Euthalia nais
The Baronet Euthalia nais is a species of Nymphalid butterfly found in South Asia
South Asia
South Asia, also known as Southern Asia, is the southern region of the Asian continent, which comprises the sub-Himalayan countries and, for some authorities , also includes the adjoining countries to the west and the east...
- Male+female Upperside tawny yellow, base of both fore and hind wing dusted with fuscous scales; cilia black, alternated with white. Forewing with the following black markings: a transverse line below apex of cell, an oval transverse spot beyond encircling a small yellow spot, a broad short oblique discal bar and an angulated postdiscal lunular band; the costa narrowly and the termen shaded with black. Hind wing: a comparatively large triangular patch below the middle of the costa, a postdiscal evenly-curved series of spots and a broad band along the termen black. Underside dark ochraceous red. Fore wing: the base shaded with fuscous black, two spots at base of cell and a transverse line beyond crimson-pink, edged with black: a very broad oblique discal band, angulated downwards below vein 4, bordered posteriorly by a large black spot on the inner side and outwardly and anteriorly by an oblique broad black band, followed by four anterior obliquely-placed ochraceous-white spots, and beyond by a very narrow luuular black band bent downwards below vein 6. Hind wing: a crimson short line at extreme base, two crimson black-bordered spots in cell: a comparatively broad transverse discal white band often broken up into a large spot below middle of costa, with two or three spots in line below it; finally, a postdiscal series of small black spots. Antennae black, bright ochraceous at apex; head, thorax and abdomen tawny red above, brown shaded with crimson-pink below.
- Expanse: 58-70 mm.
- Habitat: The plains of India and the Lower Himalayas; Southern India; Ceylon.
- Larva: Light green with a dorsal row of purple spots, the sides armed with a row of ten very long horizontally-projected fleshy spines numerously covered with fine green hairs of a non-irritating character. (Moore)
- Pupa: Short, broad, dorsum keeled ; broadly triangular across the middle; head bifid; colour green, with dark gold spots and lines. (Moore)