Florida Teacher Certification Examinations (FTCE) are standardized test
s used to assess the competencies of prospective teachers according to Florida's Sunshine State Standards. FTCE refers to 47 different exams: four General Knowledge sub-tests, one Professional Education exam, and 42 Subject Area examinations.
Passing the appropriate FTCE exam is considered one part of the requirements for becoming a licensed teacher in Florida. Prospective teachers go through the Bureau of Educator Certification at the Department of Education to become certified. The Bureau advises that teacher candidates should submit an application for certification before applying to take certification examinations. Note: All teachers must have either professional or temporary certification by the Bureau of Educator Certification.
Paper and pencil tests are offered 6 times per Calendar Year, with 2 additional supplemental administrations. Supplemental administrations cost considerably more than regular testing dates. As an alternative to paper-and-pencil tests, many tests are now offered on the computer during the week at 36 locations throughout the state. The computer-based tests are equivalent to the paper-and-pencil tests in length and difficulty.
of 2001 (NCLB) requires that, in order for states to receive federal funding, all teachers must be "highly qualified" as defined in the law by the end of the 2006-07 school year. The Florida Department of Education has defined a highly qualified teacher to be one who has (1) fulfilled the state's certification and licensing requirements, (2) obtained at least a bachelor's degree, and (3) demonstrated subject matter expertise. The procedure for demonstrating subject matter knowledge depends on a teacher's tenure and level of instruction.
As a result the FTCE began in 2002 to replace the College Level Academic Skills Test (CLAST). The test satisfies Florida Statues 1012.56.2 (g), (h), and (i) to be certified as a teacher. The specific implementation is according to the Florida Administrative Code 6A-4.0021
Time allotted: 40 minutes
Percent correct needed to pass on the easiest version: 58%
Time allotted: 100 minutes
Time allotted: 40 minutes
and professional
Percent correct needed to pass on the easiest version: 73%
Time allotted: 150 minutes
Standardized test
A standardized test is a test that is administered and scored in a consistent, or "standard", manner. Standardized tests are designed in such a way that the questions, conditions for administering, scoring procedures, and interpretations are consistent and are administered and scored in a...
s used to assess the competencies of prospective teachers according to Florida's Sunshine State Standards. FTCE refers to 47 different exams: four General Knowledge sub-tests, one Professional Education exam, and 42 Subject Area examinations.
Passing the appropriate FTCE exam is considered one part of the requirements for becoming a licensed teacher in Florida. Prospective teachers go through the Bureau of Educator Certification at the Department of Education to become certified. The Bureau advises that teacher candidates should submit an application for certification before applying to take certification examinations. Note: All teachers must have either professional or temporary certification by the Bureau of Educator Certification.
Paper and pencil tests are offered 6 times per Calendar Year, with 2 additional supplemental administrations. Supplemental administrations cost considerably more than regular testing dates. As an alternative to paper-and-pencil tests, many tests are now offered on the computer during the week at 36 locations throughout the state. The computer-based tests are equivalent to the paper-and-pencil tests in length and difficulty.
The federal No Child Left Behind ActNo Child Left Behind Act
The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 is a United States Act of Congress concerning the education of children in public schools.NCLB was originally proposed by the administration of George W. Bush immediately after he took office...
of 2001 (NCLB) requires that, in order for states to receive federal funding, all teachers must be "highly qualified" as defined in the law by the end of the 2006-07 school year. The Florida Department of Education has defined a highly qualified teacher to be one who has (1) fulfilled the state's certification and licensing requirements, (2) obtained at least a bachelor's degree, and (3) demonstrated subject matter expertise. The procedure for demonstrating subject matter knowledge depends on a teacher's tenure and level of instruction.
As a result the FTCE began in 2002 to replace the College Level Academic Skills Test (CLAST). The test satisfies Florida Statues 1012.56.2 (g), (h), and (i) to be certified as a teacher. The specific implementation is according to the Florida Administrative Code 6A-4.0021
FTCE General Knowledge test
The general knowledge test is meant to test general education. There are four parts: English Language Skills, Readings, mathematics, and an Essay.English Language
Percent correct needed to pass on the easiest version: 73%Time allotted: 40 minutes
Competencies Covered
- Conceptual and organizational
- Word choice
- Sentence structure
- Grammar
- Spelling
- Capitalization
- Punctuation
Competencies Covered
- Purpose
- Statement of main idea
- Organization of ideas and details
- Provide adequate, relevant supporting material
- Use of transitions
- Command of Language
- Avoidance of inappropriate slang, jargon, and clichés
- Variety of sentence patterns
- Consistent point of view
- Conventions of standard American English
A 4 function calculator is provided for this portion of the test.Percent correct needed to pass on the easiest version: 58%
Time allotted: 100 minutes
Competencies Covered
- Number sense, concepts, and operations
- Measurement
- Geometry
- Spatial sense
- Algebraic thinking
- Data analysis
- Probability
Reference Sheet
The reference sheet provided includes:- Area of a rectangle, parallelogram, trapezoid, and triangle
- Area and circumference of a circle
- Volume and surface area of a pyramid, prism, cone, cylinder, and sphere
- The Pythagorean Theorem
- Distance, midpoint, and slope formulas
- A simple interest formula
- Conversions between metric and standard units
- a decimal (3.14) and fractional (22/7) approximation of pi
Percent correct needed to pass on the easiest version: 65%Time allotted: 40 minutes
FTCE Profession Education test
The profession education test is meant to test education specific to pedagogyPedagogy
Pedagogy is the study of being a teacher or the process of teaching. The term generally refers to strategies of instruction, or a style of instruction....
and professional
A professional is a person who is paid to undertake a specialised set of tasks and to complete them for a fee. The traditional professions were doctors, lawyers, clergymen, and commissioned military officers. Today, the term is applied to estate agents, surveyors , environmental scientists,...
Percent correct needed to pass on the easiest version: 73%
Time allotted: 150 minutes
Competencies Covered
- Assessment
- Communications
- Continuous Improvement
- Critical Thinking
- Diversity
- Ethics
- Human Development and Learning
- Subject Matter
- Learning Environment
- Planning
- Role of the Teacher
- Technology
- Foundations of Education
- English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)
FTCE Subject Area Examinations
The subject area tests are meant to test the various subjects prospective teachers in Florida will be teaching.Grades 6-12
- Agriculture
- Biology
- Business Education
- Chemistry
- Drama
- Earth/Space Science
- English
- Technology Education
- Journalism
- Marketing
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Social Science
- Speech
Grades K-12
- Art
- Computer Science
- Educational Media Specialist (Includes Prekindergarten)
- Exceptional Student Education
- French
- German
- Guidance and Counseling (Includes Prekindergarten)
- Health
- Hearing Impaired
- Humanities
- Latin
- Music
- Physical Education
- Reading
- School Psychologist (Includes Prekindergarten)
- Spanish
- Speech-Language Impaired
- Visually Impaired
- Elementary Education (Grades K-6)
- Family and Consumer Science
- Prekindergarten/Primary (Grades Prekindergarten - 3)
- Preschool Education (Ages 0–4)