Economics of scientific knowledge
The economics of scientific knowledge (ESK) is an approach to understanding science which is predicated on the need to understand scientific knowledge creation and dissemination in economic terms. The approach has been developed as a contrast to the sociology of scientific knowledge (SSK)
Sociology of scientific knowledge
The sociology of scientific knowledge ' is the study of science as a social activity, especially dealing "with the social conditions and effects of science, and with the social structures and processes of scientific activity."...

 which places scientists in their social context and examines their behavior in terms of social theory. ESK typically involves thinking of scientists as having economic interests with these being thought of in terms of utility maximisation and science as being a market process. Modelling strategies might use any of a variety of approaches including the neoclasscial, game theoretic, behavioural (bounded rationality) information theortic and transaction costs. Boumans and Davis (2010) mention Dasgupta
Partha Dasgupta
Professor Sir Partha Sarathi Dasgupta, FRS, FBA , is the Frank Ramsey Professor of Economics at the University of Cambridge, United Kingdom; Fellow of St John's College, Cambridge; Honorary Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge; and Professor of Environmental and Development Economics at the...

 and David
Paul A. David
Paul A. David is an academic economist who is noted for his work on the economics of scientific progress and technical change. He was formerly a president of the Economic History Association and is a Fellow of the Econometric Society, a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, a fellow...

(1997) as being an interesting early example of work in this area.
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