Farewell to Nostradamus
, sometimes also referred to as To Hell With Nostradamus, was a 1995 movie. It is the fourth feature film in the Lupin III
Lupin III
, also known as Lupin the 3rd, is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Kazuhiko Kato under the pen name of Monkey Punch. The story follows the adventures of a gang of thieves led by Arsène Lupin III, the grandson of Arsène Lupin, the gentleman thief of Maurice Leblanc's series of...

franchise. The North American release was done by FUNimation; it was released individually and later made a part of the "Final Haul" box set.


A simple diamond heist leads Lupin into the machinations of a bizarre cult. The cult is based around the prophecies of Nostradamus, and they kidnap Julia, the daughter of Douglas, a wealthy American who is seeking the presidency, along with Lupin's diamond. At stake is the lost book of prophecy Douglas holds in the vault at the top of his skyscraper.

Can Lupin rescue Julia, find a way into the vault, and discover the connection between the cult and the kidnapping? And what about his diamond?


  • This film was the first Lupin project to feature Kanichi Kurita
    Kanichi Kurita
    is a Japanese voice actor and comedian.His most famous role is Lupin the Third in the anime of the same name. He inherited the role from Yasuo Yamada after the latter's death in 1995, and his first role as Lupin was in the theatrical film Farewell to Nostradamus...

     as the voice of Lupin, following the untimely death of Yasuo Yamada
    Yasuo Yamada
    was a Japanese voice actor born in Tokyo, Japan.Yamada left the faculty of literature of Waseda University, and had performed in many stage, radio, and television productions. His most famous role was Arsène Lupin III from the Lupin III series, starting in 1971 and ending in 1995...

     in 1995.
  • This film was also meant to be a response to Aum Shinrikyo
    Aum Shinrikyo
    Aum Shinrikyo was a Japanese new religious movement. The group was founded by Shoko Asahara in 1984. The group gained international notoriety in 1995, when it carried out the Sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway....


External links

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