Far from the Sun

American/European re-release bonus tracks


  • Pasi Koskinen
    Pasi Koskinen
    Pasi Koskinen is a Finnish metal vocalist best known for his work with the band Amorphis from 1996 to 2004. Koskinen also played in St.Mucus , which he founded. He is currently the vocalist for three active bands: Mannhai, Ajattara Pasi Koskinen (born 1972) is a Finnish metal vocalist best known...

     − vocals
  • Tomi Koivusaari
    Tomi Koivusaari
    Tomi Koivusaari is the rhythm guitarist and former vocalist of the Finnish metal band Amorphis.He started playing at the age of 12, his first band was Violent Solution formed in 1987, with him on guitars and vocals, Esa Holopainen on guitars and Jan Rechberger on drums. The band played thrash...

     − rhythm guitar
    Rhythm guitar
    Rhythm guitar is a technique and rôle that performs a combination of two functions: to provide all or part of the rhythmic pulse in conjunction with singers or other instruments; and to provide all or part of the harmony, ie. the chords, where a chord is a group of notes played together...

  • Esa Holopainen
    Esa Holopainen
    Esa Holopainen is a Finnish guitarist who is the lead guitarist, main songwriter and a founding member of Finnish metal band Amorphis and guitarist for Chaosbreed. His influences include Ritchie Blackmore, David Gilmour, John McLaughlin and Petri Walli of Kingston Wall. Holopainen uses ESP guitars...

     − lead guitar
    Lead guitar
    Lead guitar is a guitar part which plays melody lines, instrumental fill passages, guitar solos, and occasionally, some riffs within a song structure...

  • Santeri Kallio − keyboards
    Electronic keyboard
    An electronic keyboard is an electronic or digital keyboard instrument.The major components of a typical modern electronic keyboard are:...

  • Niclas Etelävuori − bass guitar
    Bass guitar
    The bass guitar is a stringed instrument played primarily with the fingers or thumb , or by using a pick....

  • Jan Rechberger − drums
    Drum kit
    A drum kit is a collection of drums, cymbals and often other percussion instruments, such as cowbells, wood blocks, triangles, chimes, or tambourines, arranged for convenient playing by a single person ....


  • Mixed by Hiili Hiilesmaa at Finnvox Studios - Helsinki, Finland, February 2003
  • Mastered by Thomas Eberger at Cutting Room - Stockholm
    Stockholm is the capital and the largest city of Sweden and constitutes the most populated urban area in Scandinavia. Stockholm is the most populous city in Sweden, with a population of 851,155 in the municipality , 1.37 million in the urban area , and around 2.1 million in the metropolitan area...

    , Sweden
    Sweden , officially the Kingdom of Sweden , is a Nordic country on the Scandinavian Peninsula in Northern Europe. Sweden borders with Norway and Finland and is connected to Denmark by a bridge-tunnel across the Öresund....

    , February 2003
  • Album cover and art direction by David K
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