EudraCT is the European Clinical Trials Database
of all clinical trial
s commencing in the European Union
from 1 May 2004 onwards. The EudraCT database has been established in accordance with Directive 2001/20/EC
Each clinical trial with at least one site in the European Union receives a unique number for identification, the EudraCT Number. The EudraCT Number must be included on all Clinical Trial applications within the European Community and as needed on other documents relating to the trials (e.g. SUSAR reports).
are considered a Clinical Trial. The process of applying and registering a Clinical Trial should be completed before submitting an application to any of the Member States. The Public Side of EudraCT is also where the user enters all the details of the trial on the Clinical Trial Application form required to support their application to each individual Member State/s in which they anticipate running the trial. The Public Side of EudraCT does not save any of the trial detail entered by the user, and instead provides a saved data file in the form of an XML which the user must store on their own local hard drive.
Once the requestor submits the form by clicking on 'Get EudraCT Number' they will be taken to a new page which shows the uniqie EudraCT number for this trial. An e-mail called "EudraCT Receipt" will also be issued containing their EudraCT number for this trial. The unique EudraCT number for each clinical trial has the format YYYY-NNNNNN-CC, where:
You will then be presented with a screen to select the country the application is for, along with the EudraCT number. A blank application will then be generated, which you can complete within the EudraCT system.
If you have previously created a saved an application within EudraCT, then you should click on 'Load' and upload the corresponding XML data file for the submission you wish to update/amend.
For help creating/amending your application within EudraCT, please refer to the help documentation ..
Version 8 was released in March 2011 and involved a major change to the EudraCT system, and how the data is stored. These changes were made in preparation for the launch of the Clinical Trials Register which is a public database that displays information from within EudraCT.
New features in version 8 are: https://eudract.ema.europa.eu/version8info.html
Clinical trials registry
A clinical trials registry, sometimes abbreviated as a CTR, is an official platform and catalog for registering a clinical trial. Some countries require clinical trials being conducted in that country to be registered, other do not require it, but often strongly encourage it...
of all clinical trial
Clinical trial
Clinical trials are a set of procedures in medical research and drug development that are conducted to allow safety and efficacy data to be collected for health interventions...
s commencing in the European Union
European Union
The European Union is an economic and political union of 27 independent member states which are located primarily in Europe. The EU traces its origins from the European Coal and Steel Community and the European Economic Community , formed by six countries in 1958...
from 1 May 2004 onwards. The EudraCT database has been established in accordance with Directive 2001/20/EC
Directive 2001/20/EC
The Clinical Trials Directive is a European Union directive that aimed at...
Each clinical trial with at least one site in the European Union receives a unique number for identification, the EudraCT Number. The EudraCT Number must be included on all Clinical Trial applications within the European Community and as needed on other documents relating to the trials (e.g. SUSAR reports).
Public Side
The Public Side of EudraCT is for organisations to register any of their studies which under the Directive 2001/20/ECDirective 2001/20/EC
The Clinical Trials Directive is a European Union directive that aimed at...
are considered a Clinical Trial. The process of applying and registering a Clinical Trial should be completed before submitting an application to any of the Member States. The Public Side of EudraCT is also where the user enters all the details of the trial on the Clinical Trial Application form required to support their application to each individual Member State/s in which they anticipate running the trial. The Public Side of EudraCT does not save any of the trial detail entered by the user, and instead provides a saved data file in the form of an XML which the user must store on their own local hard drive.
Applying for a EudraCT Number
You can only apply for a EudraCT number via the EudraCT website. To generate the EudraCT number some basic information about the requestor's organisation the trial is required. To access this section you will need to click on the create button, then select EudraCT Number, from the drop down list. You will then be presented with the following fields:- Requestor's organisation name
- Requestor's organisation town/city
- Requestor's organisation country
- Sponsor's protocol code number
- Requestor name
- Requestor last name
- E-mail to which the EudraCT number will be sent
- Security code
- Is it anticipated that this EudraCT Number will be used for a Clinical Trial contained in a Paediatric Investigation Plan (PIP)?
- Is it anticipated that this EudraCT Number will be used for a Clinical Trial conducted in a third country (outside of the EU/EEA)?
- Please select the Member States where it is anticipated that the trial will be run
Once the requestor submits the form by clicking on 'Get EudraCT Number' they will be taken to a new page which shows the uniqie EudraCT number for this trial. An e-mail called "EudraCT Receipt" will also be issued containing their EudraCT number for this trial. The unique EudraCT number for each clinical trial has the format YYYY-NNNNNN-CC, where:
- YYYY is the year in which the number is issued.
- NNNNNN is a six digit sequential number.
- CC is a check digit.
Creating your Clinical Trial Application
The Clinical Trial Application (CTA) form is created via the EudraCT system. If you are about to create your form for the first time that you will have to select the 'Create' button, then 'Clinical Trial' then 'EEA'.You will then be presented with a screen to select the country the application is for, along with the EudraCT number. A blank application will then be generated, which you can complete within the EudraCT system.
If you have previously created a saved an application within EudraCT, then you should click on 'Load' and upload the corresponding XML data file for the submission you wish to update/amend.
For help creating/amending your application within EudraCT, please refer to the help documentation ..
Version details
The EudraCT database is currently on Version 8.1.1.Version 8 was released in March 2011 and involved a major change to the EudraCT system, and how the data is stored. These changes were made in preparation for the launch of the Clinical Trials Register which is a public database that displays information from within EudraCT.
New features in version 8 are: https://eudract.ema.europa.eu/version8info.html
- EudraCT updated to include trial Pediatric information
- EU Clinical Trials Registerhttp://ec.europa.eu/health/files/clinicaltrials/technical_guidance_en.pdf
https://eudract.ema.europa.eu/docs/msca/MSCA_Contact_List.pdfCountry | Organisation | Website |
Austria | Bundesamt für Sicherheit im Gesundheitswesen (B.A.S.G) | http://www.basg.at/ |
Belgium | Federaal Agentschap voor Geneesmiddelen en Gezondheidsproducten (A.F.M.P.S) | http://www.fagg-afmps.be/ |
Bulgaria | Bulgarian Drug Agency (B.D.A) | http://www.bda.bg/ |
Cyprus | Ministry of Health - Pharmaceutical Services | |
Czech Republic | Státní ústav pro kontrolu léčiv (S.U.K.L) | http://www.sukl.cz/ |
Denmark | Danish Medicines Agency (D.K.M.A) | http://laegemiddelstyrelsen.dk/ |
Estonia | State Agency of Medicines (S.A.M) | http://www.ravimiamet.ee/ |
Finland | (N.A.M) | http://www.nam.fi/ |
France | Agence Française de Sécurité Sanitaire des Produits de Santé (A.F.S.S.A.P.S) | http://www.afssaps.fr/ |
Germany | Bundesinstitut für Arzneimittel und Medizinprodukte (B.F.A.R.M) | http://www.bfarm.de/ |
Germany | Paul-Ehrlich-Institut (P.E.I) | http://www.pei.de/ |
Greece | National Organisation for Medicines (E.O.F) | http:// www.eof.gr |
Hungary | National Institute of Pharmacy (O.G.Y.I) | http://www.ogyi.hu/ |
Iceland | Lyfjastofnun (I.M.C.A) | http://www.imca.is/ |
Ireland | Irish Medicine Board (I.M.B) | http://www.imb.ie/ |
Italy | Agenzia Italiana del Framaco (A.I.F) | http://www.agenziafarmaco.gov.it/ |
Latvia | Zalu Valsts Agentura (Z.V.A) | http://www.zva.gov.lv/ |
Liechtenstein | Amt für Gesundheit (A.G) | http://www.ag.llv.li/ |
Lithuania | Valstybine Vaistu Kontroles Tarnyba (V.V.K.T) | http://www.vvkt.lt/ |
Luxembourg | Division de la Pharmacie et des Medicaments | http;//www.etat.lu/MS |
Malta | Medicines Authority | http://medicinesauthority.gov.mt/ |
Netherlands | Centrale Commissie Mensgebonden Onderzoek (C.C.M.O) | http://www.ccmo.nl/ |
Norway | Statens Legemiddelverk (N.O.M.A) | http://www.noma.no/ |
Poland | Urzad Rejestracji Produktow Leczniczych (U.R.P.L) | http://www.urpl.gov.pl/ |
Portugal | Autoridade National do Medicamento e Produtos de Saude I.P. | http://www.infarmed.pt/ |
Romania | Lakemedelsverket | http://www.lakemedelsverket.se/ |
Slovakia | Slovakia Medicines Agency | |
Slovenia | Javna Agencija Republike Slovenije za Zdravila in Medicinske Prioimocke (J.A.Z.M.P) | http://www.jazmp.si/ |
Spain | Agencia Espanola de Medicamentos y Productos Sanitarios (A.E.M.P.S) | http://www.aemps.gob.es/ |
Sweden | Lakemedelsverket | http://www.lakemedelsverket.se/ |
UK | Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (M.H.R.A) | http://www.mhra.gov.uk/ |
See also
- European Medicines AgencyEuropean Medicines AgencyThe European Medicines Agency is a European agency for the evaluation of medicinal products. From 1995 to 2004, the European Medicines Agency was known as European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products.Roughly parallel to the U.S...
- EUDRANETEUDRANETEUDRANET, the European Telecommunication Network in Pharmaceuticals , is an IT platform to facilitate the exchange of information between regulatory partners and industry during submission and evaluation of applications...
- EudraGMPEudraGMPEudraGMP is the database of the European Community of manufacturing authorisations and of certificates of good manufacturing practice. The EudraGMP system was launched in April 2007, for use by European Medicines Regulators...
- EudraPharmEudraPharmEudraPharm is the database of medicinal products authorised in the European Union, and includes the information contained in the Summary of Product Characteristics, the patient or user package leaflet and the information shown on the labelling...
- EudraVigilanceEudraVigilanceEudraVigilance is the European data processing network and management system for reporting and evaluation of suspected adverse reactions during the development of new drugs and for following the marketing authorisation of medicinal products in the European Economic Area .The European...
External links
- EU Clinical Trials Resigeter (EU-CTR)