Fatty Fudge
Fatty Fudge is a cartoon character in The Beano
The Beano
The Beano is a British children's comic, published by D.C. Thomson & Co and is arguably their most successful.The comic first appeared on 30 July 1938, and was published weekly. During the Second World War,The Beano and The Dandy were published on alternating weeks because of paper and ink...

Comic. As his name suggests he is a big fat boy with an addiction to unhealthy food and in particular confectionary. He is very greedy and would do anything for food, which Minnie often uses to her advantage. He is largely confined to supporting roles in the Minnie the Minx
Minnie the Minx
Minnie the Minx is a fictional character in the British comic The Beano. Created and originally drawn by Leo Baxendale, she first appeared in issue 596, dated 19 December 1953 making her the third longest running Beano character, behind only Dennis the Menace and Roger the Dodger...

 cartoon strip in which, alongside Minnie's other rival Soppy Susan he is usually the butt of Minnie's pranks, although his services are occasionally engaged by Minnie for the furtherence of her schemes. His real name is Frederick.

From 1989-1991, however, Fatty enjoyed his own spin off strip devoted entirely to the parodying of famous films. Examples of this include Ghost Burgers, Toast Busters, You only eat Rice, Sleeping Fatty, Frankfurterstein, Fishfinger, Live and let diet, The Incredible bulk, 2001 a space obesity, and 20,000 Leeks under the Sea. He also appeared in a parody of the British quiz show Bob's Full House
Bob's Full House
Bob's Full House was a popular quiz programme hosted by Bob Monkhouse which was based on the popular game 'Bingo' and aired on BBC1 from 1 September 1984 until 27 January 1990.-Gameplay:...

, called "Slob's Full Tum", where contestants had to eat as much as they could and whoever got a full tum in the quickest time was the winner. The game show was hosted by "Slob Monkhouse", again a parody of the original host name Bob Monkhouse
Bob Monkhouse
Robert Alan "Bob" Monkhouse, OBE was an English entertainer. He was a successful comedy writer, comedian and actor and was also well known on British television as a presenter and game show host...

. These strips were all drawn by Jim Petrie
Jim Petrie
Jim Petrie was a British comic artist. He is most notable for drawing 2,000 episodes of Minnie the Minx, a comic strip featured in The Beano, after taking over from the strips original artist Leo Baxendale in 1961...

, the Minnie the Minx artist at that time.

The strip is expected to return as a one-off in 2011, once again drawn by Petrie.
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