEO and an important person. He moves to New York in order to secretly kill Gaia and replicate her fearless genetic code n a pill, in order to sell it to the military for billions of dollars. He is secretly ashamed of his youngest son Chris Rodke, for being a homosexual.
Natasha is the mother of Tatiana. She came from Russia and worked for the CIA where she met Tom Moore. Natasha romances Tom Moore and becomes his lover. Natasha moves in to live with Gaia in the second story arc and takes care of Gaia while Tom is away on missions, she lives with Gaia for a large part of the second arc of the storyline. Natasha is very similar in manner to Gaia's mother. She has similar facial features and is a master of languages, she is a kind but strong person. At first Gaia doesn't trust Natasha, but later she comes to view her as a mother figure. In the end, Gaia's suspicions are confirmed true as Natasha and Tatiana betray Gaia and try to kill her. Natasha betrayed Gaia after finding out that her daughter, Tatiana, would not become the new leader of the crime organization that belonged to Yuri. The position of leader ship was secretly given to Gaia, without Gaia's knowledge. She is attempts to kill Gaia many times but is caught with the help of the FBI and the CIA. It is revealed that she looks very similar to Katia Moore, because she is actually Katia's cousin. For this reason, she was chosen to try to romance Tom Moore.
Tatianna is the daughter of Natasha. Tatianna is the same age as Gaia when she is introduced to the series, and she goes to Gaia's highschool; Village High. Tatianna became a popular person at their highschool relatively quickly as she is very talkative and friendly. Tatiana developed a crush on Ed Fargo and tries to date him. At the moment in the series, Ed still had strong feelings for Gaia, so he declined. Tatianna looks similar to her mother, has a nice personality and is very athletic; she likes tennis. Tatiana's sweet attitude and cheerfulness irritates Gaia, because Gaia senses that something about her is fake. At first Gaia is rude, stubborn and cold towards Tatiana. But they later become strong friends. Tatianna eventually betrays Gaia and attempts to kill her several times. It is revealed that the reason Tatianna and Natasha try to kill Gaia, is because they actually work as Russian criminal undercover operatives. The Russian organization they belong to is Yuri's, and he has plans to capture Gaia and make her the new leader. This makes both Tatianna and Natasha want to kill Gaia, as originally Tatianna was supposed to inherit leadership.
Yuri (alias Dmitri) is an old Russian terrorist with a large criminal organization. He is the father of Katia Moore and ends up imprisoning Oliver Moore (alias Loki) in a prison camp for raping his daughter, Katia Moore. Yuri is an evil person with no morals or compassion. Shortly after capturing Oliver Moore, Oliver ends up taking over and becoming the new leader of Yuri's organization. Oliver Moore adopts the name Loki and imprisons Yuri in a prison camp. Many years later, Gaia and Sam end up at Loki's abandoned prison camp searching for Tom Moore and find the imprisoned Yuri, who tells them his name is Dmitri. After escaping from prison, Yuri immediately begins to plan the take over of Loki's organization. yuri still has many men that work for him, this new crime organization was supposed to be led by Tatianna, Natasha's daughter. But Yuri eventually realizes that Gaia would make a better candidate. Yuri lives with Sam Moon for a short while, until he realizes that Natasha and Tatianna are trying to kill Gaia. He then escapes after his identity is revealed. Yuri has captured Tom Moore in a prison in Siberia. Due to the combined efforts of Gaia Moore, Jake Montone and Oliver Moore; Tom Moore is rescued. Yuri is eventually captured by them as well.
Super Editions
Fearless FBI
loosely based on the series and given the same name
starring Rachael Leigh Cook
as Gaia was filmed for The WB. The show took place 5 years after the original Fearless series of books with Gaia now 23 working as an agent for the FBI. The show never made it to air due to casting and other concerns. Its time slot was later filled with One Tree Hill
on the network's fall schedule, though it was later considered a serious contender for a mid-season replacement. The pilot was filmed a second time, but issues over the main character could not be resolved. Producers could not show a character without a fear gene showing emotion in a convincing fashion.
As the series goes on, Gaia develops a romantic relationship with Will, and Catherine becomes her best friend.
Fearless Forever
Francine Pascal
Francine Pascal is an author best known for creating the Sweet Valley series of young adult novels. Sweet Valley High was the backbone of the collection, and was made into a popular television series. There were also several spin-offs, including The Unicorn Club and Sweet Valley University...
, creator of the Sweet Valley High
Sweet Valley High
Sweet Valley High is a novel series created by Francine Pascal, who presided over a team of ghostwriters for the duration of the series' creation. The series began in 1983 and ceased publication twenty years later with over 152 books to its name...
franchise. The series deals with many different themes, such as violence, romance, philosophy and solitude. The protagonist of the series is Gaia Moore, a seventeen year old girl with a tragic past who is incapable of feeling fear.
Gaia's tragic childhood history
Gaia's tragic past began as a result of a love triangle between Tom Moore (Gaia's father), Katia Moore (Gaia's mother) and Oliver Moore (Gaia's uncle) before Gaia was even born. This love triangle would later result in rivalry and violence between Tom and Oliver Moore; as the two siblings had fallen in love with Katia. Despite many attempts by Oliver Moore to enamor Katia; Katia chose to pursue her romantic interest in Tom Moore.After being rejected by the woman he loved, Oliver became deeply embittered and started developing an obsessive psychosis. On the night of Tom Moore and Katia's wedding, Oliver deceived Katia by pretending to be Tom and became intimate with her; from this event, he would later believe Gaia to be his child. In reality, Oliver was always sterile from a life saving medical operation he had as a child (The operation is also the cause of his psychosis and corrupted mental state).
After betraying his brother, Oliver Moore fled from the hotel where the wedding took place, successfully evading the CIA, but was caught by Katia's father who turned out to be a feared Russian terrorist, Yuri. Oliver went missing for many years, he was assumed to be held in a Russian terrorist compound for the crime he committed against Katia.
Later in the series, it is found out that Oliver's psychosis developed fully, soon after being captured by Yuri, and he brutally took over Yuri's Russian organization. Oliver Moore became the new leader of the terrorist organization and adopted the moniker "Loki", the Norse God of the underworld.
During the next few years, Oliver became a menace to the world, becoming an infamous underground crime lord and terrorist. After Gaia was born in the Berkshires to Tom Moore and Katia Moore, Oliver covertly attempted to gain Gaia's affection as a child by secretly visiting her and teaching her deadly martial arts. Oliver tricked her by pretending to be her father. Oliver attempted to emotionally connect with her, but was unsuccessful due to his ruthless and strict personality.
This greatly confused Gaia as a little girl and she eventually rejected him. Oliver was eventually caught by Tom Moore and went into hiding for several years. During this time Tom Moore realized that something was not right with Gaia, due to her brave and reckless behaviors, such as attacking an angry dog, trying to swim in shark infested waters and fending off a violent burglar (which resulted in the burglar's death).
After having her tested and analyzed at the CIA headquarters Tom Moore was informed that Gaia was genetically "fearless", she cannot experience fear.
During the early years of Gaia's life she has a happy and carefree childhood with her parents and a gray field mouse named Jonathan that she keeps as a pet. Gaia turned out to be incredibly intelligent and gifted, with a genius level IQ and photographic memory.
Gaia was taught martial arts at a young age for many years, and various high level advanced subjects (such as advanced English literature, calculus, chemistry, foreign languages and philosophy) by her father and mother.
When Gaia was twelve years old, Oliver Moore arrived at the Berkshires and attempted to assassinate Tom, but instead accidentally killed Katia. After this tragic event, Tom realized that Oliver would never stop trying to get revenge on him. To keep the young Gaia from harm's way, he abandoned her without notice, hoping to protect her from Oliver's indiscriminate violence. He never explained his reasoning to Gaia (although Gaia eventually found out years later and forgave him), and as a result Gaia, as a child and throughout most of the series as a young adult, was given the impression that her father didn't care about her or her dead mother. This (and seeing her mother being murdered) left Gaia bitter and enraged at her father and made her emotionally withdrawn and antisocial.
In the next few years (up to the start of the book series) Gaia lived in several foster homes and frequently moved around the country from family to family. The foster families would treat Gaia terribly and were unsupportive of her.
These terrible childhood experiences haunted Gaia throughout the first half of the book series and left her bitter and anguished. The majority of Gaia's family history is learned in Special Edition 1, "Before Gaia" and is seen through flashbacks, and journals or postcards. Some of this information is also back story that is revealed as the book series progresses.
Story Plot
The main plot of the series takes place in the 1990s and focuses on Gaia Moore, a seventeen year old girl with a tragic past who is incapable of feeling fear. The series is largely based on the relationships and interactions that Gaia has with people over the years, her search for the origins of her fearless nature, and her struggle to feel like a normal teenager.The series deals with much violence, as the characters are all constantly put in dangerous situations. In every volume, an antagonist is always trying to manipulate or capture Gaia because of her fearless condition.
There are three main story arcs in the book series which all have primary antagonists for each arc. The first story arc is Gaia's struggle to live a normal life and her fight against Loki (Oliver Moore) and his criminal organization. The second story arc deals with Gaia learning about her past history and have Natasha, Tatiana and the Russian crime lord Yuri (who's pseudonym is Dmitri) as the primary antagonists.
The third story arc deals with a permanent solution to Gaia's fearless condition and has the Rodke Corporation as the primary antagonists. Throughout all the story arcs there are minor antagonists and themes that each book deals with. The series ends after Gaia graduates high school.
First story arc
In the first story arc of the series, Oliver (pseudonym Loki), Gaia's uncle, is trying to win Gaia back and make her trust him. It is later understood that he does this because he believes that she is his daughter. He uses extreme methods to get close to her and sends professional agents from his terrorist organization to track her throughout the book series (including the first story arc).Loki kills her friends and people whom he believes are close to her, because he tries to socially isolate Gaia, trying to make her vulnerable for his introduction into her life.
After he realizes that Gaia will never trust him, and Tom (Gaia's father) arrives back in Gaia's life, Oliver decides to replicate Gaia in a cloning experiment and try to replicate her fearlessness as well. This finishes the first story arc and leads into the second.
Major events of 1st story arc
Gaia moves to New York city, is a new student and freshman. Gaia meets Ed Fargo and they become best friends. Ed is a paraplegic in a wheelchair that falls in love with Gaia. Gaia falls in love with Sam during a rainy chess match with him after school. Sam is a college NYU student that falls in love with Gaia. Sam is dating Heather, a popular and shallow girl who goes to the same school as Gaia and is in the same grade. Gaia and Heather become enemies and rivals. Sam is captured by Loki and becomes a hostage. Gaia ends up saving Sam's life. Heather breaks up with Sam and starts to date Ed (Gaia's paraplegic friend). Heather's older sister Phoebe goes to rehab for anorexia and Heather breaks up with Ed. Gaia sees Mary (her best friend) and Ella (her foster mother) get killed by Loki (Oliver Moore). Sam and Gaia begin to date. George Niven (Gaia's Foster dad, and long time friend of Tom Moore) ends up working for Loki and betrays Tom Moore, then George Niven gets killed by Loki. Josh (Sam's dormitory RA) is introduced to the series and starts to date Heather. Josh creates stress on Sam, which ruins Sam and Gaia's relationship. Loki contacts Gaia and attempts to go to Europe with her. Josh "kills" Sam. Loki is caught by Tom Moore (Gaia's dad) and the police. Loki is sent to jail but he soon escapes. Tom Moore moves in with Gaia. Josh is revealed to work for Loki and is actually an illegally cloned human out of four Josh's. Josh 1 gives Heather a fearless serum (that Loki created) to make her fearless but the side effects eventually backfire and Heather becomes blind, she is sent off to a blind school. Heather befriends Gaia after Gaia saves her from murder, and the two become strong friends. Heather leaves for the majority of the series after this part. Ed undergoes a surgery and is no longer paraplegic. Natasha and Tatiana are introduced into the series. They are a Russian mother and daughter who move in with Gaia and Tom. Ed and Gaia begin to date and have sex, after which Ed is almost killed by an assassin and they both become distant from each other. Natasha (Tom Moore's love interest) and Tatiana (Natasha's daughter)move in to live with Gaia and Tom. Loki takes his own fearless serum and falls into a coma after a showdown with Josh, Gaia and Tom. Afterwords Gaia, Ed, Tom, Natasha and Tatiana have a dinner together for good luck and well being. Tom soon falls into a coma shortly after eating and is kidnapped while at the hospital recovering. He becomes missing and is presumed to have been captured by a mysterious organization operating out of Loki's control. This leads into the second story arc.Second story arc
After this there is a short arc in the major storyline, in which Sam seemingly arrives back from the dead. In reality he was being held hostage for several months in a prison cell in Loki's previously occupied terrorist compound. Gaia and Sam go to the abandoned compound to search for clues to Tom Moore's whereabouts. They find nothing, but they rescue an old man named Dmitri who was also in a prison cell. Throughout their journey from Loki's compound and back, several attempts on Gaia's life are made. Gaia becomes suspicious and wonders if Sam was brainwashed during his prison time to become her enemy. Soon after, the assassins are revealed to be Tatiana and Natasha. Natasha and Tatiana work for an organization that is outside of Loki's control. They try to murder Gaia several times, because unbeknownst to Gaia, she is the heiress to the criminal organization of Yuri. This leads Gaia to search and hunt the two (who have gone missing). After they are both caught and imprisoned it is revealed that Dmitri, the old man that Gaia and Sam rescued from Loki's terrorist compound, is actually Yuri. Yuri is the criminal organization's ruthless and evil terrorist leader that Loki imprisoned after taking over his criminal organization. Yuri is Katia's father and Gaia's grandfather, and Tatiana and Natasha are revealed to be cousins to Gaia's mother. Gaia's father is discovered to be in Siberia, with help from Oliver Moore. Gaia and Jake (who was introduced earlier on in the series) leave for Siberia with Oliver Moore, who had awakened from a coma that was induced through a "fearless serum" he injected himself with. Oliver Moore gained a benevolent persona after waking and they all attempt to rescue Gaia's father from the prison compound. They succeed and then the four regroup to hunt down Yuri. They eventually manage to capture him. This success leads Gaia to accept Jake's romantic advances and also lets Gaia accept that her feelings for Sam are gone. Sam is left out of Gaia's life for the majority of the series from this point on, and Jake becomes Gaia's official boyfriend. Gaia feels that with the end of Yuri's organization and the benevolent Oliver, her troubles will finally be over. This leads into the third story arc.Major events of the second story arc
Sam escapes from Loki's hostage compound. Jake is introduced into the story. Sam finds out that Gaia is dating Ed, he is hurt. Ed finds out about Sam and becomes hurt and suspicious, he breaks up with Gaia. Gaia finds out there is another organization other than Loki's. Gaia and Sam save Dmitri. Natasha and Tatiana attempt to murder Gaia several times. Natasha is caught by the FBI in a trap set up by Gaia. Tatiana is caught with help of Jake and also by Gaia. Oliver wakes from his coma. Jake and Oliver help Gaia rescue Tom Moore. Tom, Gaia, Oliver and Jake capture Yuri. Jake and Gaia become a couple. This leads into the third arc.Third Story Arc
In the last story arc, the Rodke family moves into New York city. The Rodke Family are a wealthy and famous family that own the industrial and worldwide company Rodke pharmaceuticals. There are four members of the Rodke family; Chris Rodke (younger sibling), Liz Rodke (Twin to Chris), Skylar Rodke (older sibling of the two, who is in college) and their father, the company owner. Gaia becomes friends with the two younger children of the Rodke family, Liz and Chris Rodke, when they arrive at the Village High school. During this time in the book series the amount of drug usage and crime in the streets of New York are rising. A new drug dealer has appeared on the streets under the pseudonym "God". This drug dealer sells a new drug that appears to give temporary effects of fearlessness to the user. The drug is called "Invince" because it makes the user feel invincible and fearless. This drug was created from the original fearless serum that Loki created. But Invince has more terrible side effects than the original serum and makes its users extremely aggressive. It was not created by Loki. Eventually, Oliver and Jake work together to discover the threat behind the series of attacks on Gaia. Throughout this, Gaia meets with a world renowned geneticist, Dr. Ulrich, who works for the Rodke Pharmaceutical company and she reveals that she is fearless, in hopes of finding a cure. Dr. Ulrich tells her that he can get rid of her fearlessness forever if Gaia undergoes a surgery, and she agrees. She undergoes a surgery and her fearlessness is removed completely. Later, during the night a bunch of droogs (The name given to the people who used Invince) try to assault Gaia while she walks home. In her usual state of fearlessness, Gaia would have stayed and fought them off, but after the surgery she runs away in fear. The next day she finds out that Ed Fargo and his girl friend Kai are in critical condition due to an attack by those same droogs. Although Ed and Kai eventually recover, they both have a large scar on their backs from the assault. A week passes with Gaia in this condition of fearfulness, which leads her to seek safety, which she finds in the form of Skylar Rodke. In the finale of the book series, Gaia decides to skip going to Prom with Jake and stays at Skylar Rodke's apartment after being emotionally manipulated to stay with him for several days. Jake becomes upset and concerned at Gaia's disappearance and discovers that Chris Rodke is the drug dealer "God" by tracking him. However Chris sees him and puts an assassination hit out on Jake to all the invince drug users. Because of this, Jake is almost beaten to death by a large group of Droogs a few hours later, but Oliver Moore and his organization agents intercept the attack and he barely survives. Throughout all of this, Chris Rodke manages to sabotage the plan that the Rodke company had by telling the military (who were going to buy the Invince drug) the truth. Chris shows how dangerous and violent the drug makes the users, convincing the military and having them cancel the multi-billion dollar contract with the Rodke family. The reason Chris does this is because he feels resentful after being shunned by his father for being gay and for being the second son. After staying with Skylar for hours, Gaia finds the effects of the surgery wearing off and finds herself fearless once again. She overhears that the Rodkes are going to try to kill her in order to use her DNA to find the source of her fearlessness. In order to foil their plan she records their plans on a tape cassette and confronts Skylar Rodke. Skylar attempts to lethally sedate her with ten bodyguards but she easily outmaneuvers and wins against all of them, but she faints due to her blackout episodes and is captured by Skylar Rodke. When Gaia awakes, she is strapped into a hospital bed with and is seconds from being lethally injected with poison. After failing to escape Gaia accepts her impending death calmly, but the euthanasia processes is interrupted by Jake, Oliver Moore and Tom Moore. Chris Rodke also appears and tells Skylar that the police are on their way. In a rage, Skylar Rodke realizes that Chris Rodke sabotaged the plan on purpose, out of jealousy of his fathers affection towards Skylar Rodke. After getting in an fierce argument the two Rodke brothers try to kill each other. Chris grabs a gun from Oliver and starts shooting wildly. Two shots are aimed at Gaia and Jake throws himself in front of them to save Gaia's life. Jake bleeds to death from the gunshot wounds, while Chris and Skylar Rodke are taken into custody. Gaia is completely traumatized by the experience and feels completely broken due to the strong emotional bond she has with Jake. Gaia runs from the crime scene in tears and stops by Prom to give Ed a hug before she leaves New York forever.Protagonists
Gaia Moore: Gaia Moore is a seventeen year old girl with extreme physical prowess, is heavily trained in various martial arts, has an intelligence that is considered slightly above genius, and a defective physiology because she can't feel fear. At the start of the series she has no friends and has just moved to New York city, where she is living with her foster parents George (old friend of Tom Moore) and Ella Niven. She is a freshmen at the beginning of the novel and is 15 (this changes later in the series, and canonically it is considered that she is seventeen and a senior). Initially Gaia is lonely and bitter, and feels ostracized from her fellow classmates (whom she considers inferior and intellectually lacking) and frequently skips school to play chess at the park or to walk around the city sightseeing. She is extremely educated and has a post graduate college level understanding on all her school subjects. At night she wanders around dangerous areas of the city and spends her time fighting criminals and helping people from robbers, murderers, rapists, etc. using her amazing martial arts skills. After she uses her skills, or overtly exerts herself in any way, she experiences a blackout episode where she becomes unconscious for a short period of time. This is due to the enormous amount of stress that she puts on her body from using her unmatched physical skills. In order to compensate for her lack of fear, nature seems to have given Gaia's physical strength, reflexes, and stamina an enormous boost. Her lack of fear also means she has no restrictions placed on her muscles or on her endurance; she can tighten her muscles so much that her bones will break or easily lift up a car with her strength. As well as being in top physical condition, she has been trained for eight years in a variety of martial arts by her father who is part of the CIA. Gaia's favorite foods and meals consist of sugary sweets and junk food with many calories. As the series progresses Gaia learns much about her past and develops emotionally to be much more open to people. At the beginning of the series her tragic past has left her scarred and vulnerable to the point that she has completely isolated herself from others. Throughout the series Gaia has a very negative and bitter personality, is constantly in a bad mood and can get angry very easily. She has experienced many hardships and is prone to have this negative and brutish personality and outlook because she is incapable of feeling fear and therefore has no sense of respect for others to make her act humble or well mannered. She also has low self esteem and is constantly unsatisfied with how she looks and is overtly critical of herself. She is said to have a toned and well muscled body, has light blond hair, and deep blue eyes,is around 5'10" and is considered exceptionally beautiful by everyone who sees her.Tom Moore: Tom Moore is Gaia and D's father and the twin of Oliver Moore (who goes by the alias "Loki"). Tom Moore was a CIA field agent who was so good at his job that he was one of the top agents of the country. His codename was Enigma and he was very methodical and proficient as an agent, usually leaving no traces of his presence. As a child, Tom Moore was gifted intellectually and this later showed in his work; his razor sharp wits and intuition saved him from death many times. Tom was usually able to outwit his enemies or think of the one and only solution that could save him in a life or death situation. He lived his life in constant fear due to the amount of enemies he had and was sent on many missions around the world. Despite his skills and intelligence, Tom was always one step behind Loki, and barely managed to survive Loki's death traps. He cared about Gaia so much he would write her a letter every single day, telling her how his day went and how much he loved her, but would never mail them for confidentiality purposes. Tom was also deeply in love with his deceased wife Katia and would remember her for one day out of the year, those days were the only times he would let himself cry. His hand to hand skills were not as good as Gaia's but they were good enough that hardly anybody could stand up to him except Loki. Before becoming a CIA officer, Tom was a green beret. Tom was introduced to the CIA by Agent Rodriguez and was recommended by his old friend George Niven. Tom was always considered a womanizer and the life of the party, was social, friendly, funny and smart. After his wife Katia's death, Tom became withdrawn and felt emotionally numb. The only time he acted otherwise was when he was introduced to Natasha, who had an uncanny resemblance to Katia. Tom has always felt sad that his brother betrayed him and became a monster. Tom always respected his older brother and remembered their childhood friendship. Because of this, there are times when Tom was reluctant to attack or hurt Loki. He had blue eyes and blond hair, was around 6 feet tall.
Katia Moore:
Katia Moore is Gaia's mother, she is the primary reason for Loki (Oliver Moore) to become a terrorist and the start of the series. She was killed when Gaia was twelve by Loki in an accidental assassination. She was exceptionally beautiful and was a kind person. She emigrated from Russia to America, trying to leave her past behind and start a new life; her father was a Russian terrorist. She was a singer and knew many languages. Gaia would later admire her mother for being a brave woman and a person. She was accidentally killed by Oliver Moore (alias Loki)when he attempted to assassinate Tom Moore when Gaia was eleven.
D Moore:
D (David) is Gaia's younger brother. He was introduced in the second super edition. He has the ability to see auras. His parents were told he had died in childbirth when he had actually been kidnapped, probably to see if he also had the fearless gene. Unlike Gaia, D was born with little physical abilities as he was born slightly autistic and handicapped, he had trouble communicating with others. However D specialized in emotional intelligence and was able to tell what type of person anyone was and how they felt, just by looking at them. Gaia is fiercely loyal and protective of D, as he is one of the only remaining relatives she has. D ended up living on a farm with caring parents after Gaia left New York for the last time.
Mary Moss: Mary was introduced in the fourth book of the series and was saved by Gaia after being assaulted from her drug dealer Skizz. Mary had a carefree personality, was open minded and caring, had red hair and green eyes and was very thin. She was somewhat of a prankster, sarcastic and felt that Gaia was her sister in someways. Mary came from a rich background and had a very supportive family. She made Gaia feel less isolated and alone in New York. She was Gaia's best friend for a short while. Mary was eventually killed by Loki(Oliver Moore) after he decided that Mary was becoming too close to Gaia and making Gaia become too carefree and happy. Loki tried to make Gaia feel isolated and alone from everyone else, in order to make her susceptible to his eventual introduction to her life. Loki set up Mary's crime scene as if it was a drug assassination from her drug dealer Skizz. Loki shot Mary in front of Gaia, and Mary died in Gaia's arm, right before Loki and Gaia fought each other.
Ed Fargo: Gaia's first friend in New York. In the beginning of the book series he is paraplegic, although this later changes. He was romantically attracted to Gaia when he met her on the first day at school, because she was the only person who treated him like a normal person. After countless times of helping each other out, Gaia and Ed became very close friends. They have late Friday night phone conversations that become practically a ritual. Ed never realizes that Gaia is fearless, he just believes her to be very brave. From the very start of the books Ed realizes that he likes Gaia as something more than a friend. Later on in the book series, Gaia and Ed become romantically involved. However, this relationship comes to an end. After this, an odd tension is left between them. Ed's personality is usually very amiable and friendly. He is funny and has many jokes and one liners that he uses to the great amusement of Gaia often lifting Gaia out of her negative moods, yet unbeknownst to her, he primarily uses his comedy to hide his discomfort, fears, and insecurities. He often follows Gaia around on his wheel chair, and they usually banter with each other and talk about everything. One reason why Gaia doesn't initially leave Ed is because Ed found out that Gaia is an accomplished martial artist. At first she forces herself to talk and stay around him in order to make sure he doesn't talk to others about this, and later she becomes his friend and enjoys his cheerful company. Ed eventually undergoes a surgery and becomes able to walk again. He also dates Heather, who he used to date before his skateboarding accident, and eventually dates Gaia as well. By the end of the Series, Ed is disillusioned with Gaia and her unstable and dangerous lifestyle, and has found another girl who he considers his best friend and potential girlfriend, Kai.
Sam Moon: Sam Moon is Gaia's first romantic love interest in the book. From the instant Gaia saw Sam, she felt strongly attracted to him. Sam is older than Gaia, around 20 years old, at the beginning of the series. He goes to the New York University and is infatuated with Gaia; Gaia is also infatuated with him, although neither realize it. At first, they believe that the other hates them, so they have cold attitudes towards each other. Eventually, Sam breaks up with his girlfriend Heather and starts to seek ways to romance Gaia. Through a misunderstanding, he believes that Gaia hates him and in an act of drunken pity has an affair with Ella Niven, Gaia's foster mother. Eventually Sam ends up dating Gaia for a happy period of time. This period of time is cut short by Loki threatening Sam. After a strained relationship due to Loki's interference Gaia breaks up with Sam, and Sam is eventually caught in an ambush where he is shot at by Josh (his dormitory RA, who works for Loki), and presumably dies. A few books later, Gaia realizes that Sam is not dead, but was taken hostage and put in a prison camp. She saves him, but by that time, she and Ed are dating. Sam thinks he still can get back with Gaia, and is crushed by the reality of the truth. Gaia keeps Sam hidden in her house in order to protect him from Loki. He is discovered by Tatiana and she tells Ed about this. When Ed finds out about Sam and thinks Gaia has been lying to him about Sam's death, he is overwhelmed by jealously and insecurity. They have a big fight, and break up. Sam helps Gaia after her father is abducted from the hospital, but after this he stays out of Gaia's life for most of the book series. Sam ends up being Heather's date to prom. Sam is very intellectual and smart, he is also very well mannered and is very handsome. Sam used to be a big "dork" when he was younger but he decided to change, and began to buy expensive clothes and look after his appearance. Sam, tends to be somewhat of a coward and gets stressed out easily, this is probably due to his ability to over think things. He is usually depicted as very beautiful and has green or brown eyes and black or brown hair depending on the book. At the end of the book series Sam starts to date Heather again.
Heather Gannis: Heather is considered to be the most popular girl at the high school. In the beginning of the book series Heather takes pride that her friends envy her college boyfriend, Sam Moon. The first time Gaia meets Heather, she accidentally spills coffee all over her. This is the beginning of their rivalry and relationship. Throughout the series Heather tries to ruin Gaia's reputation and tries to make Gaia feel bad whenever she can. Heather has a group of friends that Gaia terms the "FOH" which is an acronym for "friends of Heather". The "FOH"'s follow Heather's lead and make Gaia feel miserable by taunting and making fun of Gaia. Heather is depicted as very shallow and stupid in the beginning of the book series. Heather and Ed used to date, but they broke up after Ed's accident caused him to be a paraplegic. One of the reasons that Heather always tries to humiliate Gaia is because of the fact that Gaia is not intimidated by her, and also, Gaia is considered by everyone (especially males) to be beautiful. Heather is actually very humble and amiable on the inside, which is why she dated and was drawn to someone as friendly and nice as Ed, but her fears of rejection and failure make her put on an act of toughness at school and act self-centered to boost her morale. Eventually Loki manipulates Heather's rivalry with Gaia and goads her into trying the fearless drug he created. This drug makes Heather fearless for a little while, but the side effects eventually kick in and she becomes blind in the long run. After this, she and Gaia become close friends, when Gaia saves her from an assassination attempt by Loki. After she becomes blind, Heather leaves for a large part to go to a special school for blind people. She is left out of the book series until the very end, when she returns fully recovered from blindness. Even though Heather starts out as a minor antagonist to Gaia, she eventually turns into a strong protagonist and good friend. Heather is a brunette is shorter than Gaia. She has similar facial features to Gaia. Strangely enough, throughout the series Heather secretly wishes she was as brave and independent as Gaia and Gaia secretly wishes she was popular and "normal" like Heather.
Jake Montone: Jake is Gaia's third romantic interest, after Sam and Ed. Jake, like Gaia, was well trained in martial arts. Jake is introduced in the second half of the major story arc as a new student at the high school who quickly becomes popular for his arrogant attitude and his impressive strength. Jake is very muscular and brave but he is not very intellectual. At first Gaia believes him to be an assassin, because he follows Gaia around and is extremely trained in martial arts. He eventually becomes Gaia's boyfriend despite being the complete opposite of Gaia's personality. Jake is very arrogant, egotistical and loud. He loves attention and drama. Jake is also very strong as he is a body builder. He is always optimistic and likes challenges, is very confident in his abilities and is extremely competitive. He has tan skin, jet black hair and green eyes. He is always trying to prove that he is manly and the best at everything. He gets Gaia to join the school karate team that he creates, after promising to buy her donuts. Gaia is irritated by Jake's arrogant attitude at first, even though she has romantic feeling for him. Jake eventually wins Gaia's heart over after helping her rescue her father in a rescue attempt from Siberia. He also saves Gaia's life by jumping in front of a bullet that was meant for Gaia (Tatiana's assassination attempt on Gaia). Gaia begins to see that Jake is brave and loyal, she sees he is very affectionate towards her. They begin to date in the last part of the series; unfortunately the strong bond that develops between Gaia and Jake is broken when Jake is accidentally shot and killed by Chris Rodke in the final book. Jake's death leaves Gaia traumatized for years to come and makes her feel nauseated at the sight or sound of a gun. He is also the main reason that Gaia decides to leave New York forever.
Loki:Loki is the main antagonist throughout most of the series. Loki is a pseudonym created by Oliver Moore, Gaia's uncle (and her fathers twin brother). As a child Oliver Moore was usually sick and weakly, he was susceptible to illnesses and contracted a rare disease. He undertook a risky treatment at a young age to help fight this rare disease (which would have killed him if left untreated). The treatment may have altered his psychological state of mind and led to his eventual aggressiveness and madness later on in his adult life. The treatment also left him sterile, and incapable of having children. From a young age the two twins (Oliver and Tom) were gifted with extraordinary intelligence and reasoning. As the two identical twins matured, Oliver and Tom both gained physical endurance, strength and a mastery over the Martial arts (Oliver was always the best out of the two in hand to hand combat). As a young adult Oliver worked for the CIA, (after catching the eye of a CIA official with a brilliant thesis paper). He later defected from his CIA position to an underground organization led by Yuri (A terrorist leader who is Katia's father, and Gaia's grandfather)after feeling that the CIA organization was exploitative (Oliver was reassigned to a lower division and Tom took his place for solving a code) and losing his chance at romancing Katia (due to the fact that Tom proposed to marry her). This leads to Oliver working with Yuri, trying to gain Katias trust. This does not work and in frustration and selfishness Oliver eventually incapacitates Tom with sedatives and takes sexual advantage of Katia by posing as Tom, on the night of Tom and Katia's wedding. After Katia is raped, Oliver manages to escape the building but is caught by Yuri, up to this point it was not revealed that Yuri is Katia's father. Oliver is not heard from again for a couple of years and it is strongly implied that he is taken as a hostage and is tortured at a terrorist camp. During this time his mental state may have become unraveled and he may have learned methods to become a terrorist leader. Eventually Oliver (going by the name Loki, by assuming that his "perfect" brother is Apollo) gains control of Yuri's terrorist organization. Through this organization he terrorizes the lives of civilians and becomes a ruthless tyrant, killing and committing illegal and inhuman atrocities to expand his underground organization. It is implied several times throughout the series that while Oliver Moore and Loki refer to the same person, the two are separate identities, with Oliver being meek, weakly, petite, and polite; while Loki is aggressive, ruthless, conceited, abusive towards others and extremely dangerous and emotionally unstable. Loki is an identical twin to his brother so they look exactly the same (except for a slight change of the chin); 6 feet tall, blond and blue eyed. In hand to hand combat Loki is not as good as Gaia, and has fled from her in order to survive. But his skills against other people are unsurpassed. Loki is more capable than Tom at martial arts and is able to incapacitate and kill four grown FBI men within seconds. His fighting style is ruthless and causes extensive irreversible damage to the victim. Loki shows extreme paranoia and has the ability to be very charming when he wants to. He is also a master at lying and can make any story sound believable, he is also extremely intelligent. Throughout the book series, Loki is depicted as having many agents and far reaching connections that he uses at his disposal, his organization is global and he is in command of all. He is immoral and will kill anybody who stands in his way, he also views people as disposable waste and tends to do as he wills. The books strongly imply that this is a result of low self esteem, and a feeling of helplessness as a child and young adult (also a risky medical treatment as a child) that led him to create an all powerful and fearful persona as an adult. At the end of the series, Loki realizes that he needs to turn himself in to a mental hospital in order to not harm any other people. This realization comes after Loki sees part of himself in Chris Rodke and realizes that only tragedy comes from insecurity and selfishness.
David Twain:
David Twain is the metaphoric brother of Gaia who is introduced in the fourth book of the series. Physiologically, he is the same as Gaia Moore; fearless. He grew up on a farm as a young child and was described as a peaceful and nice kid. Because of his fearless nature, he was eventually found and trained by Loki. Due to the intense and brutal training he received from Loki, David became mentally insane and psychotic. David was trained by Loki's organization to believe that Gaia was his superior. Because of this, he developed an intense rivalry with Gaia, unbeknownst to her. Although David was not trained in martial arts like Gaia, his fearless nature gave him similar advantages that Gaia had: super strength, agility, stamina, suppression of pain and complete fearlessness. He became obsessed with proving he is better than Gaia, to the point that he escaped from Loki's organization and began to search for her, killing people who looked similar to her along the way. He eventually reaches New York and begins to kill people, which is where the fourth book starts off. Throughout the fourth book Gaia is actively trying to track him down, as he was a mysterious but famous serial killer who's had many victims in different states. Eventually he tracked Gaia down and enrolled into her school posing as a new student. He killed a girl who looks similar to Gaia: Cassie Green, and almost attacks Mary and Gaia at the park. He set up a lunch date with Gaia the next day, pretending to have a crush on her. During the lunch date Gaia figured out who he was, and brought him over to the park. She was attacked by him in the park. Gaia barely managed to win the fight against him with the help of Ed Fargo and with the secret help of Tom Moore, who managed to shoot David with his silenced pistol. When David was incapacitated by Gaia, Gaia and Ed decide to leave him there, thinking the police will find him. David is then killed by Loki, who was secretly observing the fight. Davids part in the series was to serve as a test for Gaia, Loki wanted to find out if Gaia was capable of winning against another genetically fearless person. Because she passed, Loki decided to go ahead with his plans of kidnapping and cloning Gaia. David is physically stronger and more faster than Gaia as he was taller than her at six feet. He liked to wear a duster and loafers. David was very skinny and had blue eyes and black hair. His favorite weapon against his victims was a long thin knife, whose blade was tinted dark blue.
Ella Niven:
Ella Niven is the wife of George Niven (Tom Moore's old CIA friend). Through the beginning of the Fearless series Ella and George Niven act as Guardians to Gaia Moore. Ella is somewhat short, has red hair, green eyes, is really vain and self centered, she is considered by most men to be extremely attractive. She tries to wear revealing and seductive clothes and frequently cheats on George Niven with strangers. Gaia does not like Ella Niven at all, Ella is always sarcastic, demoralizing and rude to Gaia. Ella acts in a very sweet, nice and dumb way to most people, but in reality she is very intelligent and a cruel person. Ella acts in a very caustic way to Gaia because she secretly works for Loki as a sleeper agent, and is in love with Loki. Because Loki is always preoccupied with Gaia, Ella feels replaced (in an emotional way) by Gaia. Ella always acts spiteful and mean towards Gaia because of this and will blatantly lie, steal, and harm Gaia in any way possible. Ella was trained by Loki and knows martial arts, although Ella is not as good as Loki or Gaia, she manages to attack Gaia in a surprise attack and hurt her. When Ella learns that Loki plans to move to Europe with Gaia without letting her know, she becomes enraged and orders an assassination on Gaia. Before the assassination is carried out, she eventually realizes that she and Gaia are both being manipulated by Loki and makes a truce with Gaia, right before she gets killed by the very assassin she hired. Ella is characterized as very promiscuous and vain. She also doesn't like her husband, George Niven, and lies to him constantly; Ella thinks George is a pathetic weak person, she feels disgusted by George. She has killed many people and is highly neurotic. She is infatuated with Loki and has had affairs with him, even though Loki just uses her for his pleasure and has no romantic feelings for her. She is also deeply scared of Loki. Ella does not believe Loki when Loki tells her that Gaia is fearless.
George Niven:
George Niven is Tom Moore's old CIA friend. He takes care of Gaia at the beginning of the novel up to the twelfth book.
Although initially a good person George Niven eventually defects to Loki's side in an attempt to keep better track of Gaia. He is not trusted by Loki, because he is Tom Moore's friend and has spent many years trying to track Loki down. George Niven goes into a deep depression after Ella Niven is murdered. George Niven cannot believe that Ella would have betrayed him and works for Loki, it is hinted that George knows Ella had no feelings for him. George Niven joins Loki's side and betrays Tom Moore eventually. George Niven is eventually killed by Loki, after Loki decides George has nothing else to offer. George Niven is depicted as a kind and gentle person who is very naive to the point of being pathetic. He is blind to his wife's affairs and the contempt his wife has for him. After his wife's death he becomes more and more disillusioned with himself. George is usually described by Gaia as someone who is nice but completely out of it. George Niven is described as having blue watery eyes, having gray and white hair and being chubby.
Josh Kendall:
Josh Kendall is another of Loki's henchmen, he is a prototype of the experiment Loki wanted to create with Gaia. Loki eventually wanted to create an army of Gaia's by genetically cloning them, and selling the Gaia clones as elite soldiers to the military or as body guards. Josh is his first attempt at cloning. All of the Josh's are tall, muscular, and blue eyed with black hair. There are four Josh clones. Josh 1 poses as Sam's dormitory RA and eventually shoots Sam with a gun in the back, after Sam tells Gaia that Loki is looking for her. Josh 1 also falls in love with Heather, who he was originally meant to test Loki's fearless serum on. After Heather becomes fearless, Josh 1 is killed. Josh 2 is instructed by the first one to protect Heather. During the brief time when Gaia takes Loki's fearless serum the four Josh's try to kill her. Eventually all four Josh's are killed by Loki.
Timmy, nicknamed Sideburns Tim by Gaia, was a classmate in Gaia's class. He is introduced in the fifth book. He wore shades, had sideburns and was one of the "cool kids" in Gaia's school. Sideburns Tim turns out to be a rapist. Tim invited Gaia to a party where he tried to rape Gaia. He is physically outmatched and hurt by Gaia and sent to jail. Tim has a journal in which he names himself "Romeo", he clearly states that he is a rapist and has a list of all the girls he has raped. He also starts a game with other classmates in which they get points for having forced sex with certain girls. He is not heard from after his arrest. Gaia states that she was starting to like him for his laid back attitude, until she found out he was a sexual predator.
CJ, Marco, and Malcolm:
CJ is the first antagonist in the book series, he was in books 1 and 2. He is referenced in the last book of the series as well. CJ is a skinhead, or a Neo Nazi. He is part of a white supremacy gang and tries to attack Gaia several times. In the first book he tries to kill Gaia several times, but is shot by Tom Moore, who was secretly tailing both of them.
Marco is another skin head gang member who is tasked with killing Gaia. He ends up with many failed assassination attempts on Gaia, and eventually has sex with Ella Niven. He is killed by Ella Niven eventually.
Malcolm is the cousin of CJ. He accidentally sees Gaia at a club and tries to get vengeance by attacking her with a knife. Gaia disarms him and incapacitates him, knocking him unconscious. Malcolm is described as six feet tall and has many earrings and piercings covering his body.
Droogs is the term used to describe the drug users of the Invince drug, in the final part of the series. The Droogs were drug users, gangsters or thugs that had taken the Invince drug that the Rodke family had developed. They temporarily became fearless like Gaia and developed the traits that Gaia had, such as super strength, reflexes, suppressed pain sensors and increased stamina. The aftereffects of the Invince drug were devastating, leaving them unconscious, in a coma or very ill. The Droogs were composed of the neo nazi group from the beginning of the series; their mission was to kill Gaia for revenge. Although they failed in their assassination attempt they almost killed Jake and proved to be harder than usual to beat when Gaia fought them. Their suppressed pain sensors played a huge part in this, as Gaia would deliver devastating blows that broke their limbs, to no avail. Only when the droogs passed out from the affects of the drug or bled to unconsciousness would they stop attacking. The Invince Drug made the Droogs hysterical, manic, and completely violent.
Doctor Ulrich
Doctor Ulrich worked for the Rodke Family and did gene resequencing on Gaia to make her feel fear, at her request. However, her original genetic code reasserted itself after a few weeks. In those few weeks, Gaia was fearful and scared all the time. She also ran from battles rather than fight as she usually did, and she started to cry when she saw a cockroach on her floor. Gaia eventually went back to her fearless nature. Doctor Ulrich eventually tried to kill Gaia in order to understand how to create a complete fearless serum. Gaia was saved before she was euthanized by him and Dr. Ulrich was shot to death by Chris Rodke.
Skizz was Mary's drug dealer and had tried to rob Mary several times. He was obese and out of shape, he had a beard and was framed for Mary's death by Loki. He is introduced in the fourth book. Gaia eventually tries to gain revenge on Mary's death and tries to kill him but he is killed by Tom Moore before she can get to him. When Gaia first met him she sends him to the hospital after she nearly beats him to death.
The plastic surgeon:
The plastic surgeon used to work for Loki as an agent and was described as someone who has no soul. His eyes are emotionless and he never smiles. The plastic surgeon was contacted by Ella Niven early in the series, he was introduced in the sixth book. He is tall and has white hair, his eyes are a green and yellow color and are said to look like a cats eye. He is an assassin that also specializes in plastic surgery. Ella hires him to capture Gaia, sedate her and mutilate her face, she does this during the beginnings of her assassination attempt on Gaia. The surgeon mistakes Gaia for another person and ends up capturing someone else. After he is done Ella Niven gladly kills him with a micro bomb she had hidden in a phone booth.
Chris Rodke:
Chris Rodke is the minor antagonist of the third story arc in the Fearless series. He is the youngest son of the Rodke family who (along with his sister, Lizbeth Rodke) transfers to Gaia's school, village High. He is a chess champion and is very manipulative. Chris is very outspoken and opinionated, he loves to start speeches and debates. Chris Rodke is very handsome, he is blue eyed and blond, he is interested in dating men only as he is a homosexual. Chris Rodke becomes Gaia's friend during the beginning of the third arc, he first introduced as having started a chess game in the middle of a cafe and challenges Gaia to a match. Although Gaia is ranked as an international chess grandmaster, Gaia loses this chess match due to being distracted by all the things going on in her life. Chris and Gaia become friends quickly, due to Chris being very optimistic and friendly. Unbeknown to Gaia, Chris is actually given a job (by the Rodke corporation) of passing out the invince drug to random people, in order to test the side effects of the drug. To do this, Chris wears gray wraparound glasses, paints his hair blue and styles it into Mohawk spikes, and wears a trenchcoat. Chris calls himself "God" when he is drug dealing and that becomes his new moniker. Chris is, in reality, very insecure and jealous of his older brother. The Rodke family is ashamed of Chris for being homosexual, although they never publicly state it. Because Chris is gay the entire company is being handed over to Skylar Rodke, the older Rodke brother. This is due to the Rodke father being anti homosexuals.
Skylar Rodke
Skylar Rodke was the oldest sibling of the Rodke family. At the time of the Rodke introduction to the series, Skylar is in college. Skylar is said to be very arrogant and vain. He is very wealthy and handsome. He is a body builder and is also very skilled in reading people. Skylar was able to capture Gaia by forcing her to fight several of his body guards, and then waited for her to black out after she defeated them all. When she was unconscious Skylar got her ready to be operated on and dissected. Skylar is the favored son to take over the company as he is older and more business oriented than his other two siblings. Skylar considers his brother to be a failure, since his brother is a homosexual. Skylar is arrested in the end of the series for attempted murder of Gaia Moore.
Mr. Rodke is the man who created the worldwide pharmaceutical company; Rodke pharmaceuticals, he is a very wealthy CEO and an important person. He moves to New York in order to secretly kill Gaia and replicate her fearless genetic code n a pill, in order to sell it to the military for billions of dollars. He is secretly ashamed of his youngest son Chris Rodke, for being a homosexual.
Natasha is the mother of Tatiana. She came from Russia and worked for the CIA where she met Tom Moore. Natasha romances Tom Moore and becomes his lover. Natasha moves in to live with Gaia in the second story arc and takes care of Gaia while Tom is away on missions, she lives with Gaia for a large part of the second arc of the storyline. Natasha is very similar in manner to Gaia's mother. She has similar facial features and is a master of languages, she is a kind but strong person. At first Gaia doesn't trust Natasha, but later she comes to view her as a mother figure. In the end, Gaia's suspicions are confirmed true as Natasha and Tatiana betray Gaia and try to kill her. Natasha betrayed Gaia after finding out that her daughter, Tatiana, would not become the new leader of the crime organization that belonged to Yuri. The position of leader ship was secretly given to Gaia, without Gaia's knowledge. She is attempts to kill Gaia many times but is caught with the help of the FBI and the CIA. It is revealed that she looks very similar to Katia Moore, because she is actually Katia's cousin. For this reason, she was chosen to try to romance Tom Moore.
Tatianna is the daughter of Natasha. Tatianna is the same age as Gaia when she is introduced to the series, and she goes to Gaia's highschool; Village High. Tatianna became a popular person at their highschool relatively quickly as she is very talkative and friendly. Tatiana developed a crush on Ed Fargo and tries to date him. At the moment in the series, Ed still had strong feelings for Gaia, so he declined. Tatianna looks similar to her mother, has a nice personality and is very athletic; she likes tennis. Tatiana's sweet attitude and cheerfulness irritates Gaia, because Gaia senses that something about her is fake. At first Gaia is rude, stubborn and cold towards Tatiana. But they later become strong friends. Tatianna eventually betrays Gaia and attempts to kill her several times. It is revealed that the reason Tatianna and Natasha try to kill Gaia, is because they actually work as Russian criminal undercover operatives. The Russian organization they belong to is Yuri's, and he has plans to capture Gaia and make her the new leader. This makes both Tatianna and Natasha want to kill Gaia, as originally Tatianna was supposed to inherit leadership.
Yuri (alias Dmitri) is an old Russian terrorist with a large criminal organization. He is the father of Katia Moore and ends up imprisoning Oliver Moore (alias Loki) in a prison camp for raping his daughter, Katia Moore. Yuri is an evil person with no morals or compassion. Shortly after capturing Oliver Moore, Oliver ends up taking over and becoming the new leader of Yuri's organization. Oliver Moore adopts the name Loki and imprisons Yuri in a prison camp. Many years later, Gaia and Sam end up at Loki's abandoned prison camp searching for Tom Moore and find the imprisoned Yuri, who tells them his name is Dmitri. After escaping from prison, Yuri immediately begins to plan the take over of Loki's organization. yuri still has many men that work for him, this new crime organization was supposed to be led by Tatianna, Natasha's daughter. But Yuri eventually realizes that Gaia would make a better candidate. Yuri lives with Sam Moon for a short while, until he realizes that Natasha and Tatianna are trying to kill Gaia. He then escapes after his identity is revealed. Yuri has captured Tom Moore in a prison in Siberia. Due to the combined efforts of Gaia Moore, Jake Montone and Oliver Moore; Tom Moore is rescued. Yuri is eventually captured by them as well.
- Fearless
- Sam
- Run
- Twisted
- Kiss
- Payback
- Rebel
- Heat
- Blood
- Liar
- Trust
- Killer
- Bad
- Missing
- Tears
- Naked
- Flee
- Love
- Twins
- UK title - Hurt. US title - Sex
- Blind
- Alone
- Fear
- Betrayed
- Lost
- Escape
- Shock
- Chase
- Lust
- Freak
- Normal
- Terror
- Wired
- Fake
- Exposed
- Gone
Super Editions
- Before Gaia
- Gaia Abducted
- The Silent Hand- never published
- The Screaming Heart- never published
Fearless FBI
- Kill Game
- Live Bait
- Agent Out
- Naked Eye
Television Show
A pilotTelevision pilot
A "television pilot" is a standalone episode of a television series that is used to sell the show to a television network. At the time of its inception, the pilot is meant to be the "testing ground" to see if a series will be possibly desired and successful and therefore a test episode of an...
loosely based on the series and given the same name
Fearless (television show)
Fearless is a 2003/2004 television pilot based on the series of books by Francine Pascal. It starred Rachael Leigh Cook as Gaia Moore, a woman born without the ability to feel fear. While keeping the premise of the books, it took the main character Gaia and made her older and had her working for...
starring Rachael Leigh Cook
Rachael Leigh Cook
Rachael Leigh Cook is an American actress, known for her role in the romantic comedy She's All That and her This is Your Brain on Drugs public service announcement.-Early life:...
as Gaia was filmed for The WB. The show took place 5 years after the original Fearless series of books with Gaia now 23 working as an agent for the FBI. The show never made it to air due to casting and other concerns. Its time slot was later filled with One Tree Hill
One Tree Hill (TV series)
One Tree Hill is an American television drama created by Mark Schwahn, which premiered on September 23, 2003, on The WB Television Network. After its third season, The WB merged with UPN to form The CW Television Network, and, since September 27, 2006, the network has been the official broadcaster...
on the network's fall schedule, though it was later considered a serious contender for a mid-season replacement. The pilot was filmed a second time, but issues over the main character could not be resolved. Producers could not show a character without a fear gene showing emotion in a convincing fashion.
A continuation of the series, Fearless FBI, was introduced in June 2005. As of August 2006, four installments (Kill Game, Live Bait, Agent Out and Naked Eye, in order) have been published. It describes Gaia's post-college life where she takes on the decision to join the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) instead of the CIA, which her father thought she would join. Will Taylor, Catherine Sanders and Kim Lau are some main characters in the series other than Gaia.As the series goes on, Gaia develops a romantic relationship with Will, and Catherine becomes her best friend.
Fans Online
The series was—and still is—widely loved online. Fans have created various extensive fansites, however most of these websites are now years old and no longer updated. Fans still however meet at the very popular site Fearless Forever (www.invisionfree.com/forums/fearless_forever/).See also
- FearlessFearless (television show)Fearless is a 2003/2004 television pilot based on the series of books by Francine Pascal. It starred Rachael Leigh Cook as Gaia Moore, a woman born without the ability to feel fear. While keeping the premise of the books, it took the main character Gaia and made her older and had her working for...
(Proposed TV series.) - Fearless Website (The Hidden Bookcase)
Fearless Forever