The Ekonomist Magazine is a member of the Ekonomist Media Group and it is the one of top economic and business journal in Serbia
Serbia , officially the Republic of Serbia , is a landlocked country located at the crossroads of Central and Southeast Europe, covering the southern part of the Carpathian basin and the central part of the Balkans...

. Ekonomist Magazine readers are partially members of the Serbian Government, local authorities
Local government
Local government refers collectively to administrative authorities over areas that are smaller than a state.The term is used to contrast with offices at nation-state level, which are referred to as the central government, national government, or federal government...

, executives of Serbian banks, managers of significant companies and a great number of owners and directors of small and medium-sized enterprises. The Ekonomist magazine is the main source of business and economic information for embassies, international institutions, economic experts, scientists and many other influential people in Serbia.


The Ekonomist Magazine was launched in 1999 as the first Serbian weekly magazine dedicated to regional
Régional Compagnie Aérienne Européenne, or Régional for short, is a subsidiary airline wholly owned by Air France which connects hubs at Paris, Lyon, Clermont-Ferrand, and Bordeaux to 49 airports in Europe. The airline operates in Air France livery, retaining its name in small titles and logo on...

 economy and business.

During the last nine years the Ekonomist has become the most influential, reliable and independent journal in Serbia and Montenegro
Serbia and Montenegro
Serbia and Montenegro was a country in southeastern Europe, formed from two former republics of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia : Serbia and Montenegro. Following the breakup of Yugoslavia, it was established in 1992 as a federation called the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia...

. Ekonomist readers are economic policy makers and business people
A businessperson is someone involved in a particular undertaking of activities for the purpose of generating revenue from a combination of human, financial, or physical capital. An entrepreneur is an example of a business person...

 that control at least 70% of funds in Serbia.


The magazine prides itself on an objective and analytical approach to reporting not only the news that has an impact on the Serbian economic and business environment, but on events that will become tomorrow’s news.


Since 2005, the Ekonomist Magazine is in full color on 68 pages, with a new attractive visual identity and improved content to include key subjects of interest to the present and future business leaders and professionals. The Serbian version of the magazine is published 50 times a year and has a circulation of over 5000 copies.
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