Erling Enger
Erling Enger was a Norwegian painter
Painting is the practice of applying paint, pigment, color or other medium to a surface . The application of the medium is commonly applied to the base with a brush but other objects can be used. In art, the term painting describes both the act and the result of the action. However, painting is...

. He was born in Fåberg
Fåberg is a village and former municipality in Oppland county, Norway.The parish of Faaberg was established as a municipality January 1, 1838 . On January 1, 1964 Fåberg was incorporated into the neighboring municipality Lillehammer. Prior to the merger Fåberg had 13,381 inhabitants.The district...

. Among his paintings at the National Gallery of Norway
National Gallery of Norway
The National Gallery of Norway is a gallery in Oslo, Norway. Since 2003 it is administratively a part of the National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design.-History:...

 are Vekstring svinger lua from 1940, Gårdsgutten from 1943, and Familien from 1948. He has been portrayed with busts by Dyre Vaa
Dyre Vaa
Dyre Vaa was a Norwegian sculptor and painter.-Background:He was born in Kviteseid, Telemark, and later lived and worked in Rauland. Vaa grew up the youngest of five siblings in a wealthy home. His father was one of the largest forest owners in Telemark...

 and by Ragnhild Butenschøn
Ragnhild Butenschøn
Ragnhild Butenschøn, née Jakhelln was a Norwegian sculptor.-Personal life:She was born in Kristiania as a daughter of major Alf Jakhelln and Agnes Prebensen . In 1936 she married publisher Barthold A. Butenschøn. She was a daughter-in-law of Barthold A...

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