EOI Business School
EOI Business School, created in 1955, claims to be the first school offering business administration training in Spain. On its webpage, it also claims to be one of the oldest in Europe although there are many older business school in many European countries. For more than five decades, EOI has taught over 50.000 students.
EOI offers Graduate Programs for young professionals and Executive Masters for professionals with over five years of experience, as well as a number of other programs and specialized courses within the areas of Business Management, Technology, Innovation, Environment, Sustainability and Communications.
, which results in a joint edition of the publication “Innovación” (MIT's Innovation Journal: Technology Review). In 2008 EOI organized with the MIT the Global Startup Workshop, a business creation forum. Madrid, March 26–28.
Global MBA (Madrid)- in English
International Master In Sustainable Development and Corporate Responsibility (Madrid) - in English
Master en Energías Renovables y Mercado Energético (Madrid and Seville)
Master en Gestión de Calidad y Excelencia Empresarial (Madrid)
Master en Ingeniería Medioambiental y Gestión del Agua (Madrid)
Master en Ingeniería y Gestión Medioambiental (MIGMA) (Madrid)
Master en Ingeniería y Gestión Medioambiental (MIGMA) (Seville)
Master en Medio Ambiente y Cooperación Internacional (Madrid)
Master en Propiedad Industrial, Intelectual y Nuevas Tecnologías (Madrid)
Master Joly en Periodismo (Seville)
MBA on Social Entrepreneurship (Madrid)- in English
Advance Course on Social Entrepreneurship (Madrid)
Curso Superior en Marketing y Entornos Digitales (Madrid)
Wine Internationalization MBA (Toledo)
Curso Superior en Dirección de Empresas Agroalimentarias (On Line)
MBA Dirección de la Mediana Empresa (Madrid)
MBA en Marketing y Entornos Digitales (Madrid)
MBA Full Time con Especialidades (Seville)
MBA Part Time con Especialidades (Madrid)
MBA Part Time con Especialidades (Seville)
Part Time Aerospace MBA (Seville) - in English
MBA Agroalimentario (Seville)
Executive MBA (on line)
Executive MBA (Seville)
Executive MBA Internacional en Construcción e Infraestructuras. Hacia una Construcción Sostenible (Madrid)
Programa Alta Dirección de Empresas - PADE (Madrid)
Master Executive en Dirección y Gestión de Marketing Estratégico (On Line)
Programa Ejecutivo en Dirección de Proyectos - Project Management (Madrid)
Programa Ejecutivo de Inteligencia de Negocio (Madrid)
Management Development Programme for International Centres of Excellence (Madrid)
Programa Ejecutivo en Dirección de Proyectos (Sevilla)
Master Executive en Dirección de Empresas Familiares (On Line)
Master Executive en Dirección Estratégica de Recursos Humanos e Intangibles (On Line)
Master Executive en Gestión de la Cadena de Suministro (On Line)
Master Executive en Administración y Dirección de Empresas (On Line)
Master Executive en Dirección de Empresas Agroalimentarias (On Line)
Master Executive en Gestión de Empresas y Tecnologías TIC (Madrid)
Curso Superior de Ahorro y Eficiencia Energética (Seville)
Curso Superior de Inteligencia de Negocio (Madrid)
Curso Superior en Energías Renovables y Mercado Energético (Seville)
Executive MBA para Profesionales del Sector de la Construcción (Madrid)
Executive MBA para Profesionales del Sector Inmobiliario (Madrid)
Master Executive en Dirección de Empresas Industriales (Madrid)
Master Executive en Dirección de Empresas Familiares (On Line)
Master Profesional en Ingeniería y Gestión Medioambiental (Madrid)
Master Profesional en Ingeniería y Gestión Medioambiental (Seville)
Programa Ejecutivo en Marketing y Ventas (Madrid)
Master Executive en Gestión Integral: Medio Ambiente, Calidad y Riesgos Laborales (On Line)
Master Executive en Desarrollo Sostenible y Responsabilidad Corporativa (On Line)
Master Executive en Energías Renovables (On Line)
Programa Ejecutivo en Vehículo Eléctrico: Retos y Nuevos Modelos de Negocio (Madrid)
Programa Ejecutivo en Energías Renovables (Sevilla)
Programa Ejecutivo en Gestión de Proyectos de Energías Renovables - Asociación de Ingenieros Industriales de Madrid
Curso de Especialización en Servicios Energéticos (Sevilla)
Curso Carbon Training - en colaboración con Zero Emissions (Abengoa)
Master Executive TICAL en Consultoría y Asesoramiento a Empresas
Master Executive TICAL en Desarrollo Sostenible y Responsabilidad Social Corporativa
Master Executive TICAL en Dirección de Empresas Tecnológicas e Industriales
Master Executive TICAL en Dirección Estratégica de Recursos Humanos
Master Executive TICAL en Dirección y Gestión de Marketing Estratégico
Master Executive TICAL en Dirección y Gestión Financiera
Master Executive TICAL en Gestión de las Telecomunicaciones y Tecnologías de la Información
Master Executive TICAL en Gestión del Conocimiento
Master Executive TICAL en Gestión Integral: Medio Ambiente, Calidad y Riesgos Laborales
Master Executive TICAL en Gestión Logística Integral
Master Executive TICAL en Negocios Internacionales
Master en Dirección de Empresas Industriales y Tecnológicas (Zaragoza)
Master en Dirección de Empresas Industriales y Tecnológicas (Madrid)
Master Executive en Dirección de Empresas Tecnológicas e Industriales (On Line)
Master Executive en Gestión de las Telecomunicaciones y Tecnologías de la Información (On Line)
Master Executive en Economía Digital e Industrias Creativas (On Line)
Programa Ejecutivo en Análisis y Gestión de Intangibles
Curso en Derecho Europeo de Patentes (Madrid)
Madrid benefits from the underground, a method of transportation. Madrid and Seville are also connected by the AVE (High Speed Train), which covers the distance between both cities in two hours.
Its mission is to satisfy the expectations of our former students in terms of information requests, continued training, knowledge and professional development. Moreover, it offers fellow former classmates to gather together again at least once a year.
Club EOI has created a net of services and communication channels in order to keep in touch EOI students, former students, teachers, companies and of course the School.
The Association of Former Students-Club EOI is a member of the Association of Friends & Former Students of the Spanish Universities and of CEDE (Spanish Confederation of Executive and Managers) which is made up of more than 60.000 top managers and aims to contribute to the projection of the Spanish executive and managers social image.
The main Club EOI ´s working areas are:
Employability: Club EOI manages more than 1.000 job offers a year. This recruitment channel is used by more than 850 companies.
Continual training: every year, more than 40 open forums and work-groups are announced, as well as a complete schedule containing the most important events coming up in our country.
Contact Network: Club EOI makes possible for our Association´ s members to get in touch and not to loose contact with the labour market.
Additional Services: there is a great offer of services including leisure and tourism activities, books, funding and sanitary services, among others.
Club EOI lives on its membership´ s participation, based on a common motivation for progress and professional development.
- Elena Salgado. Actual Vicepresident and Economy Minister, Government of Spain.Former Public Administration Minister
- Jerónimo Saavedra. Mayor of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
- Jacinto Cañete Rolloso. General Manager at Research, Technology and Business Bureau, Regeional Government of Andalusia.
- Jose Ignacio Sánchez Galán. President of IBERDROLA
- Manuel Pimentel Siles. President of Grupo Almuzara
- Miguel Ángel Feito Hernández. CEO of CEDDET, Spain
- Rafael Miranda Robredo. CEO of ENDESA
- Luis Alberto Petit Herrera. Royal Academy of Engineering, Spain
- Antonio Colino Martínez. Nuclear Safety Supreme Council, Spain.
- José Ignacio Rivero Pradera. President of TATUM
- José María Hernández de Andrés. CEO of MUNDIPRENSA Books
- Gabriel Cerrada. CEO of DELL Computers S. A.
- Daniel Peña Sánchez de la Rivera. Dean of Universidad Carlos III
- Amadeo Petitbó. General Manager of Rafael Del Pino Foundation
- Francisco Cal Pardo. President of TECNIBERIA, Spain
- Enrique Díaz-Rato Revuelta. CEO of CINTRA
- Juan Miguel Villar Mir. President of GRUPO VILLAR MIR
- Jesús Rodríguez Cortezo. General Manager of OPTI
- Esther Rituerto Martínez. General Manager of Red Eléctrica Española
- Francisco Cal Pardo. President of TECNIBERIA and Chair of CEOE
- Teófilo-Julián del Pozo Rodríguez. Secretary General of SECOT
- Fernando Panizo. COO of TELEFÓNICA
- Jesús Rodríguez Cortezo. Vicedean of the Industrisl Engineer Association of Madrid
EOI offers Graduate Programs for young professionals and Executive Masters for professionals with over five years of experience, as well as a number of other programs and specialized courses within the areas of Business Management, Technology, Innovation, Environment, Sustainability and Communications.
Academic Associations
EOI stands for Escuela de Organización Industrial. It was founded by the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Education in 1955 in order to provide engineers with management and organization skills. It is a member of AEEDE (Spanish Association of Business Management Schools); EFMD (European Foundation for Management Development), RMEM (Mediterranean Business Schools Network), CLADEA (Latin American Council of MBA Schools) and AACSB (The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business).EOI International
EOI has close collaboration with the Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyMassachusetts Institute of Technology
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology is a private research university located in Cambridge, Massachusetts. MIT has five schools and one college, containing a total of 32 academic departments, with a strong emphasis on scientific and technological education and research.Founded in 1861 in...
, which results in a joint edition of the publication “Innovación” (MIT's Innovation Journal: Technology Review). In 2008 EOI organized with the MIT the Global Startup Workshop, a business creation forum. Madrid, March 26–28.
Graduate programs
MBA Full Time con Especialidades (Madrid)Global MBA (Madrid)- in English
International Master In Sustainable Development and Corporate Responsibility (Madrid) - in English
Master en Energías Renovables y Mercado Energético (Madrid and Seville)
Master en Gestión de Calidad y Excelencia Empresarial (Madrid)
Master en Ingeniería Medioambiental y Gestión del Agua (Madrid)
Master en Ingeniería y Gestión Medioambiental (MIGMA) (Madrid)
Master en Ingeniería y Gestión Medioambiental (MIGMA) (Seville)
Master en Medio Ambiente y Cooperación Internacional (Madrid)
Master en Propiedad Industrial, Intelectual y Nuevas Tecnologías (Madrid)
Master Joly en Periodismo (Seville)
MBA on Social Entrepreneurship (Madrid)- in English
Advance Course on Social Entrepreneurship (Madrid)
Curso Superior en Marketing y Entornos Digitales (Madrid)
Wine Internationalization MBA (Toledo)
Curso Superior en Dirección de Empresas Agroalimentarias (On Line)
MBA Dirección de la Mediana Empresa (Madrid)
MBA en Marketing y Entornos Digitales (Madrid)
MBA Full Time con Especialidades (Seville)
MBA Part Time con Especialidades (Madrid)
MBA Part Time con Especialidades (Seville)
Part Time Aerospace MBA (Seville) - in English
MBA Agroalimentario (Seville)
Executive Programs
Executive MBA (Madrid)Executive MBA (on line)
Executive MBA (Seville)
Executive MBA Internacional en Construcción e Infraestructuras. Hacia una Construcción Sostenible (Madrid)
Programa Alta Dirección de Empresas - PADE (Madrid)
Master Executive en Dirección y Gestión de Marketing Estratégico (On Line)
Programa Ejecutivo en Dirección de Proyectos - Project Management (Madrid)
Programa Ejecutivo de Inteligencia de Negocio (Madrid)
Management Development Programme for International Centres of Excellence (Madrid)
Programa Ejecutivo en Dirección de Proyectos (Sevilla)
Master Executive en Dirección de Empresas Familiares (On Line)
Master Executive en Dirección Estratégica de Recursos Humanos e Intangibles (On Line)
Master Executive en Gestión de la Cadena de Suministro (On Line)
Master Executive en Administración y Dirección de Empresas (On Line)
Master Executive en Dirección de Empresas Agroalimentarias (On Line)
Master Executive en Gestión de Empresas y Tecnologías TIC (Madrid)
Curso Superior de Ahorro y Eficiencia Energética (Seville)
Curso Superior de Inteligencia de Negocio (Madrid)
Curso Superior en Energías Renovables y Mercado Energético (Seville)
Executive MBA para Profesionales del Sector de la Construcción (Madrid)
Executive MBA para Profesionales del Sector Inmobiliario (Madrid)
Master Executive en Dirección de Empresas Industriales (Madrid)
Master Executive en Dirección de Empresas Familiares (On Line)
Master Profesional en Ingeniería y Gestión Medioambiental (Madrid)
Master Profesional en Ingeniería y Gestión Medioambiental (Seville)
Programa Ejecutivo en Marketing y Ventas (Madrid)
Master Executive en Gestión Integral: Medio Ambiente, Calidad y Riesgos Laborales (On Line)
Master Executive en Desarrollo Sostenible y Responsabilidad Corporativa (On Line)
Master Executive en Energías Renovables (On Line)
Programa Ejecutivo en Vehículo Eléctrico: Retos y Nuevos Modelos de Negocio (Madrid)
Programa Ejecutivo en Energías Renovables (Sevilla)
Programa Ejecutivo en Gestión de Proyectos de Energías Renovables - Asociación de Ingenieros Industriales de Madrid
Curso de Especialización en Servicios Energéticos (Sevilla)
Curso Carbon Training - en colaboración con Zero Emissions (Abengoa)
International Executive Education
Master Executive TICAL en Administración de EmpresasMaster Executive TICAL en Consultoría y Asesoramiento a Empresas
Master Executive TICAL en Desarrollo Sostenible y Responsabilidad Social Corporativa
Master Executive TICAL en Dirección de Empresas Tecnológicas e Industriales
Master Executive TICAL en Dirección Estratégica de Recursos Humanos
Master Executive TICAL en Dirección y Gestión de Marketing Estratégico
Master Executive TICAL en Dirección y Gestión Financiera
Master Executive TICAL en Gestión de las Telecomunicaciones y Tecnologías de la Información
Master Executive TICAL en Gestión del Conocimiento
Master Executive TICAL en Gestión Integral: Medio Ambiente, Calidad y Riesgos Laborales
Master Executive TICAL en Gestión Logística Integral
Master Executive TICAL en Negocios Internacionales
New Business
Master en Economía Digital e Industrias Creativas (Madrid)Master en Dirección de Empresas Industriales y Tecnológicas (Zaragoza)
Master en Dirección de Empresas Industriales y Tecnológicas (Madrid)
Master Executive en Dirección de Empresas Tecnológicas e Industriales (On Line)
Master Executive en Gestión de las Telecomunicaciones y Tecnologías de la Información (On Line)
Master Executive en Economía Digital e Industrias Creativas (On Line)
Programa Ejecutivo en Análisis y Gestión de Intangibles
Curso en Derecho Europeo de Patentes (Madrid)
The School's main site is located right in the core of Madrid University Campus. There is a second site in Seville, Andalusia.Madrid benefits from the underground, a method of transportation. Madrid and Seville are also connected by the AVE (High Speed Train), which covers the distance between both cities in two hours.
The Association of Former Students-Club EOI is made up of more than 3.500 professionals and it represents the first Former Students Association born from a Business School in Spain.Its mission is to satisfy the expectations of our former students in terms of information requests, continued training, knowledge and professional development. Moreover, it offers fellow former classmates to gather together again at least once a year.
Club EOI has created a net of services and communication channels in order to keep in touch EOI students, former students, teachers, companies and of course the School.
The Association of Former Students-Club EOI is a member of the Association of Friends & Former Students of the Spanish Universities and of CEDE (Spanish Confederation of Executive and Managers) which is made up of more than 60.000 top managers and aims to contribute to the projection of the Spanish executive and managers social image.
The main Club EOI ´s working areas are:
Employability: Club EOI manages more than 1.000 job offers a year. This recruitment channel is used by more than 850 companies.
Continual training: every year, more than 40 open forums and work-groups are announced, as well as a complete schedule containing the most important events coming up in our country.
Contact Network: Club EOI makes possible for our Association´ s members to get in touch and not to loose contact with the labour market.
Additional Services: there is a great offer of services including leisure and tourism activities, books, funding and sanitary services, among others.
Club EOI lives on its membership´ s participation, based on a common motivation for progress and professional development.
- Elena Salgado. Actual Vicepresident and Economy Minister, Government of Spain.Former Public Administration Minister
- Jerónimo Saavedra. Mayor of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
- Jacinto Cañete Rolloso. General Manager at Research, Technology and Business Bureau, Regeional Government of Andalusia.
- Jose Ignacio Sánchez Galán. President of IBERDROLA
- Manuel Pimentel Siles. President of Grupo Almuzara
- Miguel Ángel Feito Hernández. CEO of CEDDET, Spain
- Rafael Miranda Robredo. CEO of ENDESA
- Luis Alberto Petit Herrera. Royal Academy of Engineering, Spain
- Antonio Colino Martínez. Nuclear Safety Supreme Council, Spain.
- José Ignacio Rivero Pradera. President of TATUM
- José María Hernández de Andrés. CEO of MUNDIPRENSA Books
- Gabriel Cerrada. CEO of DELL Computers S. A.
- Daniel Peña Sánchez de la Rivera. Dean of Universidad Carlos III
- Amadeo Petitbó. General Manager of Rafael Del Pino Foundation
- Francisco Cal Pardo. President of TECNIBERIA, Spain
- Enrique Díaz-Rato Revuelta. CEO of CINTRA
- Juan Miguel Villar Mir. President of GRUPO VILLAR MIR
- Jesús Rodríguez Cortezo. General Manager of OPTI
- Esther Rituerto Martínez. General Manager of Red Eléctrica Española
- Francisco Cal Pardo. President of TECNIBERIA and Chair of CEOE
- Teófilo-Julián del Pozo Rodríguez. Secretary General of SECOT
- Fernando Panizo. COO of TELEFÓNICA
- Jesús Rodríguez Cortezo. Vicedean of the Industrisl Engineer Association of Madrid