Edith Konecky
Edith Konecky is an American feminist novelist who, despite a relatively small body of work, can lay claim to a large literary achievement with Allegra Maud Goldman (1976), a coming-of-age novel that chronicles the growth of a young female artist.

In brilliantly comic, deceptively simple vignettes, Konecky depicts the world of a nouveau riche
Nouveau riche
The nouveau riche , or new money, comprise those who have acquired considerable wealth within their own generation...

 Jewish American family in the early part of the 20th century. In her later novel, Place at the Table (1989 & 2000), Konecky explores similar territory through the eyes of an older, more experienced heroine, Rachel. Her most recent works are a collections of short stories,Past Sorrows and Coming Attractions (2002) and a novel, View to the North (2004).

Konecky is Jewish.
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