Every Child Matters
Every Child Matters is a UK government
Government refers to the legislators, administrators, and arbitrators in the administrative bureaucracy who control a state at a given time, and to the system of government by which they are organized...

 initiative that was launched in 2003, at least partly in response to the death of Victoria Climbié
Victoria Climbié
In 2000 in London, England, an eight-year-old Ivorian girl Victoria Adjo Climbié was tortured and murdered by her guardians...

. It is one of the most important policy initiative and development programmes in relation to children and children's services of the last decade, and has been described as a "sea of change" to the children and families agenda.

It has been the title of three government papers
White paper
A white paper is an authoritative report or guide that helps solve a problem. White papers are used to educate readers and help people make decisions, and are often requested and used in politics, policy, business, and technical fields. In commercial use, the term has also come to refer to...

, leading to the Children Act 2004
Children Act 2004
The Children Act 2004 is an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom.The Act amended the Children Act 1989, largely in consequence of the Victoria Climbié inquiry....

. Every Child Matters covers children and young adults up to the age of 19, or 24 for those with disabilites.

Its main aims are for every child, whatever their background or circumstances, to have the support they need to:
  • Be healthy
  • Stay safe
  • Enjoy and achieve
  • Make a positive contribution
  • Achieve economic well-being

Each of these themes has a detailed framework attached whose outcomes require multi-agency partnerships working together to achieve. The agencies in partnership may include children's centres, early years, schools, children's social work services, primary and secondary health services, playwork, and Child and Adolescent Mental Health services (CAMHS). In the past it has been argued that children and families have received poorer services because of the failure of professionals to understand each other's roles or to work together effectively in a multi-disciplinary manner. ECM seeks to change this, stressing that it is important that all professionals working with children are aware of the contribution that could be made by their own and each others' service and to plan and deliver their work with children and young people accordingly.

A helpful acronym to remember the 5 parts is SHEEP - Every child shall be: Safe, Healthy, Enjoy/Achieve, Economic, Positive contribution.

It is the central goal of Every Child Matters to ensure every pupil is given the chance to be able to work towards the goals referenced within it. Most of the legislation passed and guidance applies to England and Wales and all maintained schools have implemented the policy; it has also been influential in the rest of the UK and in some independent schools. The similar model Getting it Right for Every Child - GIRFEC
Getting it Right for Every Child - GIRFEC
GIRFEC - Getting it Right for Every Child is Scotland's approach to supporting children and young people and is an important part of child protection policy...

 is the equivalent approach in Scotland.

Since the formation of the Coalition Government in 2010 there has been some movement away from the terminology, and the funding for, Every Child Matters - how far the principles and structures of ECM will continue is as yet unclear. http://www.everychildmattersbook.co.uk/every-child-matters-and-the-alliance-government


  • Barker, Richard (editor) - 2009 - "Making Sense of Every Child Matters - Multi - Professional Practice Guidance" Policy Press - www.everychildmattersbook.co.uk
  • Cheminais, R (2009) Effective Multi-Agency Partnerships: Putting Every Child Matters into Practice. ISBN 9781000019872
  • Cheminais, R (2008) How to Achieve the Every Child Matters Standards: A Practical Guide. ISBN 9781412948166 http://www.ecm-solutions.org.uk/achieve-ecm-standards.html

External links

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