Exmouth Gulf Station
Exmouth Gulf Station or Exmouth Station is a pastoral lease
Pastoral lease
A pastoral lease is Crown land that government allows to be leased, generally for the purposes of farming.-Australia:Pastoral leases exist in both Australian commonwealth law and state jurisdictions....

 and sheep station
Station (Australian agriculture)
Station is the term for a large Australian landholding used for livestock production. It corresponds to the North American term ranch or South American estancia...

 located in the Gascoyne region of Western Australia
Western Australia
Western Australia is a state of Australia, occupying the entire western third of the Australian continent. It is bounded by the Indian Ocean to the north and west, the Great Australian Bight and Indian Ocean to the south, the Northern Territory to the north-east and South Australia to the south-east...

. Situated approximately 50 kilometres (31 mi) south of Exmouth
Exmouth, Western Australia
-Further reading:* Western Australia. Ministry for Planning. Exmouth-Learmonth structure plan. Perth, W.A. : Western Australian Planning Commission...

 Occupying an area of 92364 hectares (228,236 acre) the station occupies much of the eastern side of North West Cape
North West Cape
North West Cape is a large peninsula of land in the north west coast of Western Australia. Cape Range runs down the spine of the peninsula and Ningaloo Reef runs along the western edge...

 and the eastern boundary of the station is Exmouth Gulf
Exmouth Gulf
Exmouth Gulf is a gulf in the north west of Western Australia. It lies between North West Cape and the main coastline of Western Australia. It is considered to be part of the region of the North West Shelf and in the Canning Basin area.-Environment:...

 itself from which the station takes its name.

The area was under pastoral lease
Pastoral lease
A pastoral lease is Crown land that government allows to be leased, generally for the purposes of farming.-Australia:Pastoral leases exist in both Australian commonwealth law and state jurisdictions....

 beginning in 1876 when J Brockman acquired leases in the area covering North West Cape to run cattle. Brockman sold parts of the lease in 1888 to ornithologist Thomas Carter including Exmouth, Yardie Creek
Yardie Creek Station
Yardie Creek or Yardie Creek Station is a pastoral lease and sheep station located in the Gascoyne region of Western Australia.The area was under pastoral lease beginning in 1876 when J Brockman acquired leases in the area covering North West Cape to run cattle...

 and Ningaloo Station
Ningaloo Station
Ningaloo Station is a sheep station located in the Gascoyne region of Western Australia about 40 km North of Coral Bay. It is bordered to the north by Cape Range National Park....

. Carter was the first settler in the area and established a pastoral station in 1889 grazing sheep. He then established most of the coastal wells and carefully recorded the Aboriginal names of the places in which they were located.

Initially Yardie Creek and Exmouth were part of the same lease but were split in 1912 at the same time the Point Cloates whaling station was established on the coast nearby.

The first significant oil
An oil is any substance that is liquid at ambient temperatures and does not mix with water but may mix with other oils and organic solvents. This general definition includes vegetable oils, volatile essential oils, petrochemical oils, and synthetic oils....

 strike in Australia occurred at Rough Range within the boundaries of the station and oil is still being produced in the area and pumped out to Cape Range. The station was owned by the Lefroy family since 1932.

A Boomerang
CAC Boomerang
The CAC Boomerang was a World War II fighter aircraft designed and manufactured in Australia between 1942 and 1945. The Commonwealth Aircraft Corporation produced Boomerangs under the production contract numbers CA-12, CA-13, CA-14 and CA-19, with aircraft supplied under each subsequent contract...

 A-46 hit a wireless mast while making a low pass over the station in 1943, tearing a section off the wing of the plane. The pilot made it safely back to Potshot airfield for repairs.
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