Eva Bacharach
Eva Bacharach was a Hebraist
A Hebraist is a specialist in Hebrew and Hebraic studies. Specifically, British and German scholars of the 18th and 19th centuries who were involved in the study of Hebrew language and literature were commonly known by this designation, at a time when Hebrew was little understood outside practicing...

 and rabbinical scholar. She was the daughter of Isaac ben Simson ha-Kohen, and through her mother, Vögele, granddaughter of the well-known rabbi of Prague, Judah Loew ben Bezalel
Judah Loew ben Bezalel
Judah Loew ben Bezalel, alt. Loewe, Löwe, or Levai, widely known to scholars of Judaism as the Maharal of Prague, or simply The MaHaRaL, the Hebrew acronym of "Moreinu ha-Rav Loew," was an important Talmudic scholar, Jewish mystic, and philosopher who served as a leading rabbi in the city of...

. Her brothers, Ḥayyim and Naphtali, were also noted rabbis. As a daughter of such a distinguished rabbinical family, she acquired a wide knowledge of Hebrew and rabbinical literature, and could often assist rabbis in solving textual difficulties. Such erudition was quite uncommon among Jewish women of that time, and the Memorbuch of Worms
Worms, Germany
Worms is a city in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany, on the Rhine River. At the end of 2004, it had 85,829 inhabitants.Established by the Celts, who called it Borbetomagus, Worms today remains embattled with the cities Trier and Cologne over the title of "Oldest City in Germany." Worms is the only...

 makes special mention of it (Ḳobeẓ 'al-Yad, iii. 15, Berlin, 1887).

In 1600 she married Abraham Samuel Bacharach
Abraham Samuel Bacharach
Abraham Samuel Bacharach was a Rabbi, born about 1575; died in Gernsheim, Grand Duchy of Hesse, May 26, 1615. He seems to have come from the city of Worms, but is first met with at Prague, where, in 1600, he married Eva, the granddaughter of the chief rabbi of Prague, Judah Loew ben Bezalel...

, with whom she subsequently went to Worms, to where he was called as rabbi. After his death on May 26, 1615, she returned with her son Samson and her three daughters to Prague, in order to devote herself to the education of her children. Eva refused an offer of marriage from Isaiah Horowitz
Isaiah Horowitz
Isaiah Horowitz, , also known as the Shelah ha-Kadosh after the title of his best-known work, was a prominent Levite rabbi and mystic.-Biography:...

, then rabbi of Prague, who was about to emigrate to Jerusalem, although she longed to be in the Holy Land. When her three daughters were married, she followed her son Samson to Worms, whither he had been called to take the position of his father; and soon afterward, in 1651, she left for Palestine. On the journey, Eva Bacharach died in Sofia, where she was buried with great honor. Her grandson, Yair Bacharach
Yair Bacharach
Yair Chayim Bacharach was a German rabbi, initially in Koblenz and remainder of his life in Worms and Metz...

, called his work in memory of her Ḥawwot Yair, which, in the usual German pronunciation, might be understood as "Eva's Jaïr."

External links

  • Kaufmann, Bacharach und Seine Ahnen, 1894, pp. 3, 23, 24, 27, 28
  • Eisenstadt-Weiner, Da'at Ḳedoshim, pp. 215-217
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