FastExport is a computer program
Computer program
A computer program is a sequence of instructions written to perform a specified task with a computer. A computer requires programs to function, typically executing the program's instructions in a central processor. The program has an executable form that the computer can use directly to execute...

 released by the company Teradata
Teradata Corporation is a vendor specializing in data warehousing and analytic applications. Its products are commonly used by companies to manage data warehouses for analytics and business intelligence purposes. Teradata was formerly a division of NCR Corporation, with the spinoff from NCR on...

. The program is the reverse of the Teradata FastLoad. FastExport is a utility that exports large data sets from Teradata tables or views to a client system for processing, generating large reports, or for loading data into a smaller database. FastExport can export data to both channel- or network-attached client systems. The program also provides session control and data handling specifications for the data transfer operations. The program is available for various operating system
Operating system
An operating system is a set of programs that manage computer hardware resources and provide common services for application software. The operating system is the most important type of system software in a computer system...

s, including Microsoft Windows
Microsoft Windows
Microsoft Windows is a series of operating systems produced by Microsoft.Microsoft introduced an operating environment named Windows on November 20, 1985 as an add-on to MS-DOS in response to the growing interest in graphical user interfaces . Microsoft Windows came to dominate the world's personal...

 and Red Hat Linux
Red Hat Linux
Red Hat Linux, assembled by the company Red Hat, was a popular Linux based operating system until its discontinuation in 2004.Red Hat Linux 1.0 was released on November 3, 1994...



FastExport is a command-driven utility that uses multiple sessions to quickly transfer large amounts of data from tables and views of the Teradata Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) to a client-based application.

Users can export data from any table or view to which you have the SELECT access privilege. The destination for the exported data can be:
  • A file on a channel-attached or network-attached client system
  • An Output Modification (OUTMOD) routine written to select, validate, and preprocess the exported data

A Sample Script

.LOGTABLE utillog; /*define restart log */

.LOGON tdpz/user,pswd; /*DBC logon string */

.BEGIN EXPORT /*specify export function */
SESSIONS 20; /*number of sessions to be used */

.LAYOUT UsingData; /*define the input data */
.FIELD ProjId * Char(8); /*values for the SELECT */
.FIELD WkEnd * Date; /*constraint clause. */

.IMPORT INFILE ddname1 /*identify the file that */
LAYOUT UsingData; /*contains the input data */

.EXPORT OUTFILE ddname2; /*identify the destination */
/*file for exported data */

SELECT EmpNo, Hours FROM CHARGES /*provide the SQL SELECT */
WHERE WkEnd = :WkEnd /*statement with values */
AND Proj_ID = :ProjId /*provided by the IMPORT */
ORDER BY EmpNo; /*command */

.END EXPORT; /*terminate the export */
/* operation */

.LOGOFF; /*disconnect from the DBS */
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