Emil Brumaru
Emil Brumaru is a contemporary Romanian writer and poet.
- Versuri (Stanzas), 1970
- Detectivul Arthur (Detective Arthur), 1970
- Julien Ospitalierul (Julien the Hospitable), 1974
- Cântece naive (Naive Songs), 1976
- Adio, Robinson Crusoe (Adios, Robinson Crusoe), 1978
- Dulapul îndrăgostit (Enamoured Cupboard), 1980
- Ruina unui samovar (The Ruin of a Samovar), 1983
- Dintr-o scorbură de morcov (From the Hollow of a Carrot), 1998
- Poeme alese (Picked Poems), 2003
- Opera poetică (2 vol., 2003, 3 vol., 2006) (Poetic Works)
- Fluturii din pandişpan (The Butterflies from the Cake), 2003
- Poezii (carte la borcan) (Poems. JarbookJarbookA jarbook or a book-in-a-jar is an exotic book format. A strict definition can't be made, but, typically, jarbooks are books whose contents are written on pieces of paper, which are tied like a pergament and then placed in a jar, whilst the label of the jar could be considered a replacement of the...
), 2003 - Cerşetorul de cafea (Coffee Beggar), 2004
- Submarinul erotic (Erotic Submarine), 2005
- Infernala comedie (Infernal Comedy), 2005
- Dumnezeu se uită la noi cu binoclul (God Looks at Us With a Binocular), 2006
- O brumă de paiete şi confetti (Spangle and Confetti Dust), collaboration with Şerban FoarţăŞerban FoarţăŞerban Foarţă is a contemporary Romanian writer.-Works:* Texte pentru Phoenix , Litera Publishing House, Bucharest, 1976 * Simpleroze , Facla Publishing House, Timişoara, 1978* Şalul, eşarpele Isadorei/Şalul e şarpele...
, 2007 - Cântece de adolescent (Teen Songs), 2007
- Povestea boiernaşului de ţară şi a fecioarei... (The Story of the Country Page and of the Virgin...), 2008
- Ne logodim cu un inel din iarbă (We Betroth With a Grass Ring), 2008
- Opere I. Julien Ospitalierul (Works I. Julien the Hospitable), 2009
- Opere II. Submarinul erotic (Works II. Erotic Submarine), 2009