Empress Dou
Empress Dou may refer to:
  • Empress Dou (Wen)
    Empress Dou (Wen)
    Empress Dou , formally Empress Xiaowen , was a Chinese empress during the Han Dynasty who greatly influenced the reigns of her husband Emperor Wen and her son Emperor Jing with her adherence of Taoist philosophy...

    , Chinese empress during the Han Dynasty, wife of Emperor Wen and mother of Emperor Jing
  • Empress Dou (Zhang)
    Empress Dou (Zhang)
    Empress Dou , formally Empress Zhangde , was an empress during Han Dynasty. Her husband was Emperor Zhang. She was already influential during her husband's reign, but became particularly powerful as empress dowager regent for her adoptive son Emperor He after Emperor Zhang's death...

    , wife of Emperor of Zhang of the Han Dynasty
  • Empress Dou Miao
    Empress Dou Miao
    Empress Dou Miao , formally Empress Huansi , was an empress during Han Dynasty. She was the third wife of Emperor Huan...

    , third wife of Emperor Huan of the Han Dynasty
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