Edmund ter Meer
Edmund ter Meer was a German chemist who discovered the ter Meer reaction and founded in 1877 the ter Meer dye company in Uerdingen
Uerdingen is a district of the city of Krefeld, Germany, with a population of 18,507, though Uerdingen received its charter as a city as early as 1255, well before Krefeld. Uerdingen was merged with Krefeld in 1929, after which the term “Krefeld-Uerdingen” was used, until, eventually, the use of...

. After the fusion with the aniline factory of Julius Weiler the Weiler-ter Meer company was formed. This company later became part of the Bayer
Bayer AG is a chemical and pharmaceutical company founded in Barmen , Germany in 1863. It is headquartered in Leverkusen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany and well known for its original brand of aspirin.-History:...

 company. His son Fritz ter Meer
Fritz ter Meer
Fritz ter Meer was a German chemist and Nazi war criminal.The son of Edmund ter Meer , ter Meer founded the chemical company Teerfarbenfabrik Dr. E. ter Meer & Cie in Uerdingen that later became part of Bayer. His family tree can be traced back to the 15th Century.Fritz ter Meer also worked for...

also became a chemist associated to the Bayer company.
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