Farnsley Middle School
Farnsley Middle School is a school in Louisville, Kentucky
Louisville, Kentucky
Louisville is the largest city in the U.S. state of Kentucky, and the county seat of Jefferson County. Since 2003, the city's borders have been coterminous with those of the county because of a city-county merger. The city's population at the 2010 census was 741,096...

, just southwest of downtown
Downtown Louisville
Downtown Louisville is the largest central business district in the Commonwealth of Kentucky and the urban hub of the Louisville, Kentucky Metropolitan Area. Its boundaries are the Ohio River to the north, Hancock Street to the east, York and Jacob Streets to the south, and 9th Street to the west...

 Louisville, Kentucky
Louisville, Kentucky
Louisville is the largest city in the U.S. state of Kentucky, and the county seat of Jefferson County. Since 2003, the city's borders have been coterminous with those of the county because of a city-county merger. The city's population at the 2010 census was 741,096...

. It is ranked number one in the county and it is primarily focused on math, science, and technology. It has an afterschool technology program that lets the students experiment with and experience new technology. It also has afterschool math and science programs. Former National Basketball Association player, Clarence Glover, is an assistant principal.

The school is named after the Farnsley Family which was one of the first families to settle in Jefferson County. The school is built on the Farnsley-Kaulfmann Farm. Charles R. Farnsley
Charles R. Farnsley
Charles Rowland Peaslee "Charlie" Farnsley , a Democrat, served as mayor of Louisville, Kentucky and as a member of the United States House of Representatives....

. was a former mayor of Louisville. Gabrille Farnsley built the Farnsley-Moremen House.
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