Edward Bickersteth (1850-1897)
Edward Bickersteth was an Anglican bishop, the Bishop of South Tokyo
Bishop of South Tokyo
The Bishop of South Tokyo was the title of a bishop of the Anglican Church in Japan.Edward Bickersteth was the Bishop of South Tokyo from 1886 until his premature death. He was born at Banningham, Norfolk, into a noted ecclesiastical family .-External links:****...

 from 1886 until his premature death.

Edward Bickersteth was born into a noted ecclesiastical family: his father was the Bishop of Exeter
Bishop of Exeter
The Bishop of Exeter is the Ordinary of the Church of England Diocese of Exeter in the Province of Canterbury. The incumbent usually signs his name as Exon or incorporates this in his signature....

 from 1885 to 1900.
He was educated at Highgate School
Highgate School
-Notable members of staff and governing body:* John Ireton, brother of Henry Ireton, Cromwellian General* 1st Earl of Mansfield, Lord Chief Justice, owner of Kenwood, noted for judgment finding contracts for slavery unenforceable in English law* T. S...

 and Pembroke College, Cambridge
Pembroke College, Cambridge
Pembroke College is a constituent college of the University of Cambridge, England.The college has over seven hundred students and fellows, and is the third oldest college of the university. Physically, it is one of the university's larger colleges, with buildings from almost every century since its...

 before studying for ordaination. In 1873 he took up his first post was a curacy
A curate is a person who is invested with the care or cure of souls of a parish. In this sense "curate" correctly means a parish priest but in English-speaking countries a curate is an assistant to the parish priest...

 at Holy Trinity, South Hampstead. He was then Lecturer
Lecturer is an academic rank. In the United Kingdom, lecturer is a position at a university or similar institution, often held by academics in their early career stages, who lead research groups and supervise research students, as well as teach...

 in Theology
Theology is the systematic and rational study of religion and its influences and of the nature of religious truths, or the learned profession acquired by completing specialized training in religious studies, usually at a university or school of divinity or seminary.-Definition:Augustine of Hippo...

 at his old college
Pembroke College, Cambridge
Pembroke College is a constituent college of the University of Cambridge, England.The college has over seven hundred students and fellows, and is the third oldest college of the university. Physically, it is one of the university's larger colleges, with buildings from almost every century since its...

 and in 1877 founded the Cambridge Mission at Delhi. After 7 years he returned to England to become Rector
The word rector has a number of different meanings; it is widely used to refer to an academic, religious or political administrator...

 of Framlingham
Framlingham is a market town and civil parish in the Suffolk Coastal District of Suffolk, England. Commonly referred to as "Fram" by the locals, it is of Anglo-Saxon origin and is mentioned in the Domesday Book. It has a population of 3,114 at the 2001 census...

 but his energetic nature craved a more demanding appointment and in 1886 he went abroad again, this time to Japan
Japan is an island nation in East Asia. Located in the Pacific Ocean, it lies to the east of the Sea of Japan, China, North Korea, South Korea and Russia, stretching from the Sea of Okhotsk in the north to the East China Sea and Taiwan in the south...

where his "watchful care and strong influence" led to a punishing schedule. He was on the road traveling between the scattered mission churches 8 months of the year.
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