Evil Cat
Evil Cat is a 1987 Hong Kong film
Cinema of Hong Kong
The cinema of Hong Kong is one of the three major threads in the history of Chinese language cinema, alongside the cinema of China, and the cinema of Taiwan...

 directed by Dennis Yu
Dennis Yu
Dennis Yu Yun-kong Dennis Yu Yun-kong Dennis Yu Yun-kong (余允抗_ is a Hong Kong film director active in the 1980s, and a crucial member of Hong Kong New Wave. He is most famous for directing horror movies. The Imp (兇榜, 1981), Yu's horror movie with strong influence of Roman Polanski, is widely...



The Cheung Family has been fending with the Evil Cat for eight generations. This time, the Evil Cat reincarnates and possesses a tycoon's body. Severe fights start in order to eliminate the Evil Cat. One day, at Tina's home, the Cat dwells in, Cheung shoots Tina at the shoulder but Inspector Wu comes to her rescue just before Cheung can killed the Cat. Pulling out the charmed arrow in Tina's shoulder, the Cat recovers its power......

External links

  • Evil Cat at the Hong Kong Movie DataBase
    Hong Kong Movie Database
    The Hong Kong Movie DataBase is a bilingual website that was created in 1995 by Ryan Law to provide a repository for information about movies originating from Hong Kong and the people that created them....

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