The Enarmoniini are a tribe
of tortrix moths.
Tribe (biology)
In biology, a tribe is a taxonomic rank between family and genus. It is sometimes subdivided into subtribes.Some examples include the tribes: Canini, Acalypheae, Hominini, Bombini, and Antidesmeae.-See also:* Biological classification* Rank...
of tortrix moths.
- AemulatrixAemulatrixAemulatrix is a genus of moths belonging to the subfamily Olethreutinae of the family Tortricidae.-Species:*Aemulatrix aequilibra Diakonoff, 1982*Aemulatrix notognatha Diakonoff, 1988-External links:*...
- AglaogoniaAglaogoniaAglaogonia is a genus of moths of the family Tortricidae.-Species:*Aglaogonia eupena *Aglaogonia historica -External links:*...
- AnathamnaAnathamnaAnathamna is a genus of moths belonging to the subfamily Olethreutinae of the family Tortricidae.-Species:*Anathamna anthostoma Meyrick, 1928*Anathamna chionopyra Diakonoff, 1953*Anathamna megalozona Meyrick, 1916...
- AncylisAncylisAncylis is a genus of moths belonging to the subfamily Olethreutinae of the family Tortricidae.-Species:*Ancylis achatana *Ancylis acromochla *Ancylis albacostana Kearfott, 1905...
- AncylophyesAncylophyesAncylophyes is a genus of moths of the family Tortricidae.-External links:*...
- AnthozelaAnthozelaAnthozela is a genus of moths belonging to the subfamily Olethreutinae of the family Tortricidae.-Species:*Anthozela anonidii Ghesquire, 1940*Anthozela bathysema *Anthozela chrysoxantha Meyrick, 1913...
- ArgyroptochaArgyroptochaArgyroptocha is a genus of moths belonging to the subfamily Olethreutinae of the family Tortricidae.-External links:*...
- BalbidomagaBalbidomagaBalbidomaga is a genus of moths belonging to Tortricidae family.-Species:*Balbidomaga dorophora Diakonoff, 1983*Balbidomaga uptoini Horak, 2006-External links:*...
- CimeliomorphaCimeliomorphaCimeliomorpha is a genus of moths belonging to the subfamily Olethreutinae of the family Tortricidae.-Species:*Cimeliomorpha cymbalora *Cimeliomorpha egregiana...
- CrocostolaCrocostolaCrocostola is a genus of moths belonging to the subfamily Olethreutinae of the family Tortricidae.-External links:*...
- CyphophanesCyphophanesCyphophanes is a genus of moths belonging to the subfamily Olethreutinae of the family Tortricidae.-Species:*Cyphophanes dryocoma *Cyphophanes dyscheranta Meyrick, 1937*Cyphophanes gracilivalva Horak, 2006-External links:*...
- DacgleiaDacgleiaDacgleia is a genus of moths belonging to the subfamily Olethreutinae of the family Tortricidae. It contains only one species, Dacgleia cerata, which is found in Vietnam....
- DasodisDasodisDasodis is a genus of moths belonging to the Tortricidae family.-Species:*Dasodis cladographa Diakonoff, 1983*Dasodis microphthora -External links:*...
- DasybregmaDasybregmaDasybregma is a genus of moths belonging to the Tortricidae family.-External links:*...
- EmbolostomaEmbolostomaEmbolostoma is a genus of moths belonging to the subfamily Olethreutinae of the family Tortricidae.-External links:*...
- EnarmoniaEnarmoniaEnarmonia is a genus of moths belonging to the subfamily Olethreutinae of the family Tortricidae.-Species:*Enarmonia decor Kawabe, 1978*Enarmonia flammeata Kuznetzov, 1971*Enarmonia formosana...
- EnarmoniodesEnarmoniodesEnarmoniodes is a genus of moths belonging to the subfamily Olethreutinae of the family Tortricidae.-Species:*Enarmoniodes furcula Kuznetzov, 1973*Enarmoniodes mirabilis Ghesquire, 1940*Enarmoniodes praetextana...
- EnarmonodesEnarmonodesEnarmonodes is a genus of moths belonging to the subfamily Tortricinae of the family Tortricidae.-Species:*Enarmonodes aeologlypta *Enarmonodes aino Kuznetzov, 1968*Enarmonodes kunashirica Kuznetzov, 1969...
- EucosmogastraEucosmogastraEucosmogastra is a genus of moths belonging to the subfamily Olethreutinae of the family Tortricidae.-Species:*Eucosmogastra aeolantha *Eucosmogastra aeraria *Eucosmogastra anthochroa Diakonoff, 1975...
- EucosmomorphaEucosmomorphaEucosmomorpha is a genus of moths belonging to the subfamily Olethreutinae of the family Tortricidae.-Species:*Eucosmomorpha albersana *Eucosmomorpha figurana *Eucosmomorpha multicolor Kuznetzov, 1964...
- FibuloidesFibuloidesFibuloides is a genus of moths belonging to the Tortricidae family.-Species:*Fibuloides aestuosa *Fibuloides biuncana *Fibuloides corinthia *Fibuloides crocoptila...
- GanabaliaGanabaliaGanabalia is a genus of moths belonging to the subfamily Olethreutinae of the family Tortricidae.-External links:*...
- GenetancylisGenetancylisGenetancylis is a genus of moths belonging to the Tortricidae family.-External links:*...
- HelictophanesHelictophanesHelictophanes is a genus of moths belonging to the subfamily Olethreutinae of the family Tortricidae.-Species:*Helictophanes argillacea *Helictophanes myriolychna *Helictophanes prospera...
- HeteroschistisHeteroschistisHeteroschistis is a genus of moths belonging to the subfamily Olethreutinae of the family Tortricidae.-External links:*...
- HystrichophoraHystrichophora (moth)Hystrichophora is a genus of moths belonging to the Tortricidae family.-Species:*Hystrichophora asphodelana *Hystrichophora decorosa Heinrich, 1929*Hystrichophora leonana Walsingham, 1879...
- IrianassaIrianassaIrianassa is a genus of moths belonging to the Tortricidae family.-Species:*Irianassa aetheria *Irianassa poecilaspis Meyrick, 1923*Irianassa sapphiropa Meyrick, 1905*Irianassa speciosana...
- LoboschizaLoboschizaLoboschiza is a genus of moths belonging to the subfamily Olethreutinae of the family Tortricidae.-Species:*Loboschiza cinnabaritis *Loboschiza clytocarpa *Loboschiza delomilta...
- MetaselenaMetaselenaMetaselena is a genus of moths belonging to the subfamily Olethreutinae of the family Tortricidae.-Species:*Metaselena alboatra Diakonoff, 1939*Metaselena allophlebodes Horak & Sauter, 1981*Metaselena diakonoffi Horak & Sauter, 1981...
- NeoanathamnaNeoanathamnaNeoanathamna is a genus of moths belonging to the subfamily Olethreutinae of the family Tortricidae.-Species:*Neoanathamna cerinus Kawabe, 1978*Neoanathamna negligens Kawabe, 1978*Neoanathamna nipponica...
- OriodryasOriodryasOriodryas is a genus of moths belonging to the subfamily Olethreutinae of the family Tortricidae.-External links:*...
- PeriphoebaPeriphoebaPeriphoeba is a genus of moths belonging to the subfamily Olethreutinae of the family Tortricidae.-External links:*...
- ProtancylisProtancylisProtancylis is a genus of moths belonging to the subfamily Olethreutinae of the family Tortricidae.-Species:*Protancylis amseli Diakonoff, 1983*Protancylis bisecta Razowski, 2002-External links:*...
- PseudacroclitaPseudacroclitaPseudacroclita is a genus of moths belonging to the Tortricidae family.-Species:*Pseudacroclita hapalaspis *Pseudacroclita luteispecula -External links:*...
- PseudancylisPseudancylisPseudancylis is a genus of moths of the family Tortricidae.-Species:*Pseudancylis percnobathra *Pseudancylis rostrifera -External links:*...
- PseudophiarisPseudophiarisPseudophiaris is a genus of moths belonging to the subfamily Olethreutinae of the family Tortricidae.-External links:*...
- PternidoraPternidoraPternidora is a genus of moths belonging to the subfamily Olethreutinae of the family Tortricidae.-External links:*...
- SemnostolaSemnostolaSemnostola is a genus of moths belonging to the subfamily Olethreutinae of the family Tortricidae.-Species:*Semnostola arquatana Kuznetzov, 1988*Semnostola atrana Kuznetzov, 1988*Semnostola grandaedeaga Xu & Wang, 2006...
- SillybiphoraSillybiphoraSillybiphora is a genus of moths belonging to the subfamily Olethreutinae of the family Tortricidae.-External links:*...
- TaiwancylisTaiwancylisTaiwancylis is a genus of moths belonging to the Tortricidae family. It contains only one species, Taiwancylis cladodium, which is found in Taiwan....
- TetramoeraTetramoeraTetramoera is a genus of moths belonging to the subfamily Olethreutinae of the family Tortricidae.-Species:*Tetramoera calligrapha *Tetramoera flavescens Kuznetsov, 1988*Tetramoera gracilistria...
- ThymioptilaThymioptilaThymioptila is a genus of moths belonging to the subfamily Olethreutinae of the family Tortricidae.-External links:*...
- ThysanocrepisThysanocrepisThysanocrepis is a genus of moths belonging to the subfamily Olethreutinae of the family Tortricidae.-Species:*Thysanocrepis celebensis Diakonoff, 1975*Thysanocrepis crossota...
- TokuanaTokuanaTokuana is a genus of moths belonging to the subfamily Olethreutinae of the family Tortricidae.-External links:*...
- ToonavoraToonavoraToonavora is a genus of moths of the family Tortricidae.-Species:*Toonavora aellaea *Toonavora spermatophaga -External links:*...
- VicamentiaVicamentiaVicamentia is a genus of moths belonging to the subfamily Olethreutinae of the family Tortricidae. It contains only one species, Vicamentia vietnamica, which is found in Vietnam....