The EcoBroker designation is an environmental and energy education program for real estate professionals
Real estate broker
A real estate broker, real estate agent or realtor is a party who acts as an intermediary between sellers and buyers of real estate/real property and attempts to find sellers who wish to sell and buyers who wish to buy...

, awarded by the Association of Energy and Environment Real Estate Professionals. Founded by John Beldock in 2002, a former director of environmental analysis for the United States Department of Energy
United States Department of Energy
The United States Department of Energy is a Cabinet-level department of the United States government concerned with the United States' policies regarding energy and safety in handling nuclear material...

's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
The Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy is an office within the United States Department of Energy that invests in high-risk, high-value research and development in the fields of energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies...

, the EcoBroker program now claims over 6000 members.

The company has built a solid foundation of environmental education and outreach helping consumers and communities take advantage of energy efficiency and environmentally sensitive design in real estate properties. Through EcoBroker’s unique energy and environmental curriculum, real estate professionals acquire the knowledge and resources to become Certified EcoBrokers. These real estate professionals assist clients in their pursuit of properties that provide affordability, comfort and a healthier environment, all the while reducing carbon footprints. EcoBroker has thousands of members in all 50 states and internationally.

The truly unique aspect of the EcoBroker program is the "watch the consumers back" approach to real estate that has earned consumer trust over the course of time. The core principals of the EcoBroker curriculum include complete and accurate property disclosure, energy and environmental testing (in lieu of guessing on property performance), substantive network building and providing consumer advocacy value. Among other things, this is what has made the EcoBroker Green Designation Professional so successful.

The EcoBroker portfolio of products and services fulfills the current desire of business professionals to spread knowledge of environmental issues and improvements. By carrying out this mission, the company, real estate professionals, vendors and communities can reduce their impact on our natural resources and environment.

Awards and Recognition EcoBroker International has received are:
  • 2010 Selected to attend White House Council on Environmental Quality Stakeholder Meeting discussing Recovery Through Retrofit
  • 2009 NAHB Green Building Award Winner
  • 2008 Lifestyle of Health and Sustainability Journal "Top Green Building & Business Certifications"
  • 2007 Realtor Magazine "Top 25 Trends Driving Today's Market"
  • 2006 Real Estate Educators Association's "Education Program of the Year"

External links

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