Economic network
Economic network or refereed network of independent individuals has the primary purpose of making a strong community in order to gain strength and perform as a significant player in relation to current market situation. Activities of economic network consist also of recruiting new members to join, reviewing, surveying, or providing a fresh perspective on existing community growth and strength.
Economic Networking, emerging as logic consequences of the rapid growth of Social Networking trend and the needs of today business world to collaborate in unified system by empowering all elements of economic resources (capital sources, men power, business systems, etc.) in smallest forms as possible. The Web 2.0
technology has been evolve to points where individuals are connected one with another in a way never existed by completely eliminating the span of distance and culture difference into one, single unified world: the digital world. The question whether a business needs to be existed within this virtual universe is no longer an option, practically as the word 'globalization' is actually realized in this world wide web, a business failed to linked in is ceased to exist.
Harnessing the power of internet collective resources, every business entity -- whether it's a producer, distributor, marketer, even consumer -- are all unified through massive web of interconnected networks. Every network, with their own system, are become more open, capable to link themselves one with another, and finally form an unlimited links with universal language: the language of Web 2.0
Economic Networking, emerging as logic consequences of the rapid growth of Social Networking trend and the needs of today business world to collaborate in unified system by empowering all elements of economic resources (capital sources, men power, business systems, etc.) in smallest forms as possible. The Web 2.0
Web 2.0
The term Web 2.0 is associated with web applications that facilitate participatory information sharing, interoperability, user-centered design, and collaboration on the World Wide Web...
technology has been evolve to points where individuals are connected one with another in a way never existed by completely eliminating the span of distance and culture difference into one, single unified world: the digital world. The question whether a business needs to be existed within this virtual universe is no longer an option, practically as the word 'globalization' is actually realized in this world wide web, a business failed to linked in is ceased to exist.
Harnessing the power of internet collective resources, every business entity -- whether it's a producer, distributor, marketer, even consumer -- are all unified through massive web of interconnected networks. Every network, with their own system, are become more open, capable to link themselves one with another, and finally form an unlimited links with universal language: the language of Web 2.0
Web 2.0
The term Web 2.0 is associated with web applications that facilitate participatory information sharing, interoperability, user-centered design, and collaboration on the World Wide Web...