Several dimension and related factors influence the definition of eGovernance. The word “electronic” in the term e-Governance implies technology driven governance. E-Governance is the application of Information and communication Technology (ICT) for delivering government Services, exchange of information communication transactions, integration various stand-one systems and services between Government-to-citizens (G2C), Government-to-Business(G2B),Government-to-Government( G2G) as well as back office processes and interactions within the entire government frame work.. Through the e-Governance, the government services will be made available to the citizens in a convenient, efficient and transparent manner. The three main target groups that can be distinguished in governance concepts are Government, citizens and
businesses/interest groups. In eGovernance there are no distinct boundaries.
Generally four basic models are available-Government to Customer (Citizen), Government to Employees, Government to Government and Government to Business;
But this seems to be the narrow definition of E-Governance. Viewing it into a broader perspective, E-Governance can be understood as "performance of the governance via electronic medium in order to facilitate an efficient, speedy and transparent process of disseminating information to the citizens and also facilitating the electronic channel of communication from citizens to government which would led to efficient and effective service delivery and proper grievance redressal". It also includes the use of ICTs for performing the various activities within the administration.(ARC_11thReport_Ch2.pdf).
So, it is quite clear from the above definition that e-governance as a broad concept covers "E-administration: improving the government processes, E-citizens and E-services: two way interaction between government and the citizens for the improvement of services and
E-society: relationship between public agencies and other institutions for bringing effectiveness in the service delievery".(i-Government
Working Paper Series).
Thus, e-governance, or e-government, or digital government, essentially refers to ‘The utilization of IT, ICTs, and other web-based telecommunication technologies to improve and/or enhance on the efficiency and effectiveness of service delivery in the public sector.’ (Jeong, 2007).
E-governance is the ICT-enabled route to achieving good governance. With power of ICTs at its roots, it provides three basic change potentials for good governance for development: Automation, Informatisation and Transformation.
So, the perspective of the e-governance is "the use of the technologies that both help governing and have to be governed".(Rosselconceptualizing egov).
businesses/interest groups. In eGovernance there are no distinct boundaries.
Generally four basic models are available-Government to Customer (Citizen), Government to Employees, Government to Government and Government to Business;
Defining e-Governance
E-Governance, like e-Government, as per the United Nations definition of the concept e-governance, or 'digital government', can be understood as 'The employment of the Internet and the world-wide-web for delivering government information and services to the citizens.’ (United Nations, 2006; AOEMA, 2005).But this seems to be the narrow definition of E-Governance. Viewing it into a broader perspective, E-Governance can be understood as "performance of the governance via electronic medium in order to facilitate an efficient, speedy and transparent process of disseminating information to the citizens and also facilitating the electronic channel of communication from citizens to government which would led to efficient and effective service delivery and proper grievance redressal". It also includes the use of ICTs for performing the various activities within the administration.(ARC_11thReport_Ch2.pdf).
So, it is quite clear from the above definition that e-governance as a broad concept covers "E-administration: improving the government processes, E-citizens and E-services: two way interaction between government and the citizens for the improvement of services and
E-society: relationship between public agencies and other institutions for bringing effectiveness in the service delievery".(i-Government
Working Paper Series).
Thus, e-governance, or e-government, or digital government, essentially refers to ‘The utilization of IT, ICTs, and other web-based telecommunication technologies to improve and/or enhance on the efficiency and effectiveness of service delivery in the public sector.’ (Jeong, 2007).
E-governance is the ICT-enabled route to achieving good governance. With power of ICTs at its roots, it provides three basic change potentials for good governance for development: Automation, Informatisation and Transformation.
Difference between e-governance and e-government
Both the terms are treated to be the same, however, there is some difference between the two. "E-government" is the use of the ICTs in public administrations- combined with organisational change and new skills- to improve public services and democratic processes and to strengthen support to public policies". The problem in this definition to be congruent with the definition of e-governance is that there is no provision for governance of ICTs. As a matter of fact, the governance of ICTs requires most probably a substantial increase in regulation and policy- making capabilities,with all the expertise and opinion-shaping processes among the various social stakeholders of these concerns.So, the perspective of the e-governance is "the use of the technologies that both help governing and have to be governed".(Rosselconceptualizing egov).