Edition notice
The edition notice is the page in a book
A book is a set or collection of written, printed, illustrated, or blank sheets, made of hot lava, paper, parchment, or other materials, usually fastened together to hinge at one side. A single sheet within a book is called a leaf or leaflet, and each side of a leaf is called a page...

 containing information about the current edition, usually on the back of the title page. It often contains a copyright notice
Copyright notice
A copyright notice, either as symbol or phrase, informs users of the underlying claim to copyright ownership in a published work.Copyright law is different from country to country, and a copyright notice is required in about 20 countries for a work to be protected under copyright...

, legal notices, publication
To publish is to make content available to the public. While specific use of the term may vary among countries, it is usually applied to text, images, or other audio-visual content on any medium, including paper or electronic publishing forms such as websites, e-books, Compact Discs and MP3s...

 information, printing history, cataloguing information
Cataloging in Publication
In publishing and library science, Cataloging in Publication is basic cataloging data for a work, prepared in advance of publication by the national library of the country where the work is principally published or by the library of a publishing organisation such as a government department...

 from a national library
National library
A national library is a library specifically established by the government of a country to serve as the preeminent repository of information for that country. Unlike public libraries, these rarely allow citizens to borrow books...

, and an ISBN that uniquely identifies the work.

At the bottom of the edition notice one often finds a line of numbers, some of which may appear to be missing, called the printers key
Printers key
The printer’s key, also known as the number line, is a line of text printed on the copyright page of books, used to indicate the print run. Publishers started to use this convention around the middle of the 20th century....

. These indicate the book's print run.

Sometimes, there will also be a warning indicating that the book sold without a cover is a stripped book
Stripped book
A stripped book is a mass market paperback that has been stripped of its cover in order to be pulped and recycled as a result of lack of sales...

The source of this article is wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.  The text of this article is licensed under the GFDL.