Escucha Formation
The Escucha Formation is a geological formation in La Rioja, Spain whose strata date back to the Early Cretaceous
Early Cretaceous
The Early Cretaceous or the Lower Cretaceous , is the earlier or lower of the two major divisions of the Cretaceous...

. Dinosaur remains are among the fossils that have been recovered from the formation.

Vertebrate paleofauna

Dinosaurs are a diverse group of animals of the clade and superorder Dinosauria. They were the dominant terrestrial vertebrates for over 160 million years, from the late Triassic period until the end of the Cretaceous , when the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event led to the extinction of...

s of the Escucha Formation
Taxa Presence Notes Images

  • Iguanodon
    Iguanodon is a genus of ornithopod dinosaur that lived roughly halfway between the first of the swift bipedal hypsilophodontids and the ornithopods' culmination in the duck-billed dinosaurs...

  1. Iguanodon sp.
  • Geographically located in Provincia de la Rioja, Spain.
  • The source of this article is wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.  The text of this article is licensed under the GFDL.