Ezentis Group
Ezentis is a business group listed on the Madrid
Bolsa de Madrid
Bolsa de Madrid is the largest and most international of Spain's four regional stock exchanges that trade shares and convertible bonds and fixed income securities, and both government and private-sector debt...

 and Bilbao stock exchanges. It has over 50 years’ experience in the technology
Technology is the making, usage, and knowledge of tools, machines, techniques, crafts, systems or methods of organization in order to solve a problem or perform a specific function. It can also refer to the collection of such tools, machinery, and procedures. The word technology comes ;...

, infrastructure and telecommunications sectors.

The Group is organized into three main business areas: Ezentis Infraestructuras (technological infrastructure group), Ezentis Tecnologia (Information and Communications Technology solutions), Ezentis Telecom (telecommunications solutions). It also holds a stake in Vertice 360º, an audiovisual services company. The Group has a wide-ranging international presence in Latin America
Latin America
Latin America is a region of the Americas where Romance languages  – particularly Spanish and Portuguese, and variably French – are primarily spoken. Latin America has an area of approximately 21,069,500 km² , almost 3.9% of the Earth's surface or 14.1% of its land surface area...

, the Caribbean, North Africa
North Africa
North Africa or Northern Africa is the northernmost region of the African continent, linked by the Sahara to Sub-Saharan Africa. Geopolitically, the United Nations definition of Northern Africa includes eight countries or territories; Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, South Sudan, Sudan, Tunisia, and...

 and Eastern Europe
Eastern Europe
Eastern Europe is the eastern part of Europe. The term has widely disparate geopolitical, geographical, cultural and socioeconomic readings, which makes it highly context-dependent and even volatile, and there are "almost as many definitions of Eastern Europe as there are scholars of the region"...

. With over 5000 employees across 3 continents, at international level the Group is working in various sectors, such as Telecommunications, Transport, Energy and Public Services and Civil Infrastructure (Civil works and building projects).


  • Mario Armero; January 2010 - September 2011
  • Manuel Garcia-Duran
    Manuel Garcia-Duran
    Manuel García-Durán is the Chairman and CEO of Grupo Ezentis, a business group with more than 50 years of experience in the technology, infrastructure and telecommunications sectors, listed on the Madrid stock exchanges....

    ; September 2011 - Present

External links

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