Eastern Sign-bearing Froglet
The Eastern Sign-bearing Froglet (Crinia parinsignifera) is a small, ground dwelling frog native to eastern Australia
Australia , officially the Commonwealth of Australia, is a country in the Southern Hemisphere comprising the mainland of the Australian continent, the island of Tasmania, and numerous smaller islands in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. It is the world's sixth-largest country by total area...


Physical description

As with all species within the Crinia genus, the Eastern Sign-bearing Froglet is a small ground dwelling frog; reaching a length of 2.3 centimetre (0.905511811023622 in). It is highly variable in colour and markings, with some specimens being smooth skinned, and others having skin fold
Skin fold
Skin folds are areas of skin where it folds. Many skin folds are distinct, heritable anatomical features, and may be used for identification of animal species, while others are non-specific and may be produced either by individual development of an organism or by arbitrary application of force to...

s and warts on their dorsal surface. The ventral surface is dark grey, and marbled in white of varying density. Due to the high variability in appearance, the Eastern Sign-bearing Froglet cannot be distinguished from the Common Eastern Froglet
Common Eastern Froglet
The Common Eastern Froglet is a very common, Australian ground-dwelling frog, of the family Myobatrachidae.-Distribution:...

 (Crinia signifera) and Sloane's Froglet
Sloane's Froglet
The Sloane's Froglet is a species of frog in the Myobatrachidae family.It is endemic to Australia.Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical seasonally wet or flooded lowland grassland and intermittent freshwater marshes....

 (Crinia sloaneri) by dorsal appearance, however, advertisement call and belly colouration can be used to separate the species.

Ecology and behaviour

The Eastern Sign-bearing Froglet habits swamps and ponds, and is often found under debris at the edge. The male calls from the edge of the pond; the call is a series of low squelching sounds, repeated every few seconds. Amplexus
Amplexus is a form of pseudocopulation in which a male amphibian grasps a female with his front legs as part of the mating process...

takes place at the edge of the breeding sites; eggs are laid in ponds singularly in shallow water.
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