External vertebral venous plexuses
The external vertebral venous plexuses (extraspinal veins) best marked in the cervical region, consist of anterior and posterior plexuses which anastomose freely with each other.
  • The anterior external plexuses lie in front of the bodies of the vertebræ, communicate with the basivertebral and intervertebral veins
    Intervertebral veins
    The intervertebral veins accompany the spinal nerves through the intervertebral foramina; they receive the veins from the medulla spinalis, drain the internal and external vertebral plexuses.Their drainage depends upon the part of the body:...

    , and receive tributaries from the vertebral bodies.

  • The posterior external plexuses are placed partly on the posterior surfaces of the vertebral arches and their processes, and partly between the deep dorsal muscles.

They are best developed in the cervical region, and there anastomose with the vertebral, occipital
The word occipital, in zoology, pertains to the occiput .Occipital is a descriptor for several areas of animal & human anatomy.*External occipital protuberance* Internal occipital crest* Greater occipital nerve...

, and deep cervical veins.

External links

- "Venous Drainage of the Vertebral Column"
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