Emirates National Auto Museum
The Emirates National Auto Museum is located about one hour drive south of Abu Dhabi, on the E65 road to Liwa Oasis
Liwa Oasis
The Liwa Oasis is a large oasis area in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.- Geography :Liwa Oasis is about 100 km south of the Persian Gulf coast and 150 km SSW of the city of Abu Dhabi, on the northern edge of Rub' al Khali desert. It is centered around and stretches about 100 km east-west, along...

24°05′N 54°25′E. It houses the private collection of Shaikh Hamad Bin Hamdan Al Nahyan with ca. 200 exhibition items.

Signs on the highway to the museum are easy to follow and the exhibit is open free to the public (true at time of writing March 2010). However, it is advisable to check local news for latest opening times before the trip.


The building houses an unusual collection of predominantly 1950s to 1990s vehicles in various stages of customisation, hard to find in any other car museum:
  • The star pieces are 4 times oversized replicas of a Dodge truck with different trailers, road going and reputed to provide full mobile housing inside.

  • A very detailed replicable of an 1890s Benz 3 wheeler is prominently displayed.

  • A collection of 4 wheel drive vehicles appears highly appropriate for the location.

  • A small collection of identical Mercedes limousines, representing together all colours of the rainbow, are the trademark of the owner.

  • A number of 1950s American and 1970s European limousines with their large dimensions build a striking contrast to a sizable collection of bubble and mini cars in the adjacent row.

  • some 10 prototypes and racing cars add further colour.

With a workshop located behind the building, all exhibits are in excellent condition and several are roadgoing. Currently (March 2008) there is no catalog or description of the items on display.

External links

The official website of this museum is www.enam.ae.
It is also not listed in the official Abu Dhabi tourism lists. It has been featured on BBC's Motorworld programme in the past.

Gulf News, November 16, 2007
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