EQANIE is a non-profit association seeking to enhance evaluation and quality assurance of informatics
Informatics (academic field)
Informatics is the science of information, the practice of information processing, and the engineering of information systems. Informatics studies the structure, algorithms, behavior, and interactions of natural and artificial systems that store, process, access and communicate information...

 study programmes and education in Europe. It was founded on January 9, 2009 in Düsseldorf, Germany.
EQANIE develops criteria and procedures for the evaluation and quality assurance in informatics study programmes and education. EQANIE awards the so-called Euro-Inf Quality Label to degree programmes that comply with the Euro-Inf Framework Standards and Accreditation Criteria.


EQANIE’s founding is to be seen against the background of the Bologna Process
Bologna process
The purpose of the Bologna Process is the creation of the European Higher Education Area by making academic degree standards and quality assurance standards more comparable and compatible throughout Europe, in particular under the Lisbon Recognition Convention...

, aiming at the creation of a European Higher Education Area
European Higher Education Area
The European Higher Education Area was launched along with the Bologna Process' decade anniversary, in March 2010, during the Budapest-Vienna Ministerial Conference....

. The association emanated from the informal network of stakeholders involved in the Euro-Inf Project co-financed by the European Union under the Socrates-Programme from 2006 until 2008.
The Euro-Inf consortium comprised the German Accreditation Agency ASIIN, Hamburg UAS
Hamburg University of Applied Sciences
The Hamburg University of Applied Sciences is an institution of higher education and applied research located in Hamburg, Germany. Formerly known as Fachhochschule Hamburg the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences was founded in 1970...

, the University of Paderborn
University of Paderborn
The University of Paderborn in Paderborn, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany was founded in 1972. 15,228 students were enrolled at the university as of December 2010....

 and the Council of European Professional Informatics Societies (CEPIS
The Council of European Professional Informatics Societies is a non-profit organisation seeking to improve and promote high standards among Informatics Professionals in recognition of the impact that Informatics has on employment, business and society...

). The project consortium established and tested the so-called Euro-Inf Framework Standards and Accreditation Criteria for Informatics Programmes in Europe. The rights of ownership and copyright on the assessment tools developed by the Euro-Inf Project are held by EQANIE.

Main objectives of EQANIE in the area of accreditation
Accreditation is a process in which certification of competency, authority, or credibility is presented.Organizations that issue credentials or certify third parties against official standards are themselves formally accredited by accreditation bodies ; hence they are sometimes known as "accredited...

and quality assessment are:
  • Improving the quality of educational programmes in informatics;
  • providing the Euro-Inf Quality Label for accredited educational programmes in informatics;
  • facilitating mutual transnational recognition by programme validation and certification;
  • facilitating recognition by the competent authorities, in accord with the EU directives and other agreements;
  • increasing mobility of graduates as recommended by the Lisbon Strategy

The General Assembly

The General Assembly is the highest decision-making body of EQANIE. It is composed of one delegate per EQANIE member-organization. The General Assembly meets at least once a year.
Representatives at EQANIE GeneraL Assembly (Voting Members as of March 15th, 2010)

  • Prof. Dr. Hans-Ulrich Bühler (FBTI/GAFIUS)
  • Prof. Christine Choppy (SPECIF)
  • BuProf. Dr. Juris Dzelme (HEQEC/AIKNC)
  • Hans A. Frederik (CEPIS)
  • Prof. Oliver Günther Ph.D. (GI)
  • Prof. Dr. Hans Ulrich Heiß (Informatics Europe)
  • Prof. Dr. Michael Hoffmann (EAEEIE)
  • Prof. Andrew McGettrick (BCS)
  • Prof. Enrico Nardelli (GRIN)
  • Dr. Iring Wasser (ASIIN e.V.)
  • Dr. Eduardo Vendrelli Vidal (CODDI)

The Executive Board

The Executive Board is appointed by the General Assembly for a period of three years. Members of the Executive Board may be re-elected once. Currently, Prof. Dr. Hans-Ulrich Heiß is the President of EQANIE. The main tasks of the Board are to:

  • Prepare the work programme and manage the activities of EQANIE e.V.
  • Discuss and submit the budget of EQANIE e.V. to the General Assembly
  • Propose the Membership Fees
  • Consider applications for Membership and make recommendations on them to the General Assembly.
  • Discuss proposals for expulsion of members and make recommendations on them to the General Assembly.

External links

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