Elanne Kong
Elanne Kong is a Hong Kong TVB actress and singer.


  • Innocent (EP) (2007)
  • Shining (Debut Album) (2008)
  • Show You (EP) (2009)
  • Elanne Kwong (EP) (2011)

TV series

Year Title Role Awards Notes
2009 E.U. Kong Yau-yau Nominated – TVB Award for Best Supporting Actress
TVB Anniversary Awards (2009)
TVB Anniversary Awards 2009 is an award ceremony that celebrates the best in TVB programming of 2009. The award ceremony took place on December 4, 2009.-Best Drama:...

Those Days in an Epoch Zhou Pei-wen aka Invisible Target
2011 Relic of an Emissary Princess Wing Yeung
Star City


Year Title Role Notes
2005 A Side, B Side, Sea Side Chan Tim
2007 House of Mahjong
House of Mahjong
House of Mahjong is a 2007 comedy film directed by Marco Mak and written by Shing Mo Cheng, Chiu-Wang Lam, and Ka-ming Lau. It was released in Hong Kong on February 1, 2007.-Plot:...

Invisible Target
Invisible Target
Invisible Target is a 2007 Hong Kong action film produced and directed by Benny Chan. The film stars Nicholas Tse, Shawn Yue and Jaycee Chan as three police officers who are thrown together due to their backgrounds to bring down a criminal gang of seven led by Tien Yeng-seng -Plot:An armoured...

Leung Hoi-lam
2008 See You In YouTube Ling
Scare 2 Die Luk Wing
Happy Funeral Ah Ji
2009 Basic Love
Basic Love
-Synopsis:A romantic story symphonized with the song of a triangular relationship between Ling , June and Rex . Ling got leukemia since she was a child; she hides the true feeling and health condition from her best friends, Rex and June...

Rebellion (2009 film)
Rebellion is an 2009 Hong Kong action/crime/thriller film directed by Herman Yau.-Synopsis:Notorious of its unpeace, the South district is ruled by five gangs. The five leaders, Jimmy , Coffee , Jupiter , Sand and Man Ching share the same power over the area...

Seven 2 One
Seven 2 One
-Synopsis:Convenience store clerks Chrissie and Katy decide to get back at their sleazy manager Leo by having their friends pose as robbers and hold up the store, but events escalate out of control into murder...

2010 The Child's Eye
The Child's Eye
The Child's Eye is a 2010 Hong Kong horror film by the Pang brothers. The film takes place in 2008 in Bangkok where six find themselves at the Chung Tai Hotel. After Rainie sees a female ghost and Ling finds a disembodied hand, they find that while at dinner, the three men they came with have...

City Under Siege
City Under Siege (film)
City Under Siege is a 2010 Hong Kong science fiction action film directed and co-written by Benny Chan. The film follows a group of circus performers who goes on a rampage after an accidental exposure to chemical gas left by the Japanese army in World War II, granting them superhuman...

2011 Summer Love
72 Heroes
The Wedding Diary

External links

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