Fear & Loathing (Haven)
"Fear & Loathing" is the second episode of the second season of the supernatural
The supernatural or is that which is not subject to the laws of nature, or more figuratively, that which is said to exist above and beyond nature...

 American/Canadian television series Haven
Haven (TV series)
Haven is a supernatural drama television series loosely based on the Stephen King novel The Colorado Kid. The show, filmed on the South Shore of Nova Scotia, Canada, is an American/Canadian co-production. The one-hour drama premiered on July 9, 2010, on Syfy...

. It first aired on SyFy
Syfy , formerly known as the Sci-Fi Channel and SCI FI, is an American cable television channel featuring science fiction, supernatural, fantasy, reality, paranormal, wrestling, and horror programming. Launched on September 24, 1992, it is part of the entertainment conglomerate NBCUniversal, a...

 on July 22, 2011. It was written by Gabrielle Stanton and directed by Rob Lieberman
Robert Lieberman
Robert Lieberman is a Canadian director of movies and television series.-Biography:Lieberman was the founder of the legendary west coast commercial production company Harmony Pictures and has directed close to two thousand commercials, many of them winning awards. He has received countless Clio...



After the memorial service for his father Nathan receives commiserations from various people including Ian Haskell who is looking for Duke. Panic breaks out in a shop where people suddenly find themselves facing their worst fears. Nathan and the two Audreys soon get the idea everyone was hallucinating. The only person who didn't see anything was Bryan Shaw who was in the back looking for his girlfriend. Nathan discovers that he has been cut in the hand and can now feel pain. At Haven bus station a similar panic breaks out. Ian has caught up with Duke on his boat and asks him to get him out of Haven, but Duke refuses. The two Audreys investigate at the bus station and Audrey spots a girl leaving the scene, but is forced to deal with other issues, so she gets Vince Teagues to draw a sketch of the girl. Audrey #2 goes to find out from Duke what he knows of Audrey's mysterious Agent Howard. Audrey connects the girl at the bus station with Bryan Shaw's girlfriend, Jackie. When Audrey finds her after Jackie is wounded in another panic scare, she discovers that Jackie had lost her "trouble" for a few weeks after someone cut her only to have it return this day. She connects the return of Jackie's "trouble" with the loss of Nathan's. Nathan realizes it must have been Ian.

Ian now breaks into the museum, suffering no pain as he slid down the chimney, and steals an old children's puzzle. He later fits one piece into it and a Haven building immediately withers and disappears. Vince explains the power of the puzzle and how the town had confiscated it two centuries ago, hiding the pieces and placing the puzzle in the museum for safekeeping. Ian is a descendant of the original owner, knows its power, and took Jackie's "trouble" through contact with her blood, using it to cause panic and allowing him to collect the pieces. After complications on Duke's boat Ian is shot and Nathan gives up his new found feeling by putting Jackie's bloody bandage on Ian's skin before he dies to cure her "trouble".

The two Audreys go to the house where Agent Howard had stopped while in Haven and they discover the novel that Audrey had lent him. Audrey later tells Nathan the book indicates they are on the right track.


This episode earned a Nielsen household rating of 0.5 for 18/49. It was viewed by 1.837 million viewers.
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