Erasmusjam refers to a concert which takes place regularly in Valencia, Spain at the Black Note Club. The first musicians playing have been exchange students (through the Erasmus programme
Erasmus programme
The Erasmus Programme , a.k.a. Erasmus Project is a European Union student exchange programme established in 1987...

) in Valencia during the academic year 2004/2005.

The Erasmusjam is mainly characterized by the presence of many international musicians alternating on the stage and playing pop/rock international music.

In its "golden era" the total number of musicians was around 16 people and the event was a unique reference point for erasmus students. Nowadays, the event takes place every year during Fallas (usually around the 17th of March) and it's considered as the meeting point for the old and new generations of the valencian Erasmus community.

External links

1.Erasmusjam official photobook

2.Erasmusjam homepage

3.Black Note Club

4.Erasmus Student Network Valencia
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