Eri Sendai
is a Japanese female voice actress
who is represented by Production Baobab.
Voice acting in Japan has far greater prominence than in most other countries. Japan's large animation industry produces 60% of the animated series in the world; as a result, Japanese voice actors, or , are able to achieve fame on a national and international level.Besides acting as narrators and...
who is represented by Production Baobab.
TV animation
- Atsuko Hongō - Yomigaeru Sora - RESCUE WINGS -
- Arika - MedabotsMedabotsMedabots, known in Japan as , is a role-playing video game franchise developed by Natsume and published by Imagineer in Japan in 1997. The video game franchise was later adapted into a Japanese anime television series produced by Bee Train. Spanning 52 episodes, the series originally aired on TV...
- Ayaka - xxxHolic
- Ayumu Oume - Best Student Council
- Furfur - Umineko no Naku Koro niUmineko no Naku Koro niis a Japanese murder mystery dōjin soft visual novel series produced by 07th Expansion. The first game in the series, Legend of the Golden Witch, was first released at Comiket 72 on August 17, 2007 playable on the PC; the game sold out in thirty minutes...
- Girl - Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone ComplexGhost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complexis an anime television series produced by Production I.G and based on Masamune Shirow's manga Ghost in the Shell. It was written and directed by Kenji Kamiyama, with original character design by Hajime Shimomura and a soundtrack by Yoko Kanno...
(Episode 11) - Girl 4 - Windy TalesWindy Talesis a Japanese anime television series produced by Production I.G, about a group of people who can control the wind. The series premiered from September 11, 2004 to February 26, 2005 across Japan on the anime television network, Animax, who also later aired the series across its respective networks...
(Episode 11) - Haruma (young) - Chocotto SisterChocotto Sisteris a manga series written by Go Zappa and illustrated by Sakura Takeuchi. It is published by Hakusensha in the magazine Young Animal and collected in 8 tankōbon volumes. The series has been adapted as an 24-episode anime by Nomad, airing in 2006 and released on 8 DVDs...
- Iris - MegaMan NT WarriorMegaMan NT WarriorMega Man NT Warrior or Mega Man Battle Network, known in Japan as , is an anime and manga series based on the Mega Man Battle Network video game series...
- Kiyone Nonomiya - My-HiMEMy-HiMEis an anime series, created by Sunrise. Directed by Masakazu Obara and written by Hiroyuki Yoshino, the series originally premiered in Japan on TV Tokyo from September 2004 to March 2005...
- Kōrin - Saiunkoku MonogatariSaiunkoku Monogatariis a series of Japanese light novels written by Sai Yukino and illustrated by Kairi Yura. As of July 2011, the eighteenth and final volume was released, concluding the series...
- Kōrin - Saiunkoku Monogatari 2nd SeriesSaiunkoku Monogatariis a series of Japanese light novels written by Sai Yukino and illustrated by Kairi Yura. As of July 2011, the eighteenth and final volume was released, concluding the series...
- Kuan Kitayama - Happy SevenHappy Sevenis an anime series which consists of 13 episodes that began airing in Japan October 2, 2005. The original story was by Hiroyuki Kawasaki. It was directed by Tsutomu Yabuki and produced by Studio Hibari and Trinet Entertainment.-Overview:...
- Leara - Wolf's RainWolf's Rainis an anime series created by writer and story editor Keiko Nobumoto and produced by Bones Studio. The series was directed by Tensai Okamura and featured character designs by Toshihiro Kawamoto with a soundtrack produced and arranged by Yoko Kanno. It focuses on the journey of four lone wolves...
(Episode 2) - Maho Suzuki - Gunparade OrchestraGunparade Marchis a Japanese video game that was later turned into a 3 volume manga and a 12 episode anime.The video game, , was released on 28 September 2000, for the PlayStation. It was developed by Alfa System and published by Sony Computer Entertainment...
- Maid B - MegaMan NT WarriorMegaMan NT WarriorMega Man NT Warrior or Mega Man Battle Network, known in Japan as , is an anime and manga series based on the Mega Man Battle Network video game series...
(Episode 37) - Miffy Rotin - Chrome Shelled RegiosChrome Shelled Regiosis a Japanese light novel series by Shūsuke Amagi, with illustrations by Miyū. A short story light novel series is serialized in Dragon Magazine. A manga adaptation drawn by Miyū is serialized in the shōnen manga magazine Dragon Age Pure. A second manga adaptation drawn by Nodoka Kiyose is...
- Milk - Yes! PreCure 5Yes! PreCure 5is the fourth and fifth Pretty Cure anime series by Toei Animation, comprising the original series and its sequel, , or simply GoGo! . The 5 in the title refers to the fact that this Pretty Cure team has five members...
- Milk/Kurumi Mimino/Milky Rose - Yes! PreCure 5 GoGo!
- Princess Mary - Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters (Episode 44)
- Nanami Hoshi - Dragonaut - The Resonance
- Princess Meari - Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel MonstersYu-Gi-Oh! (second series anime)Yu-Gi-Oh!, known in Japan and the rest of East Asia as is an anime based on the Yu-Gi-Oh! manga. It is produced by Studio Gallop and Nihon Ad Systems, and the English-language adaptation was distributed by 4Kids Entertainment until March 29, 2011 when TV Tokyo and Nihon Ad Systems sued 4Kids...
- Rei Saotome - Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters GXYu-Gi-Oh! GXYu-Gi-Oh! GX, known in Japan as , is an anime spin-off and sequel of the original Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters anime. It aired in Japan on TV Tokyo between October 6, 2004 and March 26, 2008, and was succeeded by Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's...
- Runo Misaki - Bakugan Battle BrawlersBakugan Battle Brawlersis a Japanese action adventure anime television series produced by TMS Entertainment and Japan Vistec under the direction of Mitsuo Hashimoto. The story centers on the lives of creatures called Bakugan and the battle brawlers who possess them...
- Sakie Amamoto - Night Head Genesis
- Shiho Kubota - Futari wa Pretty CureFutari wa Pretty CurePretty Cure, known in Japan as , is a Japanese magical girl anime series, part of the Pretty Cure metaseries produced by Toei Animation and broadcast across Japan by Animax, TV Asahi and Asahi Broadcasting Corporation. The series is watched mostly by elementary and secondary students in Japan; it...
- Shīka's Sister - Mushi-UtaMushi-Utais a light novel series by Kyouhei Iwai, with illustrations by Ruroo. There is also a short story light novel series called Mushi-Uta bug that is serialized in The Sneaker magazine. A manga adaptation by Seijuro Miz is serialized in Shōnen Ace magazine...
- Sherry - Sisters of WellberSisters of Wellberis a fantasy anime series animated by Trans Arts . Directed by , the director behind the renowned Prince of Tennis TV series and animated movies, Sisters of Wellber began airing in Japan on Tokyo MX, Mētele, ABC, and AT-X in April 2007.A related manga, , has begun serialization on February 28, 2007...
- Triela - Gunslinger GirlGunslinger GirlGunslinger Girl is an ongoing manga by Yu Aida. It first premiered in the November 2002 issue of the monthly shōnen magazine Dengeki Daioh. The chapters are also being published in tankōbon volumes by ASCII Media Works. 13 volumes have been released in Japan as of April 2011...
- Yūhi Shimahara - Neo RangaNeo Rangais an anime television series created by Studio Pierrot which consists of two seasons, totaling forty-eight episodes. The story is about the three orphaned sisters who have, through a mysterious twist of fate, inherited their very own god - the 18 meter tall Neo Ranga.Neo Ranga was originally...
- Yukari Morita - Rocket GirlsRocket Girlsis a light novel written by Hōsuke Nojiri. Set in the Solomon Islands, it follows the exploits of high-school girl Yukari Morita, who is pressed into service as an astronaut by the Solomon Space Association when it is unable to build a rocket that can lift the weight of an adult male.Rocket Girls...
- Princess Justine - RobotboyRobotboyRobotboy is a British animated television series which is produced by French production company Alphanim with TV Channels France 3 and Cartoon Network as well as Luxanimation...
- Tsubaki Kasugano - Mirai NikkiMirai Nikkiis a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Japanese manga author Sakae Esuno. The manga was first serialized in the Japanese shōnen manga magazine Shōnen Ace on January 26, 2006, and is published by Kadokawa Shoten. As of April 26, 2011, eleven tankōbon volumes have been released in Japan...
- Chiyo - Freedom
- Natsume/Mii - Jungle de Ikō
- Young Jun - Tekken: The Motion PictureTekken: The Motion Pictureis a Japanese animated adaptation of the Tekken video games by Namco produced in by ASCII Corporation and Sony Music Entertainment Japan. Originally released in Japan as a two-episode OVA, an English adaptation was produced by ADV Films, which edited both episodes into a single hour-long film and...
Theater animation
- Milk - Yes! Precure 5: Kagami no Kuni no Miracle Daibōken!
- Nanami Agawa - Jin Rō: The Wolf Brigade
- Shizuku Ishiki - King of Thorn
- Moe Kasuga - Detective Conan: Tsuioku no MirajiyuDetective Conan: Tsuioku no MirajiyuCase Closed: The Mirapolis Investigation, known in Japan as , is a game for the Wii based upon the popular anime and manga Case Closed. Players use the Wii Remote to find clues and solve the cases. As of June 2011 there is no release dates have been announced for the North American and Australian...
- Furfur - Ougon Musou Kyoku
- Lyon - Suikoden VSuikoden Vis a console role-playing game developed by Konami and Hudson Soft and published by Konami for the Sony PlayStation 2 video game console and the Suikoden video game series...