Dynamic electrophoretic mobility
Dynamic electrophoretic mobility is a parameter that determines intensity of electroacoustic phenomena
Electroacoustic phenomena
Electroacoustic phenomena arise when ultrasound propagates through a fluid containing ions. The associated particle motion generates electric signals because ions have electric charge. This coupling between ultrasound and electric field is called electroacoustic phenomena. Fluid might be a simple...

, such as Colloid Vibration Current
Colloid vibration current
Colloid vibration current is an electroacoustic phenomenon that arises when ultrasound propagates through a fluid that contains ions and either solid particles or emulsion droplets ....

 and Electric Sonic Amplitude
Electric sonic amplitude
Electric sonic amplitude is an electroacoustic phenomenon that is the reverse to colloid vibration current. It occurs in colloids, emulsions and other heterogeneous fluids under the influence of an oscillating electric field...

 in colloids. It is similar to electrophoretic mobility, but at high frequency
Frequency is the number of occurrences of a repeating event per unit time. It is also referred to as temporal frequency.The period is the duration of one cycle in a repeating event, so the period is the reciprocal of the frequency...

, on a scale of megahertz. Usual electrophoretic mobility is the low frequency limit of the dynamic electrophoretic mobility.
Category:Colloidal chemistry
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