Epidendrum verrucosum
Epidendrum verrucosum is a species of Epidendrum
Epidendrum , abbreviated Epi in horticultural trade, is a large neotropical genus of the orchid family. With more than 1,100 species, some authors describe it as a mega-genus. The genus name refers to its epiphytic growth habit...

The Orchidaceae, commonly referred to as the orchid family, is a morphologically diverse and widespread family of monocots in the order Asparagales. Along with the Asteraceae, it is one of the two largest families of flowering plants, with between 21,950 and 26,049 currently accepted species,...

 that was described by Schwartz
Olof Swartz
Olof Peter Swartz was a Swedish botanist and taxonomist. He is best known for his taxonomic work and studies into pteridophytes...

 in 1806. In 1861, Reichenbach placed it in subsection Euepidendrum Planifolia Paniculata of the genus Epidendrum.


In 1844, Lindley published a description of a very different orchid, Encyclia adenocaula
Encyclia adenocaula
Encyclia adenocaula is a species of orchid....

(Lex.) Schltr. (1918), under the name Epidendrum verrucosum, making Epidendrum verrucosum Lindl. (1844) an illegitimate name, and a synonym for Encyclia adenocaula
Encyclia adenocaula
Encyclia adenocaula is a species of orchid....

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